I Reached a New Level With Wyatt Purp


When I saw the little square box from Wyatt Purp on my table, I may or may not have turned into a hyped-up toddler. I’m sure I was the most annoying person in the room, but hey, cannabis gets me excited. It might as well have been Christmas for me because the anticipation I had was unbearable. Alas, I am a grown adult, not a toddler, and I was ready for the sweet embrace of my old, familiar love. After my recent tolerance break, this package was much needed.



I’ll admit, at first sight I was extremely skeptical about how well any of these products would work. Coming from Alaska where cannabis is a way of life, I had never encountered hemp-derived D9. I know at times hemp gets a bad rap, but I was intrigued to say the least. Would this experience be the same as what I was used to? I am grateful to say that  Wyatt Purp has left a great impression on me.



Wyatt Purp is a brand that is serious about what’s in their products. When I reached out to the owner, he was so excited to share all of the information on the product with me that he could. As a consumer, that level of transparency makes me feel good. Their website has COAs for all their products, which consumers appreciate, as well as nutrition info for their products. Having access to all of this detailed information makes me feel confident about what I’m taking.



I can truly say that I love the packaging of Wyatt Purp’s products. The childproof gummy bags aren’t adult-proof, thank the heavens. Sometimes packaging can be an absolute train wreck, but it seems Wyatt Purp understood the assignment – keeping kids out without making it complicated. The syrup comes in a small twist-top bottle that’s easy to store in your fridge up and out of reach of little ones. The function is great and makes the whole experience that much more enjoyable.

I want to give huge props for how vibrant the colors are. They recently updated their packaging, making those beautiful shades front and center. Something about that deep moody purple really makes the product feel sexy. The ombre of colors just pulls out my inner hippie. They also give you as much info as they can on the package itself. You can pull up their COAs, but most everything you could want to know is right there in front of you.



I was lucky enough to receive both the nano shots as well as the gummy squares. I am familiar with the gummies; if you read my blog Tolerance Breaks Crack Me Open you will get the idea. The nano shots were new to me, though. I have to admit I had reservations about nano. I’ll dig more into the experience further down, but these two products have now become part of my daily routine.

The big thing that always gets me with edibles is the taste. Anyone who says there is no cannabis taste is lying to you, but there is a spectrum. I’ve had edibles with a strong cannabis taste and some that could fool you. While there are definitely notes of nug in Wyatt Purp’s edibles, it fades fast. A sip of water and life is good. The nano shots are reminiscent of a melted popsicle. Flavor-wise they are great, but I’m not a fan of the thick consistency.



If I had to pick my favorite edible offering it would have to be gummies. The dosing is so simple, you really can’t go wrong…unless you eat too many. My gummy experience was in a whole different ballpark from the nano shot. I started with a half of a gummy and very quickly realized how different the two products are. The flavor is wonderful, and they did a great job, in my humble opinion. The balance of THC to CBD is perfect for me. I love a good 1:1 and this gives me everything I want. While they do take time to kick in, I find that the high I get is “manageable.”

What that means is I can still care for my kids and myself. If I were to encounter a stranger I don’t think the first thought would be, “Oh yeah, she’s high.” After consuming a 1:1, my emotions feel much more level and I’m generally more positive. My anxiety is much quieter. I liked it specifically for easing the moodiness that comes along with my cycle. When I do decide to take a full gummy, it’s a very calming effect. I feel very zen and much more in touch with myself and the energies around me.

I really tap into the hippie vibes with these gummies. I don’t so much prefer them before working out, however they are a great aid in my yoga practice. I find that I’m able to relax more deeply and really tune into myself. My partner has mentioned that he notices a difference in me as well.



The syrup has been my “motivator.” I have been taking it first thing in the morning, usually alongside my water and coffee. I found a half dose (3 ml) is a good start for getting myself in the right headspace to start the day.

My period came not too long after receiving these products, so I got to put this to the ultimate test. A full dose of the nano shot really made my pain manageable while I waited for the gummy to take full effect. I treat the syrup more like an anxiety medication. It is so fast-acting and is perfect for when you need something to help right away.

Another reason I call it my motivator is because I also use it as a pre-workout supplement to get myself focused. This is one of the best uses! I feel as though my focus increases, which I will never complain about. The high I experience feels a little something like being wrapped up in a warm blanket. My stiffness and aches melt away into nothing; I can feel the burn in my muscles, but not the ache. It really is a very interesting feeling.

I feel it’s important to note that the syrup is rather intense when I use it day to day. I noticed I get a headache and a general nauseous feeling. This could simply be because nano is a more intense experience, or it could be that I am extremely susceptible to motion sickness (it felt very similar to motion sickness to me). I would not give it to someone who doesn’t use THC regularly. For those who are familiar with cannabis, this could be a great product for an extra relaxing night.



I fully intend on keeping these products in my stash. They have found a special place in my heart. I had the luck of getting to use them throughout my period, and I can say it truly saved me. From relaxing to post-workout recovery to PMS and insomnia, Wyatt Purp covers all the bases. It has also helped me reach new levels in meditation that I had never seen before. I would highly recommend Wyatt Purp to anyone, whether they are a newbie or a cannabis connoisseur.


Stay Happy, Healthy, & High!

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