A Fat Nugs Mag Introduction: Master Roachee

Namaste, salutation, and greetings,

Either by poor judgment or a really bodacious strain, the editorial staff here at FatNugs have invited me to share my thoughts and opinions. Why? I am still unsure of their motives – some type of conspiracy, I’m sure.

Meet the Master

Please allow me to introduce myself: I am Master Roachee. The Master part is an honorary title as I am the Master of nothing, my other half likes to frequently remind me. I am the founder and CEO of Master Roachee’s Garden and the self-appointed leader of the Peace, Love, and Good Vibes movement. You might be asking yourself what is the Peace, Love, and Good Vibes movement? Good question! More on that in a moment.

I was born in the 60s in rural Indiana and have lived and traveled all over the country. Growing up I became very interested in natural healing and plant medicine, eventually becoming an herbalist. I have been active in the hemp and cannabis scene since the 80s. Man, it doesn’t seem that long. I don’t know about you, but I still think hemp and cannabis can save the world.

During my travels, I’ve had the opportunity to talk to and learn from some amazing individuals and it’s my hope to get to share some of the wisdom and advice that has been shared with me. I will do my best, but will not promise you anything on the quality of this advice-  after all, it’s coming from me.

You were asking about the Peace, Love, and Good Vibes movement. Well, it just so happens that I am the perfect person to ask, being the self-appointed leader.

Peace begins with oneself. If you can’t be at peace with yourself, how can you find peace anywhere else? Peace begins with honest communication and understanding. You can have peace even if you don’t like or agree with the other person. Peace requires compromise and understanding, not winning or losing. Talk like this will get you called “New Age Hippie SCUM” or so I am told, so with that let’s move on to Love.

Love yourself #1: this goes along with peace. Love your family – hey this is harder than it sounds. Love your community. Do you know your neighbors, do you know their names? How can you love your community if you are not a part of it?

Love the earth. I know what you’re saying, ‘Of course I love the earth.’ Allow me to rephrase that to, show the earth some love. Help clean up when you’re out walking, give up some of that lawn for garden space, and plant pollinator-friendly plants. It’s just like being in a relationship: it’s the little everyday things that matter. Find natural alternatives. This is especially true for medications, so much is ending up contaminating our soil and groundwater. There are all kinds of new hemp-based building and consumer products coming into the market. It could be the start of something beautiful. Can you dig it?

Good Vibes: by helping others, we raise their vibrations, and in turn, we raise our own. There is so much toxicity out there. Together, we are going to help lessen the impact. I take ‘creativity breaks’ and have just returned from such a break.

Okay….hmm….Right! Good Vibes, groovy.

Our vibrations act and interact with everything and everyone we encounter. Alright, you’re calling BS on this ‘vibe’ stuff; I will give you an example that will change your opinion. How many of you know when your significant other or boss (in my case one in the same) is in a bad mood without having to ask? You picked up on their ‘vibes.’ Yes, I know we all know the people who must ask anyway.

To sum up the preceding ramblings, just be a little kinder, a little friendlier, be the bright spot in someone else’s day. Put away the technology and reconnect, knock that dust off your light, and build your vibe. We all have damage and are healing, and we have the tools of the ancients to aid us.

Flowers, herbs, mushrooms, and the rest of nature were our ancestor’s pharmacy. I am a believer, patient, and champion of the use of all plants. Our ancestors may not have known the pharmacology properties or the chemical structure of what they were taking, but they knew the benefits. Now we are rediscovering their amazing healing abilities.

I want to thank you for taking a few minutes of your day to hang out with me. And hey don’t blame me for this, I told you at the start that I thought the editorial staff were doing bong hits when they said ‘Yes”.

Peace, Love, and Good Vibes,

Master Roachee   

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