The Power and Potential of Plant Medicine: An Interview with Johnny Broadcast

Photos Courtesy of Johnny Broadcast

Human’s ability to heal themselves is a question of great debate. For the past 100 years, Western medicine has insisted that people fall prey to the ravages of disease, and only pharmaceuticals can heal us. But there is a growing body of research to support the notion that we have more control over our bodies than we believed – and plant medicine may be able to help us heal ourselves. Just look at this 2014 study that shows people can influence their autonomic nervous system and innate immune system.

Every once in a while, a person comes along with a story that makes you wonder what we’re really capable of. This is one of those stories.

FNM: Can you tell us your story?

Johnny Broadcast: I was diagnosed with stage 2 colo-rectal cancer in 2017. My doctor immediately wanted to do $150,000 surgery and take out part of my rectum, leaving me with a colostomy bag. When I told him I wanted to try oils and plant medicine, he screamed at me that I was going to die if I didn’t do chemotherapy.

I went to get a second opinion and it got even worse. The doctor called cannabis snake oil and had no knowledge at all about its medical applications. There are over 35,000 papers published on PubMed about the effects of cannabis on all kinds of cancer. I was just horrified – for the medical community to not know about weed is one thing, but to tell me my research was wrong and I didn’t know what I was talking about was downright irresponsible.

But I had done my research, and after that second doctor yelled at me, I was sure cannabis was the path I wanted to take. I started with RSO and I did it all myself. I used suppositories and herbal remedies, tried piercing therapy, sunlight therapy, yoga, grounding – so many things.

I went back for another MRI and they found no detectable malignancy. It was amazing! But they weren’t convinced and wanted me to get a colonoscopy. I was very skeptical about going under for a colonoscopy so I did my research again and found out that most doctors will stay awake for their own colonoscopies. I asked to do it awake and have my own monitor to see what was going on.

My gastroenterologist was supportive of my cannabis use, but skeptical about the results. He said I had the colon of a 25-year-old at 50 years old and there was no trace of the cancer at all! Even though he agreed that I healed myself, he insisted there was a high chance of recurrence and I still needed to see an oncologist. It totally defied medical expectations.

That was just the start of my journey. I knew I wanted to help people heal themselves the way I had, and God started sending people my way.

I started work on my website, The Anointed One, where I laid out my entire research and regime. I was lucky enough to get a scholarship to the Green Flower program where I received two certificates in the medical applications of cannabis.

Today, I’ve helped more than 50 people with migraines, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and stage 3 – 4 cancer patients. I cannot heal you, but I can give you the information to help you heal yourself.

FNM: What was your relationship with cannabis like before cancer?

Johnny: I was a stoner before all of this. I’ve loved weed since I was 16 years old. I wasn’t a fan of alcohol when I was younger, but cannabis instantly made me feel at home in my own skin. It made me feel more confident and got rid of my inhibitions.

FNM: What is your relationship with cannabis now?

Johnny: It’s very different. I see it as God’s gift that he put on the ground for us to reach out and grab it. We have to get back to plant medicine – plants are here on this planet for a reason. It makes me crazy that Western medicine denies the power of cannabis so much. Cannabis has been used as medicine for 3,000 years – and before 1937, it was one of the top three medicines used. I think every doctor should have to take a Green Flower medical course to understand it.

FNM: Is there a person you’ve helped who sticks out the most?

Johnny: Every single person sticks out in my head – I can tell you about every single person I’ve helped. A guy who was told by his doctors he had a month to live and to get his will together – he read my blog, got the RSO and supplements, and went from stage 4 cancer to full remission. That’s just one. I have so many incredible stories from people. I can’t wait until I can share their names and details without fear of repercussions for them.

FNM: What do you wish people knew about plant medicine?

Johnny: You have to believe that is effective. Your belief in healing yourself is just as powerful as the plants. Whatever you’re dealing with, whatever ailment you have in the physical body, you have a mirror of what’s going on in your psychic body. You need to heal spiritually to heal physically.

FNM: Where can people learn more about you?

Johnny: My website, The Anointed One. It has my entire cannabis regime, the products I used, the herbal supplements, everything, as well as the form to book a consultation with me.

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