Spannabis 2024: A Whirlwind of Experiences and Reflections

Spannabis 2024: A Whirlwind of Experiences and Reflections

Written By Dr. Grant Mitchell

It was a journey that began with a 5-hour flight from Jalisco, Mexico connecting one day later on a 7-hour red-eye out of New York City. After landing at 8:30 am, and getting through customs and immigration, I Ubered directly to my digs in the Gothic Quarter arriving around 11:00 am. Once quickly showered, I had a rendezvous lunch and intelligence meeting with the legendary Captain Hooter. He promptly updated me with more than one dozen Reports Of Multiple Raids At Cannabis Social Clubs Ahead Of the Annual Spannabis Show In Barcelona, including a few I visited last year like HQ, Choko, and Wizards. Needless to say, a murky cautionary vibe permeated the sunny Barcelona air. 

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