Vitae Glass Review

Something about this bong makes me feel like a Disney princess who found her glass slipper. It adds a whimsical earthy vibe to the sesh and there’s nothing I love more than getting lost in my fairytale world!

From the first look, I was in love. Everything about these bongs screams earthy elegance, but it gets better. Beyond the surface is a story and an ultra-strong design to counter the smooth, soft appearance. I was stoked when I was introduced to Gordon Loi the Founder of Vitae Glass and got to hear a little more about the company before receiving the bong. I’d seen the pieces online but wanted to know more about how the modular bong concept came to be.

Who is Vitae Glass?

In short Vitae Glass has created a build-a-bong, but why, and what does that mean? The why is simple, it started the way most good ideas do…in the shower.

Gordon once told me “…I was in the shower washing my bong, and I thought, this would be a lot easier if I just took it apart.”

If you use bongs regularly, you know they don’t always fit under the kitchen sink for cleaning. The modular bong design means you can keep it in the kitchen and out of the shower. That brings us to exactly what “build a bong” means.

All parts are interchangeable, which means you’re only limited by the number of rings and percolators you have, the possibilities are endless, and the durability is just as impressive but we’ll get to that.

I want to touch on the “greener” aspects of the business here too. For every module sold, they plant a tree – and it’s not just here in the USA,  it’s global. They’ve helped plant trees in several countries. They partner with One Tree Planted to make it happen, and it’s just another great aspect of the company I love!

An Investment Piece

Any Viate Glass piece you pick is an investment piece. A starter set which is 16” and comes with a standard base, mouthpiece, connector ring, down stem, bowl, and cleaning & storage things start at $250 and goes up from there with some pieces being upwards of  $500-$600.

What makes them different from what you can get from the headshop down the road? Well, a lot.

First thing these pieces are STURDY AF! Each section is 5mm thick and the base is 20 mm made with Laboratory Grade Borosilicate. It can withstand almost anything you can put it through, it’s even been tested in drop from waist height and survived to sesh another day! I can’t say I have the heart to purposefully drop this bong to test that but I can say it feels like it could be used for self-defense should the need for it arise.

Each glass piece is hand made making each one truly authentic and unique. They are gorgeous and designed to stand the test of time. I can see these easily becoming antiques or collectibles by the time I’m in my 80’s and I would have all of them.

The Stoners Glass Slipper: Vitae Glass

On to the piece I received! Allow me to break it down, literally.

Fully assembled Height: 21.75 Inches

Weight Full Assembled: 1297g or 2lbs 13.75oz

Mouth Piece –  UFO 

Perc – Mini Jellyfish Tree 

Base –  The Voyager 4.75 inches

Connector Rings – Zebrawood

This piece demands not only attention but also respect. It feels very high quality, but earthy, whimsical, and almost princessy. I won’t lie it seems wrong to smoke out of it but you bet your buns we’re gonna! We’ll see how it measures up to the standard glassware I’m used to.

The Sesh

The sesh was even better than I expected, I was honestly surprised. In my mind, a bong is a bong is a bong there is no difference. This piece proved me wrong not once but twice!

I added water and an ice cube to the base, just water in the middle, and water and ice in the top perc/mouthpiece. I packed a beautiful bowl and off to sesh I went. I highly recommend you have a place to set this up only because it is rather tall and not a piece you’ll easily use while holding.

From the first hit, I knew it was gonna be good! I took a much bigger pull than I had intended and didn’t even realize it until the exhale. It was smoother than a Silk Sonic song. The part that usually gets me is the bowl or joint always goes out,  not with this one. Believe me when I say I never had to relight that bowl once! I’m not sure if the thickness of the glass just insulates better and keeps the bowl burning longer but it sure seemed that way.

Beauty & Function

Overall 10/10 great piece from the look to the functionality to the quality it’s just a knockout all around. It will be proudly displayed on top of my kitchen cabinet once cleaned, and probably brought down for more than just the once-in-a-blue-moon sesh. I could see it being a regular player in my after-dark seshes.

I truly love this piece and can’t wait to pass it down to my kids, maybe even my grandkids. It’s definitely on the high-end side where price is concerned but the holidays are right around the corner and it would make the stoner in your life thrilled to unwrap such a well-made piece. The high-end price is matched with quality so you really do get what you pay for here.

If you’re looking for customizable options that are high quality and worth the price then look no further than the Vitae glass. It’s the perfect way to start your collection and dare I say end your collection as well. With all the different ways you could combine sections, it’s easily one of the most unique pieces I’ve seen to date.

Stay Happy, Healthy, & High!

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