Authentic Stoners in Love Talk How Cannabis Impacts Their Romance

Cannabis brings on euphoria. This is a pretty well-known fact amongst cannabis lovers. Being an adult cannabis consumer can add a hint of flare when you enter the world of dating and coming together as partners in a relationship. On the other hand, sometimes dating as a cannabis consumer can be a bummer. Sometimes non-consumers might not understand the plant. Maybe they don’t enjoy smoking at all. Others may worry about judgment from others when playing the dating field as a stoner.

Maria Testa, a social psychologist at the University of Buffalo, studied cannabis use between couples. “We found robust support for these positive effects within two hours of when couples use marijuana together or in the presence of their partner,” says Testa. “The findings were the same for male and female partners.”

We wanted to talk to authentic stoners in genuine loving relationships or those in the throes of the dating world themselves, so we spoke to some fantastic content creators on social media and other outstanding personalities working in the cannabis industry to shine light on real-world perspectives.

Let’s take a look at some certified pot smokers who can share how cannabis impacts romance in their relationships.


Stoned Lovers

Renee & Troy

Careers: Renee is a cannabis publicist, and Troy is a comedian.

How Did You Meet? : Matched on Hinge – went for a coffee date that turned into drinks and the rest is history!!

Favorite High Date Idea? : Movie date! We smoke a joint in the car before we go in and then get our favorite snacks. We also go to comedy shows a bunch! But in terms of a unique idea, my dream stoner date would be to get high and go to the botanical gardens! I love plants and nature and always feel more connected to the Earth when I’m stoned.

Does cannabis have an impact on romance? : Somewhat. We’re both stoners, so enjoying smoking together is a plus in our relationship. I’ve dated people that didn’t smoke, and since it’s such a big part of my life, I didn’t feel as close to them as I do with Troy. But the romance needs to be there without the weed. If you’re relying on cannabis to improve your relationship, you should probably look inward and deal with the true issues in your relationship. But if you have a solid foundation, then cannabis can add some spice! It’s fun to add cannabis as an element in our dates – it’s like combining my two favorite things – my man and weed 🙂 Dreamy.

Follow Renee’s cannabis content on Instagram @_____rarii (five underscores) and watch Troy Bond be funny @troybond69.


Samantha & Brayant

Careers: Samantha is a content creator, and Brayant works in law enforcement.

How Did You Meet? : Brayant had just moved down from Washington State, and I saw him on Tinder; I swiped right & avoided him at first because I wasn’t looking to start anything serious. We were texting until I gave in, and we finally met up. He came to my place to smoke, and we just hung out the whole night and got to know each other.

Favorite High Date Idea? : Going hiking with a beautiful view and just being in nature with not a single person around us. Finding a nice fishing spot, and just hanging out with our dog.

Does cannabis have an impact on romance? : Definitely!! Since the beginning of our relationship, Cannabis was something we consumed together daily. The common interest we have is what brought us closer together. There have been many amazing conversations and memories we have created together that have been based around cannabis. We love coming together, connecting over it, and letting our creative ideas flow.

You can follow Samantha’s cannabis content on Instagram at @irieherbstx.


Jessica & Micheal

Careers: Jessica is a cannabis writer, and Micheal is a day trader.

How Did You Meet? : We met in college through a mutual friend. He already loved cannabis, while I was less familiar. His love for the plant made me curious and sparked an interest of my own.

Favorite High Date Idea? : Order delivery and roll a joint (bonus points if it has herbs). Smoke it before the food arrives and find a movie to watch.  Once the food comes, start the movie and enjoy dinner. When you’re done, grab a blanket and cuddle up on the couch. Sweatpants (or no pants) encouraged.

Does cannabis have an impact on romance? : It can! Intention is important in cannabis; using it mindfully can help you feel closer to your partner. Not using it mindfully can have the opposite effect. We love to smoke together as a way to wind down and spend time together in the evenings.

You can keep up with Jessica’s cannabis articles through her Instagram @cannabis_writer and follow along with her professional works on LinkedIn.


Maha & Ben

Careers: Maha is a cannabis retail & consumption lounge consultant, and Ben is a cannabis compliance consultant.

How Did You Meet? : Maha and Ben met at a small dispensary where they worked together in Los Angeles in 2017. At the time, Ben was a grower, and Maha was a budtender. From the first time they saw each other, Maha and Ben felt a spark. But, maintaining their professionalism, the two never thought of each other as anything beyond coworkers. One night after work and after smoking some of Ben’s new Alchemist OG, Maha and Ben decided to go out together for dinner in Santa Monica. Little did they know this night would change their lives forever.

Favorite High Date Idea? : Dabs & dinner, then some joints at a concert. We love live music and cannabis!

Does cannabis have an impact on romance? : Cannabis has a positive impact on our romance! It allows us to get on the same wavelength, enhances sensory perception physically and mentally, and facilitates deeper conversations. All of those are tools that can help romance.

You can follow Maha and her Dabby Hour content on Instagram @highmaha or Twitch at @highmaha.


Sophia & Jonathan

Careers: Sophia is a budtender and trimmer working in the cannabis industry, and Jonathan owns a business called Automatic Fenders.

How Did You Meet? : Jonathan and I met when we were kids at YMCA summer camp. We saw each other every year, but he moved and we disconnected. When we were juniors in high school, I hit him up as a friend, but we ended up really hitting it off, and we have been dating ever since. We’ve been living together for almost four years now!

Favorite High Date Idea? : Our favorite high date is having a fat dab/joint sesh, cooking dinner together, and watching a movie. We also love going to the city with our PuffCos and smoking before whatever we do.

Does cannabis have an impact on romance? : Cannabis definitely impacts our relationship; it caters to our connection and makes us feel lovey with each other; it is also great for our intimate relationship, if you know what I mean. We smoke together daily, and it is honestly just a hobby we share where we can spend time and vibe together.

You can follow Sophia’s cannabis content on Instagram @sophiaterpz and check out Jonathan’s glass content @925terpz.


Cheers to Baked Romeos & Juliets

We thank everyone who wanted to share their romance stories with us here at Fat Nugs Magazine!

What better way to see how love and cannabis belong together than from real-life experts living the blazed way in their happy romances?

Please check out these amazing content creators and industry professionals through their linked handles! They create excellent cannabis content that we love to see on social media. Cannabis plays a massive part in many relationships: new, established, and those looking to learn more about the plant as a couple!

“When you smoke marijuana, you are in the moment and happy. You forget about any worries of the past or the future.”

— Tommy Chong

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