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Stardust Bee is a practicing astrologer based in Denver, Colorado. Her passion is distilling traditional astrological wisdom into guidance fit for the contemporary world. Her careful, analytical approach is meant to help individuals navigate their lives on their own terms while understanding the cosmic weather patterns. You can visit her website and get a personalized, astrological report at Ready for more astrology? Follow StardustBee2023 on Instagram!
April Generally
Buckle your seatbelts, because April is a noisy, disruptive month! We’ll see a Mercury retrograde period, the second and final eclipse of the season, a once-in-13-year transit, and then a full moon in Scorpio that’ll have you reaching for your tarot cards. This month is definitely messy, but there are some very positive moments. Let’s break it all down.
Mercury stations retrograde on April 1st in the sign of Aries. You may have heard that Mercury retrograde periods can be klutzy or even chaotic, and there is some truth to that. When Mercury stations retrograde it appears to pause and then move backwards in the sky. Remember that astrology has its foundations in what is observable; ancient astrologers saw the planet slow to a crawl, then stop, and then back up across the sky until it began to move forward again. Mercury rules all forms and methods of communication, including speaking, writing, contracts, and even social media. Mercury also rules short-distance travel, (like your daily commute) and electronics. It even rules your inner monologue. Depending on what house Mercury retrogrades through, it can cause brain fog, or fatigue.
If possible, avoid starting important new projects while Mercury is moving retrograde. This is not an ideal time to start a new job, build a new website, sign a lease, or any other kind of contract. Avoid buying a new car, a new phone, or a new computer. Of course, necessity always trumps astrology. If your car gets stolen and you need a new one to get to work, you should by all means replace it. The point here is to avoid these things if it’s possible for you. Mercury will be retrograde until April 25th. Any Mercury retrograde period can be a great time to return to an old or abandoned project; use this time to circle back to a forgotten undertaking from your past. Once Mercury moves direct, you can purchase new electronics or sign contracts again.
April 8th and April 10th are the most challenging days of this month. They’re so close together that you might not feel them as two distinct events; it might arrive as just one event. It’s also possible that this astrology won’t land for you at all. That’s part of the mystery of astrology.
On April 8th we have the second eclipse of the season. Eclipses are always big news in astrology because they represent a cosmic power surge. April’s eclipse is a total solar eclipse and it will be visible over part of the United States! Lunar eclipses can be visible for an entire hemisphere, but solar eclipses are only visible on a very narrow path on the globe. Check this map to see if the eclipse will be visible where you live.
This eclipse takes place at 19° of Aries. Mars, the ruler of this eclipse is in Pisces, crouched next to Saturn. Generally speaking, solar eclipses bring sudden, new beginnings and lunar eclipses bring endings or culminations. Aries is not a sign known for being chill; this is the sign of “shoot first and ask questions late”, of not asking for permission, of smoking the entire eighth in one day, and of starting projects without any idea of how to finish them. Eclipses can bring fated or karmic events, so what transpires may feel like it’s totally out of your hands. Always proceed with caution during eclipses. Avoid rushing to judgment, or taking actions that can’t be undone at this time.
On April 10th Mars will complete its conjunction to Saturn. (To astrologers, “conjunct” means occupying the same degree so that the two planets appear to be touching when viewed from Earth.) This aspect happens about every two years and it usually brings some kind of ending. Mars and Saturn are the two “malefics” of the zodiac, meaning that they’re the planets that are more difficult to work with and most likely to bring about challenging events. This time, these two planets are in Pisces, the 12th sign of the zodiac. If an ending occurs, it could have to do with art, spirituality, religion, or escapism. Pisces also rules substance use and abuse. This can be a time to evaluate your relationship with your medicine and make sure you’re not showing any signs of dependency.
On April 19th the Sun will move into Taurus. The Sun’s transit through this sign will bring light and warmth to the part of your chart that contains Taurus. The sign of the bull is a sensual, almost hedonistic sign that loves luxury and taking its time. It’s impossible to rush a Taurus; they only move when they want to move. Even if you’re not a Taurus, you can celebrate the season by indulging in delicious food, cozy PJs, or a new playlist. Taurus has an exceptional relationship to music.
April 20th is one of the best days of the year! On that day Jupiter will conjunct Uranus, both of which are in Taurus. This transit happens about every 13 years. The last occurrence was January 4, 2011, in the sign of Pisces. Jupiter is the greater benefic; it’s known for bringing abundance, luck, prosperity, and good cheer. Uranus is the planet of innovation, breakthroughs, freedom, and sometimes rebellion. Out in the world, these planets are likely to bring new technologies or scientific developments. For you, you may experience a lucky break or a sudden moment of genius. This transit brings expansion and bright ideas to the part of your chart that contains Taurus. You can use this day to take a chance on something. If you’ve been considering asking out the cute barista, exploring a new city, starting your own business, or asking for funding for a new project, this will be a great day to begin. This is a time for big dreams and bold moves. Make good use of this transit, because the next one won’t occur until 2037!
On April 23rd we have a full moon in Scorpio. The moon, more than any other planet, wants to foster connection and emotional comfort. Scorpio is a very intense sign; anytime the moon transits through Scorpio it experiences deep, heavy connection, usually more than what’s comfortable. This full moon might have you feeling overly emotional, maybe in need of catharsis. If marijuana has a tendency to make you paranoid, you might be especially prone to that at the time of the full moon. You might have trusted something or someone, only to discover that the trust was misplaced. Or, you might have poured hours into a project only to find out that one of your baseline assumptions was completely wrong, forcing you to start all over. This is not a time to blindly accept the promises being made; trust but verify.
April definitely has some positive moments, but there’s confusion and illusion happening throughout. Mercury will be retrograde almost the entire month, adding a level of uncertainty to everything that transpires. Take precautions and try to have fun. May will be a much easier month.
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
You’re the star of the show this month, Aries. You have a solar eclipse and a Mercury retrograde happening all at the same time. Some of the changes that happen this month might feel fated, or like there was nothing you could have done to prevent them. Embrace radical acceptance this month. Meanwhile, Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and money will enter your first house of self, identity, new beginnings, and vitality on April 4th! This is a wonderful transit that happens about once every 18 months and it helps others see you as charming and good-looking. This is a wonderful time to update your wardrobe, buy new accessories, or try a new hairstyle. Consider finding new methods of self-expression. You’re always free to make changes to how you define and understand yourself, but from April 4th to April 29th you might find that the change is easier to adopt, or more quickly accepted by your community.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
You’re not known for escapism, Taurus. Like all the earth signs, you’ve made a name for yourself by being pragmatic and reliable, if a little plodding. At this month’s eclipse, you might find yourself indulging in seclusion. The April 8th eclipse falls in your 12th house of secrets, isolation, closure, and endings. The 12th house is a place of deep rest, and yes, even escapism. Most adults want to take the edge off at the end of a long day, but if you’re using marijuana to hide from your problems, it might be time for some self-reflection. Another option is that the eclipse may expose a secret that you or someone else has been keeping. Eclipses act as a cosmic power surge, and they have a way of outing any skeletons lurking in the closet.
Later this month, the conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus will fall in your first house of self, identity, beginnings, and vitality! This is an amazing stroke of luck because you can use this aspect for just about anything you want. Mark April 20th on your calendar and use this day to start a new job, start a fitness journey, move across the country, or any other fantastic new beginning!
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Welcome to eclipse season, Gemini! Mercury, the planetary ruler of your Sun, will station retrograde on April 1st and it could affect you more than it affects the people around you. While you should definitely back up your hard drive and take care not to lose your keys or your wallet, this Mercury retrograde period might have some fun surprises in store: you might hear from friends, coworkers, or colleagues from your past, or maybe even a former plug. That’s because Mercury will retrograde through your 11th house of friends, social groups, acquaintances, hopes and ambitions. Check your phone and your email frequently; there’s a good chance that someone you haven’t spoken to in a long while will reach out. The 11th house is one of the most positive houses in astrology. If someone contacts you, they may have some sort of offer with them. If the eclipse this month knocks you sideways, don’t fret too much. Mercury retrograde in your 11th house is your secret weapon. On April 11th Mercury will conjunct the Sun, which could bring a friendly surprise or a sudden burst of inspiration.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
This month you’ll be soaking up the accolades, Cancer. The eclipse on April 8th falls in your 10th house of career, honors, awards, and fame. Eclipses tend to bring sudden changes or new directions in life. Most likely, you’ve been working hard and you’ll be recognized for the important contributions you’ve made. Don’t be surprised if your boss singles you out for your professional demeanor or positive attitude. You could even receive a promotion or a pay raise at this time. Or, if you’ve been looking for work you may receive an offer. Eclipses work in strange ways; even if the company ghosted you in the interview process you could still hear from them around the time of the eclipse.
Then on April 23rd, the full moon will help you cut loose and celebrate a bit. The moon will be in Scorpio, which rules your 5th house of joy, creativity, romance, and children. This full moon might have some deceptive or unrealistic top notes, but as long as you don’t go overboard, you should be fine. Get off the beaten path and indulge a bit!
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Is your passport up-to-date? This month’s astrology will have you pursuing new credentials, distant shores, or both. The eclipse on April 8th falls in your 9th house of higher education, philosophy, long-distance travel, and spirituality. It might be time for you to go back to school, join a new religious community, or travel abroad. This is a new moon eclipse; they initiate new beginnings (as opposed to full moon eclipses which bring about endings or culminations.) If you’ve been hesitating about whether or not to pursue a new opportunity because it would mean starting over in a new place, this is your sign to take the leap of faith. Or, an opportunity may come out of the blue forcing you to make a quick decision. That’s how eclipses work: they typically bring sudden, unexpected developments.
On April 21st, the Sun, (which is the planetary ruler of Leo), will square Pluto. The Sun will be in Taurus and your 10th house of career, honors, awards, and fame while Pluto will be in Aquarius and your 7th house of committed relationships. This is a tense, even aggravating aspect. Your work life may be causing stress in your relationship. Is it time to assess your work-life balance?
Virgo (August 23 – September 21)
If you’re the sort of person who’s always losing their lighter, you might want to take precautions this month. Mercury is the planetary ruler of Virgo, and this month it will retrograde from April 1st to April 25th through the sign of Aries and your 8th house of the occult, shamanism, mystery, and underlying realities. This is a complicated house that also rules over sex, intimacy, inheritances, taxes, and death. This month is tax season, so make sure that you’ve properly completed all forms. Check with a professional to make sure you’re qualifying for the correct deductions. Mercury retrograde periods are known for forcing people to redo work, and the IRS isn’t always friendly about do-overs.
The eclipse on April 8th will fall in the same house. You may discover at this time that you’re owed an inheritance, or that a grant has been awarded to you or your company. If you’ve ever been curious about tarot cards, pendulum dowsing, automatic writing, or tea leaves this would be a great time to experiment. It could also be a good time to learn about tantra as well. Remember that tantra can be done on your own, or with a partner.
Libra (September 22 – October 22)
The focus is on relationships this month. On April 6th Venus will sextile Pluto which brings intense, consuming love, or emotions. This is a wonderful time to pen a beautiful note or a love letter. A well-timed, Purple devil emoji might be called for. At the eclipse on April 8th, you might feel like you’re acting in a supporting role in your own life rather than the lead. That’s because most of the activity taking place is happening in your 7th house of long-term relationships, and contractual partnerships. This house also rules lawsuits, business partnerships. and divorce. It may be that your partner, (in love or in business) has a lot going on and needs your support. You could have less time for your own projects and self-care because you’re so dedicated to your partner at this time. Another possibility is that you’ve been dating for a little while and you’re ready to become exclusive or even move in together. Eclipses can bring fated or karmic events. If your intuition is telling you it’s safe to do so, you should listen. Lastly, if you don’t have a partner, be sure to circulate this month. You just might meet someone.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Have you been taking good care of yourself, Scorpio? If not, this month’s astrology will help you figure out where to make changes. The eclipse on April 8th falls in your 6th house of daily routines, chores, obligations, and self-care. A situation may arise that leaves additional work on your plate. For example, a coworker may call in sick at the busiest time, which would force you to manage extra duties. Try not to get too irritated if you have to clean up other people’s messes. Another possibility is that you adopt a new pet at this time; the 6th house also rules small animals like cats and dogs. (But large animals like horses are found in the 12th house). Lastly, you might find that your self-care routine needs an update. Marijuana can be an excellent way to maintain your mental health, but it shouldn’t be the only tool in your toolkit.
Lastly, the full moon on April 23rd will fall in your first house of identity, self-knowledge, vitality, and new beginnings. This could be a wonderful time to do some shadow work; expose to light the parts of yourself that make you uncomfortable. Unlike some other signs, you’re not remotely intimidated by such a thing.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
The upcoming eclipse on April 8th will fall in your 5th house of joy, creativity, and children. This house also rules arts, entertainment, and athletics. In some ways, this is the best possible house for you, Sagittarius. You’re one of the more fun-loving signs of the zodiac and at this time, the universe is giving you the all-clear to take some time for yourself. If you have artistic or athletic hobbies, make extra time for them. Take that glass-blowing class you’ve been curious about, or maybe try that new gym that just opened down the street. This is a great time to reinvest in your relationship with yourself.
Jupiter, (your planetary ruler) and Uranus will make a conjunction on April 20th in your 6th house of chores, obligations, and daily routines. If, for example, you used the eclipse to take a spur-of-the-moment Krav Maga class, you could use this aspect to make it a more permanent part of your routine. This is an ideal time to start a new fitness journey. Another possibility is that you’ll be welcoming a pet into your home, as the 6th house also rules over pets. Remember to adopt, don’t shop!
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
You’ve got home and family on your mind this month. The eclipse on April 8th will fall in your 4th house of home, family, ancestry, and origin stories. You might be moving, adding a roommate, or welcoming someone who can help with childcare. This is a great time to redecorate, buy new bed sheets, organize your bathroom, or even shampoo the carpets. How can you make your home work for you and meet your needs at this time? Anything that centers your living situation is well-timed in April.
Meanwhile, the conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus will be happening in your 5th house of children, creativity, self-expression, and love affairs. It’s possible that you’ve decided to welcome a child into your home and you have to move in order to accommodate the new addition. If that’s not the case, April 20th may end up being a fun, playful day. The same house that rules children also rules good, clean fun.
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
The eclipse on April 8th will fall in your 3rd house of communication, siblings, your neighborhood, and short-distance travel. Eclipses are astrological wild cards, but this one looks primed to bring increase and gain to your 3rd house. A social media post you make might go viral, or attract an unusually high number of likes or shares. If communicating with your siblings is normally strained, then the eclipse could help get a conversation started.
On April 21st the Sun in Taurus, and your 4th house of home, family, ancestry, and origin stories will square Pluto in your first house of self, identity, vitality, and new beginnings. This is an aspect of aggravation and irritation. Someone in your home is tap dancing on your last nerve. If you have roommates, either romantic or platonic, try to be extra patient at this time. Just because you’re feeling irritated doesn’t mean you have the right to lash out. Take deep breaths.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Good news, Pisces! The April 8th eclipse will fall in your second house of earned income and financial resources. Eclipses bring unexpected changes, making them very difficult to predict. However, because this is a new moon eclipse it looks like your personal money matters are getting a refresh. This could come in the form of a bonus or pay raise at work. Or it could come in the form of a brand new job. I do want to caution you: the 2nd house is a house of earned income, which is separate from passive income or gambling winnings, (those would be in the 8th or 5th house, respectively). I am not advising you to buy a bunch of scratch-offs.
On April 28th Mars will conjunct Neptune in Pisces, in your first house of self, identity, vitality, and new beginnings. This aspect usually marks the onset of rapid, fast-acting confusion. The energy of this transit feels like getting ready to drive to an important interview, but forgetting your car keys and extra copies of your resume. If you have something important to accomplish this day, lay out everything you need the night before and double-check that you’re prepared.