Stardust Bee is a practicing astrologer based in Denver, Colorado. Her passion is distilling traditional astrological wisdom into guidance fit for the contemporary world. Her careful, analytical approach is meant to help individuals navigate their lives on their own terms while understanding the cosmic weather patterns. You can visit her website and get a personalized, astrological reading at
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Aries (March 19 – April 18)
The first week of June is going to feel like a wave of pleasant surprises, one after the other. On June 2nd Jupiter in Gemini and your third house of communication, siblings, your neighborhood, and short distance travel will trine Pluto in your 11th house of friends, social groups, community, hopes and wishes. Jupiter and Pluto are slow moving planets, making this a rare aspect; it hasn’t happened since 2016. This is a powerful, and very fortunate day! Jupiter represents abundance, luck, and expansion. Pluto is the transformer of the skies; it opens portals between worlds and it makes big things small and small things big.
Both planets are in air signs, so this day may have an intellectual feel to it. A friend may turn you on to a new work opportunity, or you may encounter a new neighborhood collective. The third and eleventh houses are both very social places, so you may make a new friend, a new favorite restaurant, or a new marijuana supplier. Pluto’s involvement suggests that something will be uncovered; whatever you find has probably been there all along and you just happened to come across it. Allow yourself to be surprised on this day.
On June 4th, there are two fantastic pieces of astrology. Early in the morning, Mercury will make a conjunction with Jupiter in your third house of Gemini. This is an aspect of good news. I think you’ll learn about something to do with one of your siblings, your neighborhood, or a piece of writing. Mercury rules all forms of communication as well as your intellect. Jupiter is the luckiest of all the planets. Expect something to go right on or around June 4th.
Later that day, Venus will make a conjunction with the sun, also in Gemini and your third house. Anytime a planet conjuncts the sun, it’s called a “cazimi,” which is derived from Arabic and means “in the heart of.” Ancient astrologers believed that the planet in question passed through the heart of the sun and was cleansed by the heat and the light. You can use a Venus cazimi to prioritize love, intimacy, and interconnection. This is a fantastic moment to celebrate love if you have a romantic partner. If not, it can be a fortunate time for meeting someone new. Make an effort to walk around your neighborhood. Go to the local watering hole or the local park. Find out what casual hang-out spot your neighbors are visiting. We get a Venus cazimi about once every ten months, but we haven’t had one in Gemini since June 3, 2020. Venus was retrograde at that time. You may find that whatever happens on June 4th may relate back to June of 2020.
On June 6th we have a new moon in Gemini. Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, the sun and the moon are all clustered together in Gemini. Venus is still very close to the sun at this point, so it’s possible that you’ll be feeling the cazimi on this day, too. The drawback is that the sun, moon, and Venus are all in a square to Saturn. This is a tense, and problematic aspect.
For you, this is happening in your 3rd house of communication, siblings, your neighborhood, and short distance travel. You may feel ready to start a new writing project, or maybe you’re about to take a quick trip somewhere. Unfortunately, it looks like something will be holding you back. Saturn will be squaring the new moon from your 12th house of secrets, rest, and isolation. This makes it very difficult to predict exactly what the snag will be. The project might have an unrealistic deadline, or maybe your job decides at the last minute to deny the PTO request for your trip. It’s also possible that you’ll have issues with a personal vehicle, since bicycles and motor vehicles fall into the third house. If something goes sideways at this time, don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. Try to restructure any communication projects so that they make sense for the parties involved. See if your trip can be rescheduled, rather than canceled. The new moon on June 6th will likely present a problem but you’re perfectly capable of rising above it.
There’s another challenging day that I have to tell you about: Mars will square Pluto on June 11th. On that date, Mars will be in Taurus in your second house of earned income, and financial resources while Pluto will be in your 11th house of social groups, professional networks, communities, hopes and wishes. Mars and Pluto are volatile and difficult to work with, so this is not a day to take risks. On June 11th you should anticipate some sort of friction between the organizations you frequent and your bank account. You may be surprised to learn that you owe membership dues. Another possibility is that your personal values are out of whack with the values of the group, which could imperil your continued involvement.
On June 14th, Mercury will make a conjunction with the Sun. This is a Mercury cazimi, and we get about six of these a year. It’s just as fortunate as a Venus cazimi, but instead of being about love, romance, and values it tends to be more intellectual. Mercury rules all forms of communication as well as intellect. This is also happening in your third house of communication, your neighborhood, siblings, and short distance travel. You may work out the answer to a nagging problem with a sibling or a transportation issue, or you may decide to take a spur of the moment, overnight trip. This is a fast acting transit, so if you feel suddenly inspired to write something you should follow that impulse.
On June 20th the sun will move from Gemini into Cancer. Cancer rules your fourth house of home, family, ancestry, and origin stories. This is a sign that loves to be at home, loves to feed people, and wants to make everyone feel emotionally secure and comfortable. Don’t be surprised if you’re more inclined than normal to spend your time at home. This is an ideal time to declutter your living space or reconnect with family members or even explore genealogy.
On June 21st we have a full moon in Capricorn – we will have two full moons in Capricorn this year. The first happens at 1* of Capricorn and the second happens at 29* of Capricorn on July 21st. Capricorn rules your 10th house of career, fame, honors, and awards. Something you’ve been working on might be ready to be released or shared with the public. Or, a project you finished some time ago is now paying dividends and you’re going to be recognized for the important contribution that you made. Beware, the piddly details, though. This full moon is square to Neptune, meaning that your idealism or your ambition may get the best of you. At worst, you might be deluding yourself about the importance of this project. If there are bugs in the software, or other imperfections consider releasing this at a later date, (remember, we will have two full moons in Capricorn). If the timing doesn’t feel right here’s no shame in delaying things for a few weeks.
Taurus (April 19 – May 19)
Welcome to June, Taurus! Lucky you! You’ve got a lot happening in your second house of earned income and financial resources this month. June starts with a lovely, supportive trine between Jupiter and Pluto. Jupiter is the planet of luck, abundance, expansion, and manifestation while Pluto represents transformation. Pluto can open doors between worlds and it can make big things small and small things big. Pluto also represents everything found underground, to include gemstones, precious metals, and oil. Of all the planets, Pluto is the most mysterious. Jupiter and Pluto are slow moving planets, making this trine a rare aspect. It hasn’t happened since 2016. This is a powerful, and very fortunate aspect!
On June 2nd, Jupiter, in your second house of earned income will trine Pluto in your 10th house of career, honors, awards, and fame. This looks like a payday. You may receive a bonus at work, or if you’re self-employed you may win an exciting new contract. This is a fantastic day because it seeks to reward you for the work you’ve already done, or for the work you’re capable of doing. If you’ve been laying the groundwork for an expansive new project or service offering, expect to see early financial results at this time.
June 4th has two really great aspects that you’re sure to notice. First, Mercury will make a conjunction with Jupiter. Mercury is the messenger planet and this aspect represents good news. And, it’s happening in the same 2nd house of earned income! Expect to receive news about income around June 4th. A client may reach out requesting more information about the services you provide, or you may learn about a possible side gig that would let you keep your primary job and earn a little money in your off-hours. This aspect resembles an opportunity rather than a straight payday like the aspect that happens two days earlier on June 2nd.
Then, around mid-morning on June 4th Venus will make a conjunction with the sun. Anytime a planet conjuncts the sun, it’s called a “cazimi,” which is derived from Arabic and means “in the heart of.” Ancient astrologers believed that the planet in question passed through the heart of the sun and was cleansed by the heat and the light. For most people this aspect will be about love, intimacy, or interconnection. For you, it’s falling in your 2nd house of earned income, so this will have more of a financial flavor. Venus is commonly understood to represent love, beauty, and art but it also represents money. It could be that a past client is so thrilled with the work you’ve done that they decide to request more or bring a new client to you. Or, you may learn of a new money-making opportunity that fits perfectly with your skills and experience. Cazimis have a freshness to them; they tend to coincide with new beginnings. Use your judgment, but it’s probably safe to trust the shiny new opportunity that lands at your feet at this time. We get a Venus cazimi about once every ten months, but we haven’t had one in Gemini since June 3, 2020. Venus was retrograde at that time. You may find that whatever happens on June 4th may relate back to June of 2020.
On June 6th we have a new moon in Gemini. Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, the sun and the moon are all clustered together in Gemini. Venus is still very close to the sun at this point, so it’s possible that you’ll be feeling the cazimi on this day, too. The drawback is that the sun, moon, and Venus are all in a square to Saturn. This is a tense, and problematic aspect. New moons tend to represent beginnings, and this one is no different, but whatever you’re starting will face setbacks from the word go. The new moon is happening in your second house of earned income, and Saturn is squaring it from your 11th house of friends, communities, social groups and professional organizations. Something financial could go awry at this time. Check your bank account to make sure that you weren’t overcharged for membership dues, and make sure that any dues are paid in the correct amount and on time. It’s also possible that you could discover that your values and the values of a particular organization aren’t as aligned as you thought they were. Of course, this would force you to reconsider your membership and your continued involvement. June 6th is not an easy new moon; if you decide to move ahead with a project, be very certain that you’ve considered all possible eventualities.
Another tricky day this month falls on June 8th. On that day, Mars will enter Taurus and it will stay in that sign until July 20th. Taurus rules your first house of self, identity, and vitality. Mars is a malefic planet, so this may not be an easy time for you. Mars in the first house can cause problems with anger management or even health flare ups. If you have any sort of illness, (mental or physical), that ebbs and flows, expect more flare ups while Mars is in Taurus. If you’re prone to road rage, you’ll need to take extra precautions at this time. Remember your breathing exercises. Conflict is inevitable but violence and abuse are optional. If you were born at night, or if you have Mars below the horizon in your own natal chart, then this transit will be easier for you.
On June 14th, Mercury will make a conjunction with the Sun. This is a Mercury cazimi, and we get about six of these a year. It’s just as fortunate as the Venus cazimi that was ten days prior. Instead of being about love, romance, and values it tends to be more intellectual. Mercury rules all forms of communication as well as intellect. This will happen in Gemini, in your 2nd house of earned income. You may come up with a bright idea for attracting new clients or promoting your skills. If you need to start a new work project, try to wait until June 14th to do so. This day is much more fortuitous than the new moon on June 6th.
On June 20th the sun will move from Gemini into Cancer. Cancer rules your third house of communication, short distance travel, siblings, and your neighborhood. Cancer is a sign that loves to be at home, loves to feed people, and wants to make everyone feel emotionally secure and comfortable. Don’t be surprised if you’re more inclined than normal to spend your time locally. This is a great time to do any necessary vehicle maintenance, touch base with your siblings, or recommit to journaling. This house also rules daily rituals. If you’ve been unsatisfied with your morning or evening routine, use the four weeks that the sun is in Cancer to make those changes.
On June 21st we have a full moon in Capricorn – we will have two full moons in Capricorn this year. The first happens at 1* of Capricorn and the second happens at 29* of Capricorn on July 21st. Capricorn rules your 9th house of faith, spirituality, higher education, broadcasting, and journalism. If you’ve been working on a media project it could be ready to release to the world around this time. A new video promo, or new marketing materials may start to fulfill their purpose. Use a bit of caution – this full moon is square to Neptune which makes things hazy or unclear. This is not a time to skip out on hiring a proofreader or to get lazy with fact checking. Another possibility is that you’ve been curious about a new house of worship, or a new religion. This is a great time to explore such places. If nothing else, consider spending some time meditating on the evening of the full moon. Be willing to explore your inner world.
Gemini (May 20 – June 19)
Happy Birthday, Gemini! To help you celebrate another trip around the sun, I’m offering all Geminis a 25% discount on a personalized reading, available at Enter the code Gemini25FNM at checkout to receive your gift! Don’t wait; this offer expires when the sun moves into Cancer on June 20th.
The first week of June might feel affirming for you, Gemini. There’s lots of astrology and most of it is happening in your first house of self, identity, health, and vitality. On June 2nd, Jupiter in your first house will send a supportive, constructive beam to Pluto in your ninth house of foreign travel, publishing, broadcasting, spirituality, and manifestation. This is a very fortunate and fairly rare aspect. We haven’t had a trine between Jupiter and Pluto since 2016! Jupiter is the planet of luck, abundance, expansion, and manifestation while Pluto represents transformation. Pluto can open doors between worlds and it can make big things small and small things big. Pluto also represents everything found underground, to include gemstones, precious metals, and oil. Of all the planets, Pluto is the most mysterious.
Something you’ve been manifesting for yourself will be incorporated into how you express yourself to the world. If, for example, your New Year’s resolution was to exercise more patience, or to improve your musical sight reading skills, you might find on June 2nd that you’re farther along on that goal than you realized. It’s also possible that a social media campaign or another media production will yield dividends, earning you the recognition that you’ve been hoping for. Enjoy this day, Gemini. You’ve worked hard for something and it’s finally materializing before your eyes.
June 4th has two magnificent pieces of astrology. Early in the morning Mercury will make a conjunction with Jupiter in Gemini, which rules your first house of self, identity, and vitality. This is an aspect of good news. If you’ve been having a health struggle lately you may receive positive news from your doctor around this time. Another possibility is that you have a stunning new idea. Mercury does its best work when it transits through the first house. When combined with the expansiveness of Jupiter, you might be able to solve a problem you’ve been chewing on. Expect a happy bit of serendipity on this day.
Later that same day, Venus will make a conjunction with the sun. Anytime a planet conjuncts the sun, it’s called a “cazimi,” which is derived from Arabic and means “in the heart of.” Ancient astrologers believed that the planet in question passed through the heart of the sun and was cleansed by the heat and the light. This is also happening in your first house, which will help you appeal to others. If you’re single, make a point to go out on this day! The Venus cazimi will make you charming and irresistible to those you hope to attract. And in Gemini, you’re sure to be flirting all night. We get a Venus cazimi about once every ten months, but we haven’t had one in Gemini since June 3, 2020. Venus was retrograde at that time. You may find that whatever happens on June 4th may relate back to June of 2020. Astrology doesn’t get much better than this, but you can’t take advantage of it in your living room. Go outside and make new friends!
June 6th is a new moon in Gemini, also in your first house of self, identity, and vitality. The sun and the moon will be together in Gemini, along with Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury. Venus is still very close to the sun at this point, so it’s possible that you’ll be feeling the cazimi on this day, too. This represents a lovely new beginning for you, but there’s a fly in the ointment: Saturn is squaring the sun and the moon from its position in Pisces, in your 10th house of fame, career, honors, and awards. This isn’t an easy new moon at all. There’s going to be some sort of tension between your authentic self and your professional self. This aspect shows a conflict between who you are on the inside and what people expect of you. You may discover that your personal values are totally out of whack with the values of your employer, or an important client. Or you may realize that you really dislike a certain aspect of your job. June 6th may present a challenge, but there’s no need to tank your entire career. More than likely, you can work through the issue with patience and understanding.
More than likely, you’ll bounce back on June 14th. On that day we have a Mercury cazimi – just like the one we had ten days earlier with Venus, but this time, Mercury is the planet cleansed in the heat and the light of the sun. Expect plenty of good ideas on this day. Mercury will help you to feel inspired, or pleasantly challenged by the task before you. If you’ve been considering a new creative project, Mercury will help you decide what direction to take with it. Lean into your curiosity.
On June 17th Mercury, the planetary ruler of Gemini will enter the sign of Cancer. Mercury will be followed by the sun on June 20th. Cancer rules your 2nd house of earned income and liquid resources. This is an ideal time to review your accounting methods, your financial records, and your bank statements. Make sure that your spending is in line with your budget, and maybe set a financial goal or two to accomplish through the rest of the year. You may also find that it’s a little easier to make money while these two planets are in Cancer.
The month closes with a full moon in Capricorn on June 21st. We will have two full moons in Capricorn this year. The first happens at 1* of Capricorn and the second happens at 29* of Capricorn on July 21st. Capricorn rules your 8th house, which is primarily a financial house. It represents the financial resources we share with others, think stocks, bonds, or shared equity. In addition, it represents shared resources, taxes, shamanism, underlying realities, sex, and taboo matters. The tricky part is that the moon is in a square to Neptune, and Saturn, which rules the moon, is applying to a conjunction with Neptune. In this context Neptune represents confusion and delusion, and something at this point in time isn’t to be trusted.
A financial resource may culminate at this time. It’s possible your partner, (in love or in business), will come into some money but they may hide it from you. You might not know for quite some time about their windfall, which would obviously create tension between the two of you. Or, you may have a transformative experience with some sort of psychedelic substance, (remember that transformative and pleasant aren’t always the same thing). Please use common sense and take good care of yourself if you choose that last route. Watch out for deception around this time.
Cancer (June 20 – July 21)
You’re normally a homebody, Cancer but this month it’ll be harder than ever to pry you out of your nest. Gemini season is the time for fuzzy blankets, binge watching true crime, extra marijuana, and really good chocolate. Your home is your sanctuary and it’s time to indulge in your own serenity.
On June 2nd, Jupiter in your 12th house of isolation, secrets, karma, grief, closure, and psychic abilities will trine Pluto in Aquarius and your 8th house of taboo subjects, underlying realities, shamanism, sex, and mystery. This is a very fortunate and fairly rare aspect. We haven’t had a trine between Jupiter and Pluto since 2016! Jupiter is the planet of luck, abundance, expansion, and manifestation while Pluto represents transformation. Pluto can open doors between worlds and it can make big things small and small things big. Pluto also represents everything found underground, to include gemstones, precious metals, and oil. Of all the planets, Pluto is the most mysterious. The interaction between these two houses is free, easy, and supportive. If you have a meditation practice, this is a great day to devote some time to that. If you’ve ever been curious about transcendental meditation, choose June 2nd to explore it. The 8th house also rules sex and taboo subjects. If you’ve been wanting to try something new in the bedroom, either with yourself or with a partner, go right ahead, (once you have consent and a safe word, of course). The power of this transit ought to give you the courage to ask for exactly what you want, (or order it off the internet). If nothing else, indulge in a few bong rips and zone out to your favorite playlist. You may have some surprising revelations from the depths of your subconscious.
June 4th has two pieces of equally fantastic astrology. Early in the morning, Mercury will make a conjunction with Jupiter in Gemini, which rules the same 12th house that features prominently this month. Later that same day, Venus will make a conjunction with the sun, also in Gemini. Anytime a planet conjuncts the sun, it’s called a “cazimi,” which is derived from Arabic and means “in the heart of.” Ancient astrologers believed that the planet in question passed through the heart of the sun and was cleansed by the heat and the light.
For you, these two aspects probably won’t feel like separate events. I think they’re going to be indistinguishable and they might feel very spiritual, or you may choose to spend the day resting. You may have a moment of spiritual enlightenment or even awakening. The 12th house rules secrets and places of confinement, if you have a sudden moment of clarity, there’s no need to broadcast whatever download you received. Hold it close for a bit. You’ll know when it’s time to share. Remember that self-care isn’t all fancy spa days and fluffy bathrobes. It can be as boring as catching up on the rest you missed earlier in the week. If you need two naps on June 4th, go ahead and take them. We get a Venus cazimi about once every ten months, but we haven’t had one in Gemini since June 3, 2020. Venus was retrograde at that time. You may find that whatever happens on June 4th may relate back to June of 2020.
This month, the new moon falls on June 6th. The sun and the moon will be together in Gemini, along with Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury. Venus is still very close to the sun at this point, so it’s possible that you’ll be feeling the cazimi on this day, too. This would be a lovely new moon, but Saturn is squaring the sun and the moon from its place in Pisces. This is a tense aspect, and it’s generally indicative of conflict. This might be a tough day for your mental health. The 9th house rules faith, religion, higher education, moral ideals, and philosophy, but it also has a lot to do with conventional ways of thinking. You might be feeling friction between what the wider world expects of you and what you actually offer. If you’re feeling some imposter syndrome, please know that you’re not the first. Imposter syndrome is incredibly common and there is no amount of training, skill, education, or raw talent that will make it back down. Learning to make friends with any feelings of inadequacy is the only way forward.
If the new moon feels tough, you’ll probably bounce back on June 14th. On that day we have a Mercury cazimi – just like the one we had ten days earlier with Venus, but this time, Mercury is the planet cleansed in the heat and the light of the sun. I think this will likely feel like some sort of acceptance or pleasant spiritual moment. It’s even possible that you might have really nice dreams on this day. Stay in bed a little longer.
On June 17th Venus will enter Cancer! This is a fantastic transit for you! Venus will help you shake off the doldrums, get dressed, and go outside! Venus transiting through the first house is a great time to update your wardrobe, try a new hair style, or find a new lip shade. It will also help you seem beautiful, charming, and appealing to others. Whether you’re hoping to attract a new romantic partner, or making a PTO request at work, Venus in your first house will help others see your point of view. Make the most of this time; Venus will enter Leo on July 11th, making this a pretty short transit.
Then, on July 20th the sun will enter Cancer and any mental health challenges will start to lose their edge. Cancer rules your first house of self, identity, vitality, and physical health. The sun moves through your home sign once a year, bringing warmth and light to the ways you see yourself. This can be a wonderfully affirming time for you. If you have any personal fitness goals, or if you’ve been wanting to prioritize your health, this is the month to engage on that. More than likely you’ll find that those tasks are easier to integrate into your daily life at this time.
The month closes with a full moon in Capricorn on June 21st. This year, we will have two full moons in Capricorn. The first happens at 1* of Capricorn and the second happens at 29* of Capricorn on July 21st. Capricorn rules your 7th house of committed partnerships, in both business and in romance. Traditionally, any relationship that is accompanied by a contract is found in the 7th house. There’s something overly imaginative or fanciful about this full moon. The ruler of the full moon, Saturn, is close to Neptune, and both the sun and the moon are making a square to Neptune. Your partner might be breaking a promise to you at this time, or is otherwise proving themselves to be unreliable in some way. It could also be that you’re breaking a promise to them. Or, you might be realizing that this relationship doesn’t meet everyone’s needs. If that’s the case, the arrangement can probably be salvaged. You don’t need to chuck the whole thing in the fire
Saturn and Neptune are both in your 9th house of foreign travel, higher education, publishing, broadcasting, religion, faith, and spirituality. Your partner may have promised to take you on a trip and is now backing out of that commitment. Or, you might be discovering that you and a partner (either in love or business) don’t share the same values, especially if they’re about spirituality, religion, or education. Don’t lose hope just yet. The second full moon in Capricorn may offer a reprieve. Whatever happens on June 21st could be repaired or resolved by July 21st.
Leo (July 22- August 21)
You’re a social butterfly on most days, Leo. In June, your capacity for mingling and networking will be cranked to 11. Almost all of the astrology this month is happening in Gemini in your 11th house of friends, social groups, professional organizations, hopes and wishes. On June 2nd, Jupiter in your 11th house will trine Pluto in your 7th house of committed partnerships. Jupiter and Pluto are slow moving planets, making this a rare aspect; it hasn’t happened since 2016. This is a powerful, and very fortunate aspect! Jupiter represents abundance, luck, and expansion. Pluto is the transformer of the skies; it opens portals between worlds and it makes big things small and small things big.
Someone in your community or your social group may introduce you to someone special. The 7th house rules any relationship governed by a contract – marriage and business are the two primary examples. If you have a friend that’s been wanting to set you up on a blind date, you ought to at least consider it, especially if the date falls around June 2nd. If you’re already attached or married, this could still apply to you. A friend or connection may introduce you to a prospective client or business partner. Both Jupiter and Pluto are in air signs, so this day may have an intellectual feel to it. You might meet someone new while at a social event and talk for hours about your favorite authors, film makers, or activists.
The opposite is also true. A friend or colleague may want to take you to some exciting underground scene, or bring you along to a meeting of like-minded people. This can be a great day to play tourist in your own city; I bet you’ll uncover something special that was there all along. Allow yourself to be surprised at the beginning of June.
June 4th has two, really fun pieces of astrology. There are two sets of conjunctions, and they’re both within hours of each other. The astrology of June 4th might not feel like separate events; they could land as one, really fortuitous day. Early in the morning, Mercury will make a conjunction with Jupiter in Gemini, which rules the same 11th house that features prominently this month. Later that same day, Venus will make a conjunction with the sun, also in Gemini. Anytime a planet conjuncts the sun, it’s called a “cazimi,” which is derived from Arabic and means “in the heart of.” Ancient astrologers believed that the planet in question passed through the heart of the sun and was cleansed by the heat and the light.
For you, this is happening in your 11th house of friends, communities, social groups, hopes and wishes. The 11th house is one of the most fortunate houses in astrology; it’s deeply aspirational. Expect good news from a friend, or about a friend. You may also realize that someone in your group of friends would like to be a better friend or more than a friend. The Venus cazimi in particular, might feel like a reset. If you’ve been struggling with disagreements you can use this day to build a bridge between you and the other party. Whatever you choose to do, please don’t spend June 4th at home by yourself. Use this day to center human connection. Go out and find your tribe.
This month, the new moon falls on June 6th. The sun and the moon will be together in Gemini, along with Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury. Venus is still very close to the sun at this point, so it’s possible that you’ll be feeling the cazimi on this day, too. This would be a lovely new moon, but Saturn is squaring the sun and the moon from its place in Pisces. This is a tense aspect, and it’s generally indicative of conflict. Pisces rules your 8th house of taxes, shared resources, taboo subjects, underlying realities, and shamanism. I’m sorry to say that this has all the markings of a financial dispute amongst friends. If bar tabs haven’t been split equally, or if you forgot to reimburse a friend for concert tickets, or if you’ve helped yourself to a roommate’s takeout a few too many times, expect to have that conversation around June 6th. The position of Saturn tells me that you’re likely to be on the receiving end of any disagreement, unfortunately. If that’s the case apologize and do what you can to right the situation. There’s no reason this new moon needs to end the friendship.
On June 8th Mars will enter into Taurus which rules your 10th house of career, fame, awards, honors, and reputation. You’ll feel very driven to achieve during this transit. If you have a professional goal in mind, use this time to take steps towards it. Mars will be in Taurus until July 20th when it will move into Cancer. The 10th house is the most visible place in the zodiac, if you work hard over the next six weeks or so, you’re likely to be visibly rewarded. This is doubly true if you were born at night, or if you have Mars below the horizon in your natal chart.
On June 14th we have the second cazimi of the month. We had the first cazimi on June 4th with Venus. This time it’s Mercury that’s conjunct the sun. A Venus cazimi tends to be about love, or at least human connection. A Mercury cazimi is more about ideas or sudden bursts of inspiration. This is also happening in your 11th house of friends, social groups, and aspirations. You may have a surprising moment of clarity about a network to join, or a new goal to pursue. Or, you might make a new friend.
The sun will enter Cancer, and your 12th house of rest, isolation and secrets on June 20th. It might feel like the wind has gone out of your sails at this point. Major transit through the 12th house can make people feel tired. At a minimum, you might be more inclined to spend time by yourself, or at home. You can explore the joys of cooking for one person, (it really can be fun.) There’s nothing wrong with spending time plumbing the depths of your inner world. If you have a meditation practice, or if you’ve wanted to start one, do it while the sun is in Cancer.
The last major event of this month is the full moon in Capricorn on June 21st. This year, we will have two full moons in Capricorn. The first happens at 1* of Capricorn and the second happens at 29* of Capricorn on July 21st. Capricorn rules your 6th house of service, obligations, daily chores, selfcare, and pets. It’s generally understood that the 6th house is a house of hard work, and it’s never glamorous. Vacuuming the carpets, paying your bills, and scrubbing the toilets are all 6th house activities. Something having to do with how you care for your home, your health, or your pets will culminate around the time of the full moon. The tricky part is that the ruler of this full moon, (Saturn), is applying to a conjunction with Neptune, (representing illusion), and the moon itself is square to Neptune. This full moon is heavy with deception or illusion. Some part of your daily routine is coming to an end, but you might not realize that it’s coming to an end. Another possibility is that you may have a health issue around the time of the full moon. If you have an autoimmune disease, or any sort of chronic condition that ebbs and flows, you might experience a flare up. If this moon is distressing, don’t worry too much. The next moon in Capricorn will feel very different.
Virgo (August 22 – September 21)
You’re a hard worker, Virgo. Whether you like it or not, whether it’s fair or not, you’re known for being helpful to others. I’m happy to say that this month you’ll be getting some well deserved recognition. This month, nearly all of the planetary action is happening in Gemini and your 10th house of career, fame, honors, and awards. On June 2nd Jupiter in Gemini and your 10th house will trine Pluto in Aquarius in your 6th house of service, obligations, daily chores, tasks, self-care, and pets. Jupiter and Pluto are slow moving planets, making this a rare aspect. It hasn’t happened since 2016. This is a powerful, and very fortunate aspect! Jupiter represents abundance, luck, and expansion. Pluto is the transformer of the skies; it opens portals between worlds and it makes big things small and small things big.
The trine between the 10th house and the 6th house is an aspect that shows reward for hard work. You’ve been putting in the late nights and the early mornings, and at the beginning of June someone important is going to notice. This might translate into a promotion, or some sort of bump in prestige. You might be invited onto a podcast, or a journalist might ask to interview you. Most likely, the recognition you receive will be related to your career, but that doesn’t mean that your boss will be the one to notice you. Keep an open mind about how to capitalize on this moment.
June 4th has two pieces of astrology that will help you earn even more praise. There are two sets of conjunctions, and they’re both within hours of each other. The astrology of June 4th might not feel like separate events; they could land as one, really fortuitous day. Early in the morning, Mercury will make a conjunction with Jupiter in Gemini, which rules the same 11th house that features prominently this month. Later that same day, Venus will make a conjunction with the sun, also in Gemini. Anytime a planet conjuncts the sun, it’s called a “cazimi,” which is derived from Arabic and means “in the heart of.” Ancient astrologers believed that the planet in question passed through the heart of the sun and was cleansed by the heat and the light.
Mercury’s conjunction with Jupiter should coincide with some bit of good news about your public image. If you use social media to promote yourself, you might have a post go viral, or attract an unusual amount of attention. It’s also possible that something you’ve written in the past will be noticed by a higher up. Mercury rules all forms of communication.
Venus’ conjunction with the sun could bring a monetary reward. Venus is commonly understood to represent love, beauty, and art but it also represents money. This financial reward could come in the form of a pay raise, a bonus, or if you’re self-employed a new client may choose to engage you. Or, you may learn of a new money-making opportunity that fits perfectly with your skills and experience. Cazimis have a freshness to them; they tend to coincide with new beginnings. Use your judgment, but it’s probably safe to trust the shiny new opportunity that lands at your feet at this time. We get a Venus cazimi about once every ten months, but we haven’t had one in Gemini since June 3, 2020. Venus was retrograde at that time. You may find that whatever happens on June 4th may relate back to June of 2020.
The new moon this month falls in your 10th house on June 6th. The sun and the moon will be together in Gemini, along with Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury. Venus is still very close to the sun at this point, so it’s possible that you’ll be feeling the cazimi on this day, too. This would be a lovely new moon, but Saturn is squaring the sun and the moon from its place in Pisces. This is a tense aspect, and it’s generally indicative of conflict. Pisces rules your 7th house of committed partnerships, both in business and in romance. Some sort of partner is going to be unhappy about your public image. It’s irritatingly stereotypical, but someone at home could be envious about your professional success. Or, a business partner might feel that the success should be more equitable rather than centered on you. You’re going to have to deal with this calmly, and fairly. That’ll be no trouble for you, Virgo. You know how to be cool under pressure.
If the new moon brings some discomfort, you’ll bounce back no later than June 14th. On that morning we’ll have the second cazimi of the month. We had the first cazimi on June 4th with Venus. This time it’s Mercury that’s conjunct the sun. A Venus cazimi tends to be about love, or at least human connection. A Mercury cazimi is more about ideas or sudden bursts of inspiration. You might have a few new ideas for promoting yourself, your business, or your skillset on this day. If possible, try to act on them or at least put them into motion, before the sun moves into Cancer.
Cancer season begins on June 20th this year. Cancer rules your 11th house of friends, social groups, professional organizations, hopes and wishes. The 11th house is one of the most fortunate and benefic houses in the zodiac. While the sun transits this sign, you might be more inclined to spend time with friends, going to networking events, or just focusing on manifesting your wishes. This can be a very auspicious time for setting and achieving personal goals.
The last lunation of this month falls in Capricorn on June 21st. This year, we will have two full moons in Capricorn. The first happens at 1* of Capricorn and the second happens at 29* of Capricorn on July 21st. Capricorn rules your 5th house of romance, joy, children, creativity, art, athletics, and entertainment. The tricky part is that the moon is square to Neptune, and the ruler of the moon, (Saturn) is applying towards a conjunction with Saturn. This is an aspect of delusion, or maybe even unattainable idealism. If you have an idealistic teenager, (and what teenager isn’t), they may argue ceaselessly about their point of view, or the perceived shortcomings of others. It’s also possible that you could discover your romantic partner has been keeping secrets. If you have a serious athletic hobby, be careful about sports injuries at this time; it will be easy to misjudge your capabilities at this time. This isn’t an easy full moon to work with; you’ll want to keep your wits about you.
The month ends with a sextile between Mercury and Uranus on June 29th. Mercury will be transiting your 11th house of friends, social groups, professional organizations, hopes, and wishes while Uranus will be in your 9th house of foreign travel, faith, higher education, spirituality, and manifestation. A friend may hook you up with an opportunity in a foreign country, giving you reason to travel. Or you may find that something you’ve been manifesting is introduced to you through a colleague. Uranus tends to bring about fast-acting events and in this position you’re likely to be pleasantly surprised.
Libra (September 22 – October 21)
Your motto for this month ought to be: how can I dream bigger? Throughout June most of the action is happening in your 9th house of foreign travel, faith, higher education, publication, broadcasting, spirituality, and manifestation. This is an optimistic and boundless part of the zodiac. The 9th house is centered around expansion. Expansion of your skills and expertise through education; expansion of your spiritual growth through faith, or manifestation; expansion of your ideas through publication, broadcasting, or public relations; expansion of your confidence or independence through travel. This month, you’re going to want to take the ideas you have and make them bigger.
The month begins with a friendly trine between Jupiter and Pluto on June 2nd. Jupiter and Pluto are slow moving planets, making this a rare aspect; it hasn’t happened since 2016. This is a powerful, and very fortunate aspect! Jupiter represents abundance, luck, and expansion. Pluto is the transformer of the skies; it opens portals between worlds and it makes big things small and small things big. Both planets are in air signs, so this day may have an intellectual feel to it. Jupiter will be in Gemini in your 9th house, while Pluto will be in your 5th house of romance, joy, creative expression, children, arts, and athletics. A creative or artistic pursuit could find its way to a larger audience. If you have a blog, or a youtube channel, or another social media outlet, it’s possible that something you created will receive a spike in views, or you may attract a bunch of followers on that day. If you’ve been wanting to publish an idea, use June 2nd to do so. Odds are it’ll be warmly received.
June 4th has two, separate pieces of astrology that are equally wonderful. These aspects are mere hours apart, so they may not arrive as separate events in your life. Expect June 4th to have a rosy glow to it, even if you can’t delineate the aspects from one another. Early in the morning Mercury will make a conjunction with Jupiter in your 9th house of publication, broadcasting, spirituality, religion, and higher education. Later that same morning, Venus will make a conjunction with the sun. Anytime a planet conjuncts the sun, it’s called a “cazimi,” which is derived from Arabic and means “in the heart of.” Ancient astrologers believed that the planet in question passed through the heart of the sun and was cleansed by the heat and the light.
This looks like an additional piece of good news that could have to do with foreign, (or long distance) travel, public relations, or higher education. If you applied to a college or degree program, or applied for tenure, or if you made tentative plans to travel abroad, expect to hear about a positive development on this day. Most people know that the planet Venus rules over love and beauty, but people forget that it also rules over money. If you work for yourself, you may land a lucrative, foreign client on this day. If not, you may have a lovely, flirtatious exchange with a handsome stranger.
The new moon in Gemini, which falls on June 6th, is a little tricky. The sun and the moon will be together in Gemini, along with Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury. Both benefic planets are together, along with Mercury, the ruler of Gemini. Normally, this would be an ideal set up for a new moon, but Saturn is squaring the sun, moon, and Venus from its place in Pisces. This is a tense aspect, and it’s generally indicative of conflict. Saturn is currently in your 6th house of chores, obligations, acts of service, daily routines, pets, and health. If you had planned a new beginning having to do with publishing, broadcasting, higher education, or long-distance travel, you may face a setback that has to do with your mental health or your obligations at home. Maybe you were all set to travel, but your childcare arrangements fell through at the last minute. Or, maybe you’re set to graduate from a degree program, but a health issue prevents you from walking the stage. Whatever happens on or around June 6th is likely to feel challenging, but it’s only a setback. Saturn is a tough planet, but it rewards hard work. With patience, I’m sure you can find a way around this obstacle.
If the new moon brings some discomfort, you’ll bounce back no later than June 14th. On that morning we’ll have the second cazimi of the month. We had the first cazimi on June 4th with Venus. This time it’s Mercury that’s conjunct the sun. A Venus cazimi tends to be about love, or at least human connection. A Mercury cazimi is more about ideas or sudden bursts of inspiration. If you’ve been chewing on a problem, don’t be surprised if you suddenly arrive at a solution on June 14th. This is an excellent aspect for unexpected clarity.
On June 17th Venus will enter Cancer and your 10th house of career, fame, awards, and honors. Then, on June 20th the sun will enter Cancer as well. The 10th house is the most visible house in the chart; this is how people see you in your life. It’s not about the hum-drum work of your job, it’s about how you’re recognized. While Venus and the sun transit through this sign, expect a little extra love and sweetness here. Your colleagues may offer accolades more freely. You may receive more recognition than you normally do. It’s also possible that you could receive a bonus at work, since Venus also has ties to finances. Soak up the love, because Venus will move into Leo on July 11th and the Sun will follow on July 22nd.
The month closes with a full moon in Capricorn on June 21st. This year, we will have two full moons in Capricorn. The first happens at 1* of Capricorn and the second happens at 29* of Capricorn on July 21st. Capricorn rules your 4th house of home, family, ancestry, and origin stories. The full moon is tightly squaring Neptune, and the ruler of this full moon, (Saturn) is applying to a conjunction with Neptune. You may find that something relating to your home or family culminates around the time of the full moon but at the same time, something isn’t as it seems. Neptune and Saturn are both in your 6th house of daily obligations, chores, acts of service, health, and illness. Something in your home life is taking center stage, but a health issue, or a daily routine is a source of deception. It could be that someone in your home is having a health flare-up, or is aggravated about how chores are shared. If you have consistently denied responsibility for activities around the home, expect that to come to a head around June 21st. If you have pets, there could be a dispute about how the animals fit into the home, or who is providing their care. This is not an easy full moon so remember to use your listening skills if you get into it with a housemate.
Scorpio (October 22 – November 20)
You’re no stranger to the darker mysteries of life, Scorpio. What would creep out the normies of the world thrills you. If I were writing this horoscope for Gemini or Libra I would have to choose my words much more carefully, but I know that you’ll be able to hear this without fear or worry. Most of this month’s planetary activity takes place in Gemini, which rules your 8th house of shared resources, inheritances, altered states of consciousness, taboo subjects, occultism, shamanism, taxes, sex, and death. June 2nd features a lovely, supportive trine between Jupiter in your 8th house and Pluto, currently transiting through your 4th house of home, family, ancestry, and origin stories. This is a very fortunate and fairly rare aspect. We haven’t had a trine between Jupiter and Pluto since 2016! Jupiter is the planet of luck, abundance, expansion, and manifestation while Pluto represents transformation. Pluto can open doors between worlds and it can make big things small and small things big. Pluto also represents everything found underground, to include gemstones, precious metals, and oil. Of all the planets, Pluto is the most mysterious.
If you’re owed an inheritance, or if a family member owes you an old debt, that could come through around June 2nd. If you’ve recently applied for financial aid, a scholarship, or a grant, you could also see that come through at this time. The 8th house rules over “shared resources,” and usually what we mean by that is shared financial resources such as stocks, investments, scholarships, or grants. Or, if you’ve ever wanted to use a ouija board to contact deceased family members, pick the evening of June 2nd to do so. Get fancy with black candles, table clothes, and incense. If none of this sounds relevant to you, spark a joint, put on a playlist, and zone out in a darkened room. See what arises for you; I bet it’ll be illuminating.
June 4th has two, really great pieces of astrology both of which are also happening in your 8th house of shared resources, magic, and sex. Early in the morning Mercury will make a conjunction with Jupiter, followed by Venus making a conjunction with the sun. Anytime a planet conjuncts the sun, it’s called a “cazimi,” which is derived from Arabic and means “in the heart of.” Ancient astrologers believed that the planet in question passed through the heart of the sun and was cleansed by the heat and the light.
These aspects happen within hours of each other, so they may not feel like distinct events to you. If you have any investments, (e.g. a stock portfolio, home equity, or retirement savings), you could hear good news about those at this time. Another possibility is that you experience a moment of intimacy with another person that leaves you speechless. Sex is another kind of shared resource, so you may have an exceptional time indulging with another human being. If you have a partner who is willing to explore, make time for that on June 4th.
This month, the new moon falls on June 6th. The sun and the moon will be together in Gemini, along with Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury. Mercury rules the sign of Gemini, and it’s always fortuitous to have the planetary ruler co-present during any lunation. Venus is still very close to the sun at this point, so it’s possible that you’ll be feeling the cazimi on this day, too. This would be a lovely new moon, but Saturn is squaring the sun, moon and Venus from its place in Pisces. This is a tense aspect, and it’s generally indicative of conflict.
For you, Saturn will be in your 5th house of love, romance, joy, creativity, children, arts, and athletics. The new moon will fall in the same 8th house. If you’ve recently begun a relationship, there could be a disagreement about the level of commitment. One person may be ready to make a strong commitment, and the other may want to keep things fun and light hearted. Or, if you have children or childcare responsibilities, expect a difficult conversation about how those duties are apportioned between the adults in the home. Normally, new moons bring beginnings. If something starts at this time, it will be a rocky, haphazard beginning, but that doesn’t mean things are doomed. Use your active listening skills and try to prevent any arguments from reaching a boiling point.
Two days later, on June 8th, Mars will enter Taurus. Mars is the planetary ruler of Scorpio, so you have a relationship with this planet whether you realize it or not. Taurus rules your 7th house of committed partnerships. Traditionally, the 7th house governs any relationship that comes with a contract: marriage and business relationships being the two primary examples. While Mars is in this sign, you may experience increased friction in any committed partnerships. Mars is the warrior planet, it moves quickly, it doesn’t ask for permission, and it doesn’t usually consider the needs of others. None of these qualities make for a successful relationship dynamic. Mars will be especially troublesome if you were born in the daytime, or if you have Mars above the horizon in your natal chart. Mars will be in Taurus until July 20th.
June 14th will be another fantastic day because Mercury will make a conjunction with the sun! This is a Mercury cazimi, and we get about six of these a year. It’s just as fortunate as the Venus cazimi that was ten days prior. Instead of being about love, romance, and values it tends to be more intellectual. Mercury rules all forms of communication as well as your inner monologue. This is also happening in Gemini, so I would expect you to have a stunning new idea around this time. Don’t be surprised if you come up with a new pitch for potential investors, or a new way to collaborate with your colleagues.
The sun will enter Cancer and your 9th house of foreign travel, faith, higher education, publication, broadcasting, spirituality, and manifestation on June 20th. The sun brings warmth and light wherever it goes. Things become fertile and full of potential for growth when the sun moves through a given sign. If you have the means to add a new stamp to your passport, this is the best time to do so. If you have a message or a public relations strategy you’ve been wanting to share with the world, make plans to do so while the sun is in this sign. If none of those resonate with you, consider a new spiritual practice. Meditation, tantra, yoga, or chanting can all be good outlets and worthy of exploration.
The month closes with a full moon in Capricorn on June 21st. This year, we will have two full moons in Capricorn. The first happens at 1* of Capricorn and the second happens at 29* of Capricorn on July 21st. You may see recurring themes during these two lunations. Capricorn rules your 3rd house of communication, (especially written communication), your siblings, your neighborhood, and your commute. Something related to communication or a sibling relationship may be culminating around this time. Full moons help us to tie up loose ends, while new moons are initiations. The tricky part is that this full moon is square to Neptune, indicating that there’s an undercurrent of deception or illusion. Furthermore, the ruler of the full moon, (Saturn), is applying to a conjunction with Neptune which just underscores the confusion that’s happening. If you’ve been working on a writing project, or a collaboration with a sibling, (this house also includes any close friends who feel like siblings, especially if they’re younger than you), you’ll need to double or triple check your work product. Something isn’t as it seems, and you probably don’t have all of the facts. This isn’t an easy full moon, unfortunately. Remember that old expression: trust but verify.
Sagittarius (November 21 – December 20)
It’s time to celebrate partnership, Sagittarius. Whether your frequent collaborators are committed, romantic partners, business partners, or even the frenemies who inspire you to do your best work or be the best version of yourself. In June, most of the planetary action is taking place in Gemini, which rules your 7th house of committed partnerships and contractual relationships.
June 2nd contains a lovely, supportive trine between Jupiter and Pluto. Jupiter is the planet of luck, abundance, expansion, and manifestation while Pluto represents transformation. Pluto can open doors between worlds and it can make big things small and small things big. Pluto also represents everything found underground, to include gemstones, precious metals, and oil. Of all the planets, Pluto is the most mysterious. Jupiter and Pluto are slow moving planets, making this trine a rare aspect. It hasn’t happened since 2016. This is a powerful, and very fortunate aspect! For you, Pluto will be in your 3rd house of siblings, communication, your neighborhood, and short distance travel, while Jupiter will be in your 7th house of committed and contractual partnerships. This is a fantastic day to take a quick, overnight trip with your partner. Plan a short, romantic getaway with a romantic partner, or put together a quick retreat with a business partner so that you can focus on strategy or planning.
You could also arrange a time for your partner and one of your siblings to get to know each other better, if that feels appropriate. Or, even just writing a note about how much you appreciate your partner and how the two of you co-create a home or business. Pluto’s placement in your 3rd house gives you lots of options for making this day special.
June 4th has two, separate pieces of astrology that are equally magnificent. However, don’t expect to feel each of these as separate events. They may arrive as unique moments, or June 4th might just feel like one amazing day. Early in the morning, Mercury will make a conjunction with Juptier. Then, a few hours later, Venus will make a conjunction with the sun. Anytime a planet conjuncts the sun, it’s called a “cazimi,” which is derived from Arabic and means “in the heart of.” Ancient astrologers believed that the planet in question passed through the heart of the sun and was cleansed by the heat and the light. Both of these aspects land in your 7th house of committed and contractual relationships. Expect to receive good, or abundant news having to do with your partner on this day. Something fortunate will arrive for your partner that may not have much to do with you. If that’s the case, go ahead and celebrate their win. Take them out to dinner, or handle the menial tasks so that they can celebrate with their friends or peers. Allow your partner to take center stage on this day; they’ve earned it.
The new moon in Gemini happens on June 6th, and it’s something of a mixed bag. The sun and the moon will be together in Gemini, along with Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury. Mercury rules the sign of Gemini, and it’s always fortuitous to have the planetary ruler co-present during any lunation. Venus is still very close to the sun at this point, so it’s possible that you’ll be feeling the cazimi on this day, too. This would be a lovely new moon, but Saturn is squaring the sun, moon and Venus from its place in Pisces. This is a tense aspect, and it’s generally indicative of conflict.
The new moon falls in the same 7th house of committed and contractual partnerships that’s featured this month. Meanwhile, Saturn is in your 4th house of home, family, ancestry, and origin stories. There could be a dispute between you and your partner relating to how chores are divided, or how the household is managed. Or, you may have a disagreement with a landlord, or a relative at this time. It’s also possible that the demands of home and family impede the amount of time you can devote to your partner, (or vice versa), and one side of the equation is bent out of shape about that. Unfortunately, this new moon has all the markings of a domestic dispute. Remember that just because you’re having a spat, doesn’t mean the relationship has to be over. This is a great time to practice your active listening skills.
If the new moon is tense, expect a reprieve around June 14th when Mercury conjuncts the sun in Gemini. This is a Mercury cazimi, and we get about six of these a year. It’s just as fortunate as the Venus cazimi that was ten days prior. Instead of being about love, romance, and values it tends to be more intellectual. Mercury rules all forms of communication as well as intellect. This is also happening in Gemini, so I would expect you to have a stunning new insight about your partner, or partnership in general. If you’ve been struggling to understand your partner’s perspective, or why a particular activity, or place is important to them, expect to gain clarity around June 14th.
Two days later, on June 16th Venus in Gemini will square Neptune in Pisces. This is an indulgent transit. You may have an increased appetite for love and tenderness, and you might even feel insecure if you don’t receive what you’re looking for. However, if you can keep your ego from ruining things, the evening of June 16th can be a wonderful time to smoke a joint with your partner and share what you mean to each other.
On June 20th the sun will move into Cancer and your 8th house of shared resources, taxes, the occult, shamanism, taboo subjects, underlying realities, and sex. The sun brings light and warmth wherever it goes. This can be a good time to reexamine any shared financial resources, especially joint bank accounts, budgets, or any other financial statements shared between you and your partner. If you need to make changes to how you spend or share money, do it while the sun is in Cancer. You have a much better chance of sticking with any necessary adjustments.
The month closes with a full moon in Capricorn. This year, we will have two full moons in Capricorn. The first happens at 1* of Capricorn and the second happens at 29* of Capricorn on July 21st. You may see recurring themes during these two lunations. Capricorn rules your second house of earned income, personal financial resources, and material possessions. Something related to your personal money management may be coming to a natural conclusion around this time. Full moons help us to tie up loose ends, while new moons are initiations. The tricky part is that this full moon is square to Neptune, indicating that there’s an undercurrent of deception or illusion. Furthermore, the ruler of the full moon, (Saturn), is applying to a conjunction with Neptune which just underscores the confusion that’s happening. Neptune is in Pisces, in your 4th house of home, family, ancestry, origin stories. There’s some sort of deception happening in your home, related to your personal finances. One possible illustration could be a landlord who cashes your rent checks, but fails to apply them to the actual mortgage on the house. In those situations, the house can be foreclosed upon, and the tenants are forced to move, even though they’ve been dutifully paying their rent. That’s an extreme example; a more likely example could be a water leak in a basement or a pipe under your house somewhere that forces your water bill into astronomical territory. Double check your bank statements this month for suspicious charges.
Capricorn (December 21 – January 19)
This month I want you to ask yourself how your daily routine does or does not yield the desired results. Most of June’s astrology is happening in your 6th house of obligations, chores, acts of service, self-care, and pets. The 6th house isn’t one of the easiest houses to work with, but I’m not worried about you for two reasons: 1) it only lasts a month and 2) if anyone can take a set of challenging circumstances and make it pay dividends, it’s you Capricorn.
June opens with a strong, supportive trine between Jupiter and Pluto on June 2nd. These are slow-moving planets, and we haven’t had a trine between these two since 2016, so this is a very fortunate aspect! Jupiter is the planet of luck, abundance, expansion, and manifestation while Pluto represents transformation. Pluto can open doors between worlds and it can make big things small and small things big. Pluto also represents everything found underground, to include gemstones, precious metals, and oil. Of all the planets, Pluto is the most mysterious.
For you, Pluto will be in your 2nd house of earned income, financial resources, and material possessions. Jupiter will be in your 6th house of daily work, chores, obligations, and self-care. It could be that you hear of a new work project that brings with it some sort of payday. The 6th house rules your work, but it’s more of the day-to-day tedium rather than your career as a whole or your professional image. If this is the case expect the project to be lucrative, but also a heavy lift. I wouldn’t expect this to be a quick, easy buck. You’ll be putting in extra hours, but at least you know that the compensation will be there in the end.
If that doesn’t resonate with you, perhaps you’ll find some sort of transformative abundance in your daily routine, or your self-care habits. The 2nd house also rules our values, and the 6th house can represent the organizational structure that is applied to our waking hours. What if you find new value in cleaning your bathroom or organizing your closet? What if a dedicated morning routine is capable of bringing you joy, or at least calm? If the spirit moves you to clean and organize on June 2nd, let it.
June 4th has two pieces of astrology, but they’re unlikely to feel like separate events to you. Most likely, you’ll experience this day as overwhelmingly positive. There are two sets of conjunctions, both in Gemini and your 6th house of chores, obligations, daily work, and self-care. Early in the morning, Mercury will make a conjunction with Jupiter. About five hours later, Venus will make a conjunction with the sun. Anytime a planet conjuncts the sun, it’s called a “cazimi,” which is derived from Arabic and means “in the heart of.” Ancient astrologers believed that the planet in question passed through the heart of the sun and was cleansed by the heat and the light.
For you, I’d expect the first conjunction to bring a bit of good news either about your health or about your daily work. If you’ve been working with doctors and trying to find the source of a set of symptoms, or trying to understand if a course of medication will work as desired, you might get positive feedback around June 4th. Or, if that doesn’t resonate for you, you might receive good news about work you completed, especially if that work had to do with writing or communication. Mercury rules all forms of communication, especially the written word.
The second conjunction happens in the same house, and I expect it will bring you a little love or sweetness to your daily routine. You might find flowers on your desk at work, or someone might compliment you on how beautiful your home is. The 6th house also rules our pets, (to be clear, it rules small animals like cats and dogs. Large animals (like horses or cows) are in the 12th house). If you recently adopted a pet, you might have some sort of breakthrough in bonding with that animal. Or, if you’ve been considering adopting a pet, go to the shelter on June 4th. You’ll easily find your next furry friend.
This month’s new moon falls in Gemini, in your 6th house of obligations, chores, work routines, and self-care on June 6th. At the moment, the sign of Gemini is over-crowded with planets. The sun, the moon, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter will all be clustered together, which would normally make for a gorgeous new moon in Gemini. Unfortunately, Saturn will be squaring the new moon from its position in Pisces and your 3rd house of siblings, your neighborhood, communication. If you have siblings, they may have needs that interfere with your work. If you work from home you may notice car honking or traffic congestion is noticeable from your window, and causes a significant distraction. Another possibility is that something you wrote for work receives criticism or doesn’t serve the intended purpose. If you manage a social media account, don’t take any risks with it around the new moon.
If June 6th brings challenges, expect a break around June 14th. On that day, we have the second cazimi of the month. Venus and the sun met on June 4th. And now Mercury and the sun will meet on June 14th! Mercury cazimis are much more intellectual than a Venus cazimi. Expect a sudden breakthrough on a problem you’ve been having at work. Or you might have a burst of inspiration for accomplishing a particular goal. Expect something to click into place for you on this day.
On June 20th the sun will move into Cancer which rules your 7th house of committed partnerships. This house rules all forms of partnerships, to include romantic, platonic, or business relationships. The sun sheds warmth and light wherever it goes. If you have romantic or business partnerships the focus might be on them, or their needs for a little while. If you don’t have a partner at this time, you might meet someone new or decide to take the next step and make things official. The sun will be in Cancer until July 22nd, and you might feel like you’re singing backup rather than the lead. Lean into that feeling.
On June 21st we have the second lunation of the month, which is a full moon in Capricorn and your first house. This year, we will have two full moons in Capricorn. The first happens at 1* of Capricorn and the second happens at 29* of Capricorn on July 21st. The moon will be in your first house, which could highlight your emotions, or bring them to the surface. Meanwhile the sun is in your 7th house of committed partnerships. The moon and the sun are both squaring Neptune in your 3rd house of short distance travel, your neighborhood, siblings, and communication. Saturn is the ruler of this full moon and it’s applying towards a conjunction with Neptune. It looks like someone, (either you or your partner) said something they shouldn’t have. Neptune’s role in this makes me think that something hurtful was said unintentionally, or something was misinterpreted. Of course, it’s also possible that some sort of deception will be uncovered by one of you. Choose your words carefully around this time.
If the full moon felt quarrelsome, you can expect a reprieve on June 26th. On that day, Mercury will make a trine to Saturn which will help each of you clearly articulate your point of view. Better yet, Mercury will be in Cancer which is caring and nurturing. In this sign, Mercury can have difficult conversations with kindness and empathy. You’ll be back on the same team in no time at all.
Aquarius (January 20 – February 17)
You’re one of the most creative signs of the zodiac. Whether you pursue music, art, dance, or something else I think you’re going to be feeling particularly inspired this month. If at all possible, please set aside time for your creative self-expression, whatever form that takes. I promise you won’t regret it.
The month begins with a beautiful, supportive trine between Pluto and Jupiter on June 2nd. Pluto will be in Aquarius, and your first house of self, identity, appearance, and vitality while Jupiter will be in Gemini and your 5th house of joy, creativity, arts, athletics, and entertainment. This is a very fortunate and fairly rare aspect. We haven’t had a trine between Jupiter and Pluto since 2016! Jupiter is the planet of luck, abundance, expansion, and manifestation while Pluto represents transformation. Pluto can open doors between worlds and it can make big things small and small things big. Pluto also represents everything found underground, to include gemstones, precious metals, and oil. Of all the planets, Pluto is the most mysterious.
Some part of your identity, or your understanding of yourself will inspire you to create in a transformative way. The way in which you have experienced the world will pour out of you ins a powerful and creative way. This is a fantastic aspect for making new art, or entertaining yourself through some new activity. If you’re an athlete you may find that you’re especially focused and motivated on June 2nd. The 5th house also rules children, joy, and love. So you might experience an especially sentimental day with your children, if you have any. If you have a romantic partner, June 2nd could be a good day to plan a romantic outing. Go on a picnic, or cuddle on the couch and binge watch your current favorite. I think you’ll feel especially connected to one another.
June 4th has two pieces of excellent astrology. There are two conjunctions that happen within hours of each other, so you may or may not experience the astrology as separate events. It could be that June 4th is just one outstanding day. Early in the morning Mercury will make a conjunction with Jupiter in your 5th house of creativity, joy, self-expression, art, athletics, and entertainment. You could hear good news about a creative project. If you’ve applied to have your art exhibited or included in a collection, you might hear back around this time. Or, if you’ve applied to join an artist’s retreat or collective the same could be true.
About five hours later Venus will make a conjunction with the sun. Anytime a planet conjuncts the sun, it’s called a “cazimi,” which is derived from Arabic and means “in the heart of.” Ancient astrologers believed that the planet in question passed through the heart of the sun and was cleansed by the heat and the light. This is especially great for you; a Venus cazimi is all about love and sweetness and this is landing in your 5th house of love, joy, creativity, arts, athletics, and entertainment. If you feel especially romantic today, lean into that feeling. Take a chance and tell your special someone how you feel about them. If you don’t have anyone special in your life, then definitely go out and mingle on June 4th. This can be a great aspect for meeting someone new. If you’re trying to get pregnant, this is a great aspect for conception. As I mentioned, the 5th house also rules children, and any cazimi is a new beginning. If you’re not trying to get pregnant, you know all the ways to avoid that.
This month’s new moon falls on June 6th, in Gemini and your same 5th house of creativity, children, arts, athletics, and entertainment. The sun and the moon will be together in Gemini, along with Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury. Mercury rules the sign of Gemini, and it’s always fortuitous to have the planetary ruler co-present during any lunation. Venus is still very close to the sun at this point, so it’s possible that you’ll be feeling the cazimi on this day, too. This would be a lovely new moon, but Saturn is squaring the sun, moon and Venus from its place in Pisces. This is a tense aspect, and it’s generally indicative of conflict.
Saturn is in your 2nd house of earned income, financial resources, and values. It looks like your spending on your romantic partner or your creative pursuits, (or possibly) needs to be reined in. Or, an artistic pursuit may be out of reach at this time because of the associated expenses. If that’s the case, try to view this as a setback and not a permanent cessation. There’s probably a way around the obstacle.
There’s another tense aspect on June 11th when Mars will square Pluto. Mars will be in Taurus and your 4th house of home, family, ancestry, and origin stories. Meanwhile, Pluto will be in Aquarius in your first house of self, identity, appearance, and vitality. This looks like conflict between you and the people you live with, whether they’re family members or roommates. If you’ve been leaving messes around the house, or keeping hours that disrupt the people with whom you share space, expect to have that confrontation around June 11th. Mars and Pluto can create dramatic fights, or even cruelty. Do your best to keep your cool and try not to get too heated.
I know the last two aspects on June 6th and June 11th were less than ideal, but don’t worry. June 14th will be a fantastic day because Mercury will make a conjunction with the sun! This is a Mercury cazimi, and we get about six of these a year. It’s just as fortunate as the Venus cazimi that was ten days prior. Instead of being about love or romance, it tends to be more intellectual. Mercury rules all forms of communication as well as your inner monologue. This is also happening in Gemini, so I would expect you to have a stunning new idea around this time. You might come up with a new creative idea or curiosity about a different medium. This is a perfect time to explore a new hobby.
On June 20th the sun will enter the sign of Cancer and your 6th house of chores, obligations, daily routines, work, and self-care. This is a good time to recharge your batteries. Creating art can be draining, so take this time to reevaluate your self-care habits and your daily routines. Consider how your morning routine does or does not work for you. Ditto your bedtime routine. See if you can implement new time management to make your days work for you. This is also a good time to declutter. Go through your closets and your junk drawers, pull out the things that are just contributing to your stress. If the spirit moves you to clean and organize, follow that impulse.
The month closes with a full moon in Capricorn on June 21st. This year, we will have two full moons in Capricorn. The first happens at 1* of Capricorn and the second happens at 29* of Capricorn on July 21st. You may see recurring themes during these two lunations. Capricorn rules your 12th house of isolation, secrets, grief, closure, mental health, and psychic abilities. The tricky part about this lunation is Neptune. The sun and the moon are both in a square to Neptune, and the ruler of the full moon, (Saturn) is applying to a conjunction with Neptune. This looks like a tough day for your mental health. Don’t be alarmed if questions about your value rise to the surface. Allow any distressing points of view to float through your mind like clouds. Just about everyone has moments when we question the value we bring to any situation. You are alive the way nature is alive; to be strange and beautiful and to fully participate in a corporeal experience. If this moon is distressing, don’t worry too much. The next moon in Capricorn will feel very different.
Pisces (February 18 – March 18)
Your friends probably know you as a homebody. It’s not that you hate being outside your nest, it’s just that you have everything you need when you’re at home and that’s never guaranteed when you go out. This month you’ll have plenty of reasons to invest in your home and the relationships that flourish there. June begins with a gorgeous trine between Pluto in Aquarius and Jupiter in Gemini on June 2nd. Jupiter and Pluto are slow moving planets, making this aspect one part rare and one part powerful. It hasn’t happened since 2016. Jupiter represents abundance, luck, and expansion. Pluto is the transformer of the skies; it opens portals between worlds and it makes big things small and small things big. Of all the planets, Pluto is the most mysterious.
For you, this is happening between Aquarius and your 12th house of seclusion, rest, closure, and secrets and your 4th house of home, family, ancestry, and origin stories. If you feel like you’ve worn out your internal battery by participating in lots of extracurriculars, you’ll be inclined to rest at this time. Indulge in your coziest PJs and your cringiest. guilty-pleasure TV show. You may also find that your privacy gives way to some sort of spiritual truth. The 12th house rules seclusion and privacy is merely seclusion with intention. It could be that your home or family provides a set up for you to explore your own spirituality. If you’ve ever wanted to build an altar, this is a great time to do that. The 12th house is one of the hidden houses, so whatever you work on at this time, it’s best to keep it away from the prying eyes of others. You don’t owe anyone an explanation for your spiritual pastimes.
June 4th has two pieces of excellent astrology. There are two conjunctions that happen within hours of each other, both in Gemini in your 4th house of home and family. You may or may not experience the astrology as separate events. It could be that June 4th is just one outstanding day. Early in the morning Mercury will make a conjunction with Jupiter in your 4th house of home, family, ancestry, and origin stories. This looks like a bit of good news about your home. If you’ve applied to rent an apartment, or if you’ve been applying for a mortgage loan from a bank, you might get positive word around this time. Or, if you’ve been doing work on your home (e.g. repairs, renovations, or decorating), you may hear back from a contractor that the necessary work won’t be as costly or difficult as previously imagined.
Later that morning Venus will make a conjunction with the sun. Anytime a planet conjuncts the sun, it’s called a “cazimi,” which is derived from Arabic and means “in the heart of.” Ancient astrologers believed that the planet in question passed through the heart of the sun and was cleansed by the heat and the light. This will bring a bit of love and sweetness in your home or family life. If your roommates can be troublesome, or if your parents or your children tend to be cranky, expect an easier day today. Or, if you live on your own and you feel ready to invite a partner or close friend to move in with you, this is a great time to make the invitation. Both of you will get to share in the love and joy. Venus’ conjunction with the sun could even bring a monetary reward. Venus is commonly understood to represent love, beauty, and art but it also represents money. If you’ve recently listed your house for sale, you might get an offer on June 4th.
This month’s new moon falls in Gemini, in your 4th house of home and family on June 6th. The sun and the moon will be together in Gemini, along with Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury. Mercury rules the sign of Gemini, and it’s always fortuitous to have the planetary ruler co-present during any lunation. Venus is still very close to the sun at this point, so it’s possible that you’ll be feeling the cazimi on this day, too. This would be a lovely new moon, but Saturn is squaring the sun, moon and Venus from its place in Pisces. This is a tense aspect, and it’s generally indicative of conflict.
For you, Saturn will be in your first house of self, identity, appearance, and vitality. You might be feeling bored or frustrated with your living situation. Something, or someone is likely getting on your nerves or failing to meet your needs. If you’ve had previous talks with your roommates about leaving dishes in the sink or wet towels on the floor, you might circle back to those conversations around the new moon. Or, you may have a great uncle who wants you to know that he doesn’t approve of your lifestyle. Remember that some people are committed to misunderstanding you. If that’s the case, then there’s not much you can do but place your attention elsewhere.
If June 6th brings challenges, expect a break around June 14th. On that day, we have the second cazimi of the month. Venus and the sun met on June 4th. And now Mercury and the sun will meet on June 14th! Mercury cazimis are much more intellectual than any Venus cazimi. Expect a sudden breakthrough on a problem you’ve been having at home. You may figure out a way to organize your bathroom or your spice rack so that it actually makes sense for you. Or you might have a burst of inspiration for how to talk to a family member about a difficult topic. Expect something to click into place for you on this day.
On June 17th Mercury will square Neptune. This might feel like a miniature Mercury retrograde period. You may experience glitchy electronics, emails misdelivered to your spam folder, or you might say the wrong thing at the wrong time. My advice is to be extra careful with all communication: that includes emails, phone calls, and in-person chats. On the flip side, this can be an excellent aspect for artistic expression or inspiration. If you devote time to a creative outlet, set aside some on June 17th. At a minimum, I’d expect you to be able to see things from a new or interesting perspective.
On June 20th the sun will move into Cancer and your fifth house of joy, creativity, arts, athletics, and entertainment. The fifth house is one of the most auspicious houses in the zodiac! It’s a very generative place and it also rules any children you may have. The sun brings light and warmth wherever it goes. If you’ve been having a tough time with your art, (e.g. writers block or burnout), I’d expect things to get a little easier while the sun is in Cancer. If nothing else, you may find that joy comes a little easier for the four weeks that the sun is in this sign.
The month closes with a full moon in Capricorn on June 21st. This year, we will have two full moons in Capricorn. The first happens at 1* of Capricorn and the second happens at 29* of Capricorn on July 21st. You may see recurring themes during these two lunations. Capricorn rules your 11th house of friends, social groups, communities, professional organizations, hopes, and wishes. The moon will be in Capricorn, the sun will be 180° away in Cancer. The tricky part is that both the moon and the sun will be in a square to Neptune in Pisces. Moreover, the ruler of this full moon, (Saturn) is applying to a conjunction with Neptune. In this context, Neptune represents delusion, confusion, and in some cases idealism.
There might be some problems with how you understand your art, or the community it’s intended for. You may have recently released a project out into the world thinking that it would accomplish a goal, but there seems to be a misunderstanding. Either you misunderstood the goal of the project, or the intended audience doesn’t understand the value. This doesn’t have to be a fatal flaw. You might just need to revise the parameters, the intended audience, or the project itself.