Kids In Cannabis: Raising the Next Generation Of Advocates

Casey (Mom) says

My whole adult life Cannabis has been in the picture. There isn’t a time in the last six or so years that cannabis hasn’t been a key factor in keeping me going, both physically and mentally. I was always very out and proud about it at home and with my kids. I was adamant they would grow up not only knowing cannabis as normal but also understanding the history and societal view of it.

Present day, my oldest turned eight this year. I’ve gotten the pleasure of watching her grow and evolve into this incredibly smart young (dare I say) activist. Over the years she has been by my side watching the work and long hours that I’ve put into it. She’s seen the stunning art and talented incredibly intelligent people I’ve gotten to meet and talk with.

Needless to say, she’s fallen in love with both cannabis and writing. I’ve waited years to find out who she would be and now that she wants to follow in my footsteps it seems like the right time to co-author something and give her a proper introduction to the cannabis community and all the amazing possibilities that exist here. But don’t just take it from me–I’ll let her tell you.

The Next Generation

Shilo says

Some people think it’s dangerous and that’s why kids aren’t allowed in dispensaries, but it’s not. There are companies like Element Apothec that make CBD tinctures that are safe and help manage things like ADHD. I struggle with ADHD and it helps me stay calm and it even helps me sleep better.

I think it’s an amazing plant because cannabis helps you heal. If you have pain like my mom it can help you with that too! There are so many different ways to consume it, so it can help a lot of different people.

I love that you can get in at the bottom and work your way up. I enjoy going to events to see all the brands and meet the people there! There are so many opportunities to learn something new. My favorite part is handing out copies of FNM, and talking to people who want to get into the cannabis industry.

Coming Up Cannabis

Casey says

I was kinda curious about her thoughts on my consumption. Being that we are in Oklahoma, and I’m a med patient she knows that I use cannabis for pain, sleep, anxiety, stress relief, etc. I’ve never asked her what she thinks about though until now.

Shilo says

I think it’s good for my mom because of her pain. She uses it because it helps her brain, body, and sometimes her soul. Just like coffee. I think everyone should know about cannabis. It’s a great industry and works perfectly for my mom. When I grow up I want to work in the cannabis industry too. I just know it’s great and it helps people heal. Some people disagree but they just aren’t educated enough.

Casey says

Maybe it’s just me, but if an eight-year-old can see that cannabis is a good thing I think the bunch of grown adults pretending to run this mess can too. That is neither here nor there but alas I do think it’s important that even the next generation is coming up in a world where we understand that cannabis is beneficial.

What The Future Brings

Casey says

My home is just one of many stoner homes in the world, and my kids are a teenie-tiny piece of the puzzle. Hearing my daughter speak openly about how she feels about cannabis and how certain cannabinoids work for different people gives me so much hope for the future.

At every event we go to I find her mingling telling all the adults how cannabis isn’t dangerous just in case these industry professionals didn’t know. Do I stop her? Absolutely not! She is finding her voice in this space and I trail right behind her shaking hands and making connections.

When I see kids freaking out over toys when my kids are just begging to go to conventions with me to talk cannabis, I know I’ve won. My oldest doesn’t look up to celebrities, she looks up to people like Dustin Hoxworth, Christy Essex, and Daniel Crawford. These are all people I’d trust hands down to guide her into adulthood and especially into this industry.

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