Blunt Horoscopes: May Astrology for the High Life

Art Courtesy of Casey Renteria

Stardust Bee is a practicing astrologer based in Denver, Colorado. Her passion is distilling traditional astrological wisdom into guidance fit for the contemporary world. Her careful, analytical approach is meant to help individuals navigate their lives on their own terms while understanding the cosmic weather patterns. You can visit her website and get a personalized, astrological reading at

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Aries (March 19 – April 18)

Welcome to May, Aries! If April rocked your world a little bit, May will feel stabilizing. This month’s new moon is on May 7th, in Taurus and your second house of earned income. This new moon is compassionate, sensitive, indulgent, and maybe even a little surprising. The new moon is nestled in between Venus on one side, which is the ruler of Taurus, and Uranus and Jupiter on the other side. New moons bring beginnings, while full moons typically bring endings or culminations. To add to the joy, the moon is exalted in the sign of Taurus, which means that the moon gets to feel like an honored guest everytime it travels through this sign. When planets are in the sign of their exaltation they express the best versions of themselves. For Luna, that means that it fosters strong emotional connection, abundant sensual pleasures, and happy moods whenever it’s in Taurus.

This will usher in a new beginning regarding your income and personal finances. You might be accepting a new job offer, or signing a deal with a new client. Or, maybe you’ll receive a bonus at work. Uranus has a way of introducing sudden surprises, so it’s possible that you won’t see this coming until sometime around May 7th.

On May 20th the Sun will enter Gemini, and your third house of communication, siblings, and your neighborhood. This can be a great time to renew your relationships with your neighbors. If you typically struggle to see eye to eye with one of your siblings, this time of the year might be a little easier for you. Send a friendly text or invite them out to lunch. If you’ve been wanting to start journaling or starting a new communication pattern with your housemates, start it while the Sun is in Gemini. Starting new habits with the help of astrology can help them stick.

May 23rd is one of the best days of the year. There are three amazing aspects all rolled into a single day. Early in the morning, Venus will conjunct Jupiter, both of which are in Taurus. These are the two benefics of the zodiac, which means these planets are the two easiest to work with. This is a beautiful day of love and abundance. If possible, lay out delicious snacks and beverages. Get the good pipes or bongs out of the closet, (you know, the ones that are pretty but less user friendly or more difficult to clean.) Wear beautiful, but comfortable clothes and then spend the day enjoying your own company or the company of a loved one. Taurus is one of the more hedonistic signs of the zodiac, so to the extent possible, make this day about sensual pleasures. If you’ve been dating someone new and you’re ready to say the “L” word, this can be a very romantic day to do it. Or you can use this day to propose if that step is appropriate for your relationship.

After Venus makes its conjunction to Jupiter, both of them together will sextile Neptune, adding a dreamy haze to the day. This aspect adds an element of spirituality, making things seem fated or part of your destiny. This can also help with inspiration or creativity. If you’re an artist, leave some white space on your calendar this day because it’s very likely that inspiration could strike.

Then, as if all of that wasn’t enough, we have a full moon in Sagittarius. This is a sumptuous full moon that will make it easier for you to feel vulnerable. I think you’ll find that it’s safe to share your fears or desires at this time. If you don’t have anyone you trust with this information then consider journaling. Even expressing these emotions to yourself can be therapeutic.

May 23rd is a beautiful day, but it’ll be over all too soon. Before the end of the day Venus will move into Gemini. Then, on May 25th Jupiter will move into Gemini. This will bring fun, luck, and abundance to your 3rd house of communication, siblings, and short distance travel. Expect to have an easier time during your commute. You’ll get along easier with your neighbors, (maybe they’ll be less bothered by the skunky smells in the hallway). You might even find that your communication skills improve. Above all, Jupiter in Gemini can bring a lot of fun. Gemini likes diversions and distractions and Jupiter amplifies that while it travels through the sign. This transit will last a little over a year – until June 9, 2025. Get outside and have some fun!

Taurus (April 19 – May 20)

Happy Birthday, Taurus! To help you celebrate another trip around the sun, I’m offering those with a sun in Taurus a 25% discount on a personalized reading, available at Enter the code Taurus25FNM at checkout to receive your gift! Don’t wait; this offer expires when the sun moves into Gemini on May 20.

There’s a lot happening this month, and you’re at the center of it! The month opens with a new moon in Taurus. May 7th will have a luxurious new moon in your first house of self, identity, and vitality. The Sun and the moon are nestled in between the two benefics of the zodiac, which makes this new moon as good as it can get. New moons bring beginnings, and because this is falling in your first house you can use it for just about anything you want. You can initiate a new morning routine for yourself or your family. You could start a new health and fitness journey. Or, you could use this time to devote yourself to a new hobby or a personal pursuit. This is an ideal time to visualize who you want to be in the next chapter of your life and then take steps to achieving that. You only get one new moon in your first house once a year, so use this time wisely. Manifest something cool for yourself!

On May 15th Mercury will move into Taurus and your first house. This is a great time to speak up for yourself, and you may get a mental boost as well. If you want to ask for a raise, or start a complicated project at work, do it while Mercury is in Taurus. You could also start that book you’ve been meaning to read and haven’t gotten around to. You’re bound to fly through it at this time. Ask yourself, what intellectual goal can you start at this time? Mercury traveling through your first house is the best time to start it, even if you can’t finish it during these 3 weeks. This is a short transit; Mercury will leave Taurus and enter Gemini on June 3rd. Take advantage while you can!

On May 20th the sun will move into Gemini, and your 2nd house of earned income and financial resources. This transit happens once a year and helps you focus on your material resources. If you’ve slacked with your budget, or if your marijuana purchases have been racking up you can use this time to recommit to your priorities. It’s also possible that you might have a little extra money, or that you’ll have a few more opportunities to make money during this time. This will end for the year when the sun moves into Cancer on June 20th.

One of the best days of the year happens on May 23rd! On that day we have three amazing aspects all rolled into a single day. Early in the morning, Venus will conjunct Jupiter, both of which are in your first house of Taurus. These are the two benefics of the zodiac, which means these planets are the two easiest to work with. This is a beautiful day of love and abundance. If possible, lay out delicious snacks and beverages. Get the good pipes or bongs out of the closet, (you know, the pretty ones that my southern mother would call “the company pipes.”) Wear comfortable, but elegant clothes and then spend the day enjoying your own company or the company of a loved one. Taurus is one of the more hedonistic signs of the zodiac, so to the extent possible make this day about sensual pleasures. If you’ve been dating someone new and you’re ready to say the “L” word, this can be a very romantic day to do it. Or you can use this day to propose if taking that step feels appropriate.

After Venus makes the conjunction to Jupiter, both of them together will sextile Neptune, adding a karmic patina to the day. This aspect adds an element of spirituality, making things seem fated or part of your destiny. It can also help with inspiration or creativity. If you’re an artist, leave some white space on your calendar this day because it’s very likely that inspiration could strike.

Then, as if all of that wasn’t enough, we have a full moon in Sagittarius. This is a delicious full moon that will make it easier for you to feel vulnerable. Say the thing that you’ve been keeping to yourself; I think you’ll find that it’s safe to share your fears or desires at this time. If you don’t have anyone you trust with this information then consider journaling. Even expressing these emotions to yourself can be therapeutic. Before you know it, this day will be over. Venus will move into Gemini by the afternoon and some of the magic will be lost when that happens. I hope you’ll put the morning and early afternoon of May 23rd on your calendar. We don’t get days this nice every month.

On May 25th Jupiter will move into Gemini. This is excellent news for you, because Jupiter will bring luck and abundance to your 2nd house of earned income and financial resources! I am not promising that you will get wealthy, but you might have an easier time around your finances while Jupiter transits this sign. You might find a lucrative side hustle, or you might find a better, higher paying job. The best part is that Jupiter will be in Gemini for just over a year! Jupiter will move into Cancer on June 9, 2025. Another bonus to having Jupiter in Gemini, is that it increases fun activities. Gemini is a sign that loves to fill its schedule with short trips and diversions. If you feel like fun has been lacking in your life for the past little while, Jupiter in Gemini is going to change all that.

Gemini (May 20 – June 19)

Welcome to a new month, Gemini! If April rocked your world a little bit, May should feel more stable. Although you’re so adaptable, I bet you handled any curveballs with ease. This month kicks off with a new moon in Taurus and your 12th house of secrets and isolation on May 7th. The sun, moon, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus are all clustered together in Taurus.The sun and the moon are nestled in between Venus on one side and Jupiter on the other. These are the two benefits of the zodiac, which makes this new moon as good as it can get. New moons bring beginnings, while full moons typically bring endings. For you, this is going to initiate a safe and protected new beginning in your 12th house of secrets. You might be working on a project by yourself that you don’t want to share with the world just yet. If you’ve ever wanted to start a poetry anthology, write a screenplay, or learn to knit this can be a good time to begin. Anything that belongs solely to you and isn’t ready for the outside world can be started at this time.

On May 20th the sun will move into Gemini and your first house of self, physical health, vitality, and identity! This happens once a year, and might add a boost to your self confidence. You might feel more spontaneous, even self-assured. Friends and acquaintances will be more receptive to your suggestions, and will want to hang out with you. You’ll seem more glamorous. This is an ideal time to recommit to any personal goals. Your first house encompasses all the ways you know and understand yourself. If you want to start or continue a journey of self-discovery or just devote yourself to your hobbies for a time, do that while the sun is in Gemini. At a minimum, enjoy this self-affirming time.

Two days later, on May 22nd the sun will trine Pluto. This is a lovely aspect and it might come with an opportunity to travel abroad, pursue higher education, or explore spirituality, (like tantra or meditation). This aspect feels like a blessing and is likely to be a pleasant surprise. By all means, leap at this opportunity. You’re unlikely to regret it.

May 23rd has some of the best aspects of the year! Three stunning pieces of astrology are all rolled into a single day. Early in the morning, Venus will conjunct Jupiter, both of which are in your first house of Taurus. These are the two benefics of the zodiac, which means these planets are the two easiest to work with. This is a beautiful day of love and abundance, so treat yourself and a significant other if possible. Lay out delicious snacks and beverages. Get the good pipes or bongs out of the closet, (you know, the ones you hardly ever use because they’re a little impractical). Wear comfortable, but elegant clothes and then spend the day enjoying your own company or the company of a loved one. Taurus is one of the more hedonistic signs of the zodiac, so to the extent possible make this day about sensual pleasures. If you’ve been dating someone new and you’re ready to say the “L” word, this can be a very romantic day to do it. Or you can use this day to propose if taking that step feels appropriate.

After Venus makes the connection to Jupiter, both of them together will sextile Neptune, making it easy to be vulnerable. This aspect adds an element of spirituality, so things could seem fated or part of your destiny. It can also help with inspiration or creativity. If you’re an artist, leave some white space on your calendar this day because it’s very likely that inspiration could strike. You’ll want to jump right into the expression. If you’re not an artist, pack a bowl and zone out to some music. It’ll be time well spent.

But wait, there’s more! That night we have a full moon in Sagittarius. This is a delicious full moon that might pleasantly intensify your emotions. Say the thing that you’ve been keeping to yourself; I think you’ll find that it’s safe to share your fears or desires at this time. If you don’t have anyone you trust with this information then consider journaling. Even expressing these emotions to yourself can be therapeutic. Before you know it, this day will be over. Venus will move into Gemini by the afternoon and some of the magic will be lost when that happens. I hope you’ll put the morning and early afternoon of May 23rd on your calendar. We don’t get days this nice every month.

For you, Venus moving into Gemini, (which happens on May 23rd) kind of keeps the party going. Having Venus in your first house can help you update your wardrobe, pick out new accessories, or even get a brand new ‘do. Venus is the planet of love and beauty; when it travels through anyone’s first house it helps other people see you as a touch more attractive or glamorous. If you need to make any alterations to how people see you, this is the best time to do it. Venus will move out of Gemini and into Cancer on June 17th.

On May 25th Jupiter will move into Gemini! In Gemini, having Jupiter in your first house happens about once every 12 years. People tend to feel more energy during this time, and some people even lose weight. Jupiter is a slow moving planet and it will be in this sign until June 9, 2025. Of course, this means that between May 25th and June 17th both of the planetary benefics will be in your first house. This is a remarkably fortunate time and it hasn’t happened since June and July of 2012. Get outside, have fun, play tourist in your hometown, celebrate love, do it now!

Cancer (June 20 – July 21)

This  month begins a little slowly but picks up speed and joy towards the end. This month gets going with a new moon in Taurus and your 11th house of friends, communities, social groups, hopes and wishes on May 7th. The 11th house is one of the luckiest houses in astrology, and it rules over aspirations and ambitions as well as your social groups. The Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus are all clustered together in Taurus. The sun and the moon are nestled in between Venus on one side and Jupiter on the other. These are the two benefics of the zodiac, which makes this new moon as good as it can get. New moons bring beginnings, while full moons typically bring endings or culminations. To add to the joy, the moon is exalted in the sign of Taurus, which means that the moon gets to feel like an honored guest everytime it travels through this sign. When planets are in the sign of their exaltation they express the best versions of themselves. For Luna, that means that it fosters strong emotional connection, abundant sensual pleasures, and happy moods whenever it’s in Taurus. The sign of Cancer is ruled by the moon, so you’re more likely than most to feel the effects of this lunation.

For you, this May 7th new moon will initiate a new beginning in a social group or a professional organization. There’s a good chance you’ll be invited to an event around the time of the new moon, and if that’s the case definitely go. If not, then invite some friends over to your home, or organize a group outing to a local watering hole. You probably already know that you’re the “mom” of your social group, so go ahead and lean into that role. By the end of the evening, everyone will be talking about what a wonderful friend or hostess you are. If neither of those resonate with you, don’t lose hope. The 11th house rules hopes, dreams, and wishes. There may be a surprise gift in store for you around the time of the new moon.

May 18th might be one of the best days of the year! Jupiter will make its annual meeting with the sun on that day. Jupiter is the greater benefic in astrology, meaning it’s the planet most likely to bring abundance, luck, expansion to current endeavors, and even gifts. It meets with the sun about once per year, in a different sign each year. When it meets with the sun, the planet of luck and abundance gets infused with strength, life, and fortitude. This is a fantastic aspect; and for you it’s happening in your 11th house of friends, social groups, communities, hopes, and wishes. Something you’ve been manifesting might land in your lap. If you’ve applied to speak at an event, or to become a member of a professional organization you might hear back around this time. This is also an excellent time to network, so make an effort to get out and mingle. This aspect can bring luck, and sudden, happy surprises but those are a lot less likely to happen in your living room. You’ll need to get out of the house in order to take advantage.

On May 20th the sun will move into Gemini and your 12th house of rest, isolation, and secrets. The sun will spend about four weeks in this sign, and this is the best time to reflect on how you’ve spent the past year and how you’d like to spend the next one. In astrology, a year runs from birthday to birthday, so the new year isn’t the best time for you to engage in self-reflection. You may find that you’re more hermetic than usual, and if so that’s okay. Have your private smoke sessions and your naps in peace. You’ll feel a little more energized when the sun moves into your first house on June 20th.

May 23rd has some of the best aspects of the year! Three stunning pieces of astrology are all rolled into a single day. Early in the morning, Venus will conjunct Jupiter, both of which are in your 11th house of Taurus. These are the two benefics of the zodiac, which means these planets are the two easiest to work with. This is a beautiful day of love and abundance, so treat yourself and a significant other if possible. Lay out delicious snacks and beverages. Get the good pipes or bongs out of the closet, (you know, the ones you hardly ever use because they’re a little impractical). Wear comfortable, but elegant clothes and then spend the day enjoying your own company or the company of a loved one. Taurus is one of the more hedonistic signs of the zodiac, so to the extent possible make this day about sensual pleasures. If you’ve been dating someone new and you’re ready to say the “L” word, this can be a very romantic day to do it. Or you can use this day to propose if taking that step feels appropriate.

After Venus makes the connection to Jupiter, both of them together will sextile Neptune, making it easy to be vulnerable. This aspect adds an element of spirituality, so things could seem fated or part of your destiny. It can also help with inspiration or creativity. If you’re an artist, leave some white space on your calendar this day because it’s very likely that inspiration could strike. You’ll want to jump right into the expression. If you’re not an artist, pack a bowl and zone out to some music. It’ll be time well spent.

But wait, there’s more! That night we have a full moon in Sagittarius. This is a delicious full moon that might pleasantly intensify your emotions. Say the thing that you’ve been keeping to yourself; I think you’ll find that it’s safe to share your fears or desires at this time. If you don’t have anyone you trust with this information then consider journaling. Even expressing these emotions to yourself can be therapeutic. Before you know it, this day will be over. Venus will move into Gemini by the afternoon and some of the magic will be lost when that happens. I hope you’ll put the morning and early afternoon of May 23rd on your calendar. We don’t get days this nice every month.

On May 25th Jupiter will move into Gemini and your 12th house of secrets, isolation, rest, and recuperation. It’ll be in this sign until June 9, 2025. If you’ve been wanting to start a new spiritual practice, or work on art away from the prying eyes of others, this is a great time to do so. Jupiter can help you tackle any bad habits that you haven’t had the courage to ax yet. This is a time for spiritual expansion, or reset. Lean into it.

Leo (July 22 – August 21)

Get ready for some big career moments, Leo. The new moon on May 7th might be the very best new moon of the year. For you, it falls in Taurus in your 10th house of career, advocation, honors, awards, and fame. The sun, moon, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus are all clustered together in Taurus. The sun and the moon are nestled in between Venus on one side and Jupiter on the other. These are the two benefits of the zodiac, which makes this new moon as good as it can get. New moons bring beginnings, while full moons typically bring endings or culminations. To add to the joy, the moon is exalted in the sign of Taurus, which means that the moon gets to feel like an honored guest everytime it travels through this sign. When planets are in the sign of their exaltation they express the best versions of themselves. For Luna, that means that it fosters strong emotional connection, abundant sensual pleasures, and happy moods whenever it’s in Taurus.

This will kick off a new beginning in your professional life. If you’ve been applying for jobs, or if you applied for a promotion, you’re likely to hear good news around the time of the new moon. It’s also possible that you’ll receive an award or some sort of recognition for the work you’ve done. If none of that applies to you, consider asking for a raise around the time of the new moon. You’re in a strong position to negotiate. Another possibility is that you decide to change careers. Maybe you’ve been in your current role for long enough and you’re ready to start on a new career path. If that’s how you feel, lean into it. This is a wonderful time to commit to change.

Jupiter will have its annual meeting with the sun on May 18th, which is usually one of the luckiest days of the year. Jupiter is the greater benefic in astrology, meaning it’s the planet most likely to bring abundance, luck, expansion to current endeavors, and even gifts. When Jupiter meets with the sun, it gets infused with strength, life, and fortitude. This is a fantastic aspect; and for you it’s happening in the same 10th house of career, advocation, fame, awards, and honors. Something you’ve been manifesting might land in your lap. It could be that you’re singled out for your exceptional work on a past project. Or maybe you’ll be asked to lead a new project that could open more doors for you. The new moon will bring about something you’ve worked for, so you’ll have an idea of what’s ahead. The sun-Jupiter conjunction might come more as a surprise.

On May 20th the sun will move in Gemini, which rules your 11th house of friends, communities, social groups, hopes, and wishes. This is a great time to mingle and socialize. Gemini is a sign that loves conversation and fun, so go out and make new friends. If you’ve been wanting to join a new professional organization or social club, use Gemini season to submit an application or make a first appearance.

May 23rd has some of the best aspects of the year! Three stunning pieces of astrology are all rolled into a single day. Early in the morning, Venus will conjunct Jupiter, both of which are in your 11th house of Taurus. These are the two benefits of the zodiac, which means these planets are the two easiest to work with. This is a beautiful day of love and abundance, so treat yourself and a significant other if possible. Lay out delicious snacks and beverages. Get the good pipes or bongs out of the closet, (you know, the ones you hardly ever use because they’re a little impractical). Wear comfortable, but elegant clothes and then spend the day enjoying your own company or the company of a loved one. Taurus is one of the more hedonistic signs of the zodiac, so to the extent possible make this day about sensual pleasures. If you’ve been dating someone new and you’re ready to say the “L” word, this can be a very romantic day to do it. Or you can use this day to propose if taking that step feels appropriate.

After Venus makes the connection to Jupiter, both of them together will sextile Neptune, making it easy to be vulnerable. This aspect adds an element of spirituality, so things could seem fated or part of your destiny. It can also help with inspiration or creativity. If you’re an artist, leave some white space on your calendar this day because it’s very likely that inspiration could strike. You’ll want to jump right into the expression. If you’re not an artist, pack a bowl and zone out to some music. It’ll be time well spent.

But wait, there’s more! That night we have a delicious full moon in Sagittarius, that might pleasantly intensify your emotions. Say the thing that you’ve been keeping to yourself; I think you’ll find that it’s safe to share your fears or desires at this time. If you don’t have anyone you trust with this information then consider journaling. Even expressing these emotions to yourself can be therapeutic. Before you know it, this day will be over. Venus will move into Gemini by the afternoon and some of the magic will be lost when that happens. I hope you’ll put the morning and early afternoon of May 23rd on your calendar. We don’t get days this nice every month.

On May 25th Jupiter will move into Gemini and your 1th house of friends, communities, social groups, hopes, and wishes. The 11th house is Jupiter’s favorite place to be, so the next year, (until June 9, 2025), could see lots of happy activity having to do with your friends and communities. Jupiter will help you make important new connections, grow your professional or creative following, and maybe help you achieve an important goal. This transit only happens once every 12 years, so make the most of this time while you can.

Virgo (August 22 – September 21)

You have ideas Virgo, and it’s time you stopped keeping them all to yourself. You have a message you want to share with your community and May will be the month to do it. May 7th has the best new moon of the year, falling in Taurus in your 9th house of foreign travel, higher education, spirituality, publishing, and broadcasting. The sun, moon, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus are all clustered together in Taurus.The sun and the moon are nestled in between Venus on one side and Jupiter on the other. These are the two benefits of the zodiac, which makes this new moon as good as it can get. New moons bring beginnings, while full moons typically bring endings.

The best way to work with this new moon is to craft a message to release on or around May 7th. If you work in media, or public relations, plan an important story to go out that evening. If you work in another field, you can still plan an important newsletter, social media message, or blog post for that day. Odds are that it will find an unusually high number of likes or shares, helping you climb the social ladder. Another good way to work with the new moon is to start a meditation or tantra practice. The 9th house also rules spirituality, faith, and manifestation. This could be a great time to create a new altar, or make modifications to a meditation space. This new moon is really beautiful, so if you only work with one lunation this year, be sure to make it this one.

On May 15th Mercury, the planetary ruler of Virgo will move into Taurus, which is the same 9th house in which the new moon occurs. Mercury acts like a microphone; it picks up and amplifies the sounds of other houses and planets. Mercury’s transit through this house adds to the new moon; it’ll help you craft a message to share with the world around you. If you published something back on the new moon, use this transit to follow up on it or repeat it. Keep pushing; you’re bound to find some notoriety for your thoughts.

On May 20th the Sun will move into Gemini, which rules your 10th house of career, advocation, honors, awards, and fame. It’s time for you to be recognized for your hard work. The 10th house isn’t about the day to day work of your job; it’s more about status and how your peers see you and your work. While the sun transits through Gemini, you’re likely to be noticed for the important contributions you’ve made. It’s an excellent time to negotiate a wage increase or ask for additional PTO.

May 23rd has some of the best aspects of the year! Three stunning pieces of astrology are all rolled into a single day. Early in the morning, Venus will conjunct Jupiter, both of which are in your 9th house of Taurus. These are the two benefics of the zodiac, which means these planets are the two easiest to work with. This is a beautiful day of love and abundance, so treat yourself and a significant other if possible. Lay out delicious snacks and beverages. Get the good pipes or bongs out of the closet, (you know, the ones you hardly ever use because they’re a little impractical). Wear comfortable, but elegant clothes and then spend the day enjoying your own company or the company of a loved one. Taurus is one of the more hedonistic signs of the zodiac, so to the extent possible make this day about sensual pleasures. If you’ve been dating someone new and you’re ready to say the “L” word, this can be a very romantic day to do it. Or you can use this day to propose if taking that step feels appropriate.

After Venus makes the connection to Jupiter, both of them together will sextile Neptune, making it easy to be vulnerable. This aspect adds an element of spirituality, so things could seem fated or part of your destiny. It can also help with inspiration or creativity. If you’re an artist, leave some white space on your calendar this day because it’s very likely that inspiration could strike. You’ll want to jump right into the expression. If you’re not an artist, pack a bowl and zone out to some music. It’ll be time well spent.

But wait, there’s more! That night we have a full moon in Sagittarius. This is a delicious full moon that might pleasantly intensify your emotions. Say the thing that you’ve been keeping to yourself; I think you’ll find that it’s safe to share your fears or desires at this time. If you don’t have anyone you trust with this information then consider journaling. Even expressing these emotions to yourself can be therapeutic. Before you know it, this day will be over. Venus will move into Gemini by the afternoon and some of the magic will be lost when that happens. I hope you’ll put the morning and early afternoon of May 23rd on your calendar. We don’t get days this nice every month.

On May 25th Jupiter will move into your 10th house of career, advocation, honors, awards, and fame and it’ll stay here for a little over a year – until June 9, 2025! This is a fantastic transit that only happens once every 12 years! If you want to make big moves in your career, Jupiter will help you do it. Jupiter is kind of like an effort matcher. If you put effort into increasing your professional visibility, the planet of luck and blessings will match that so you end up with double the rewards. Take a little bit of time to strategize. What do you want to accomplish in your career over the next year? Make a plan and then take steps. With Jupiter in this house, you’re sure to reach your goals.

Libra (September 22 – October 21)

This month will likely bring some sort of windfall for you, but don’t get too excited just yet. There are strings attached with this gift, Libra. May is a good month – certainly better than April and the first good moment happens on May 7th. That day has a new moon in Taurus, which rules your 8th house of shared resources, inheritances, taxes, shamanism, occult practices, underlying realities, and altered states of consciousness. The Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus are all clustered together in Taurus. The sun and the moon are nestled in between Venus on one side and Jupiter on the other. These are the two benefics of the zodiac, which makes this new moon as good as it can get. New moons bring beginnings, while full moons typically bring endings or culminations. To add to the joy, the moon is exalted in the sign of Taurus, which means that the moon gets to feel like an honored guest everytime it travels through this sign. When planets are in the sign of their exaltation they express the best versions of themselves. For Luna, that means that it fosters strong emotional connection, abundant sensual pleasures, and happy moods whenever it’s in Taurus.

The good news is that this is happening in your 8th house which is one of the financial houses of the zodiac. The less than great news is that this is a house of shared resources, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or grants. It also rules other shared financial resources such as the money you share with your partner. If money comes in, you’re not going to be the only one who has a claim to it. It’s possible that you’ll be owed an inheritance, but that you’re one of several beneficiaries, which will force you to split the fund multiple ways. It’s also possible that your partner, (in love or in business) will come into some money, which will benefit you indirectly. Try to see yourself as a member of the group at this time, rather than a sole beneficiary. Something is better than nothing.

On May 20th the sun will move into Gemini, which rules your 9th house of foreign travel, higher education, spirituality, publishing, and broadcasting. The sun will travel through this house for the next month. This is a wonderful time to take a trip, if possible. If not, then explore your commitment to your faith or religion. You can also plan a social media campaign during this time. If you have a blog or a youtube channel then carefully plan a few new posts. You’re bound to get extra likes or shares during this time.

May 23rd has some of the best aspects of the year! Three stunning pieces of astrology are all rolled into a single day. Early in the morning, Venus will conjunct Jupiter, both of which are in your 8th house of Taurus. These are the two benefits of the zodiac, which means these planets are the two easiest to work with. This is a beautiful day of love and abundance, so treat yourself and a significant other if possible. Lay out delicious snacks and beverages. Get the good pipes or bongs out of the closet, (you know, the ones you hardly ever use because they’re a little impractical). Wear comfortable, but elegant clothes and then spend the day enjoying your own company or the company of a loved one. Taurus is one of the more hedonistic signs of the zodiac, so to the extent possible make this day about sensual pleasures. (Remember, the 8th house also rules sex, so this can be a good time to engage with another consenting adult.) If you’ve been dating someone new and you’re ready to say the “L” word, this can be a very romantic day to do it. Or you can use this day to propose if taking that step feels appropriate.

After Venus makes the connection to Jupiter, both of them together will sextile Neptune, making it easy to be vulnerable. This aspect adds an element of spirituality, so things could seem fated or part of your destiny. It can also help with inspiration or creativity. If you’re an artist, leave some white space on your calendar this day because it’s very likely that inspiration could strike. You’ll want to jump right into the expression. If you’re not an artist, pack a bowl and zone out to some music. It’ll be time well spent.

But wait, there’s more! That night we have a full moon in Sagittarius. This is a delicious full moon that might pleasantly intensify your emotions. Say the thing that you’ve been keeping to yourself; I think you’ll find that it’s safe to share your fears or desires at this time. If you don’t have anyone you trust with this information then consider journaling. Even expressing these emotions to yourself can be therapeutic. Before you know it, this day will be over. Venus will move into Gemini by the afternoon and some of the magic will be lost when that happens. I hope you’ll put the morning and early afternoon of May 23rd on your calendar. We don’t get days this nice every month.

Venus is the planetary ruler of Libra and it will move into Gemini on May 23rd, then Jupiter will move into Gemini on May 25th, which rules your 9th house of foreign travel, higher education, spirituality, publishing, and broadcasting. You might find that you have increased opportunities to travel during this time. You might also explore going back to school. Jupiter brings luck and abundance and beautiful serendipity wherever it goes, so expect increased serendipity in this house until June 9, 2025. Jupiter has a lengthy orbit and spends an entire year in any given sign. Between May 25th and June 17th both benefics, (Venus and Jupiter) will be in Gemini bringing extra luck, love, sweetness, and abundance to this house. Don’t be surprised if your social media attracts a bunch of new followers or if one of your posts goes viral. If nothing else you might find that you’re more interested in philosophical, or high-minded ideas during this time.

Scorpio (October 22 – November 20)

For you, the month begins with some drive and ambition. On May 3rd Mars, the planetary ruler of Scorpio will sextile Pluto. This provides you with a clear objective, as well as stamina to reach whatever goal you want. Mars will be in Aries in your 6th house of chores, daily obligations, service, pets, and self-care while Pluto will be in Aquarius in your 4th house of home, family, ancestry, and origin stories. Consider how your home contributes to, or subtracts from how you engage in self-care. Is your home a source of stress, or does tension fall off as soon as you walk through the door? The pairing of these two planets will help you clear away any clutter or rearrange your space so that it makes more sense. You could also use this aspect to clarify boundaries with roommates, just use caution not to be too forceful.

You’ll never admit to it, but you can be one of the more romantic signs of the zodiac. This month you’ll have an opportunity to flex that muscle, because the new moon in Taurus will have you ready to splurge on your sweetheart. May 7th has one of the nicest new moons of the year; the sun and the moon will be nestled in between Venus on one side and Jupiter on the other. These are the two benefics of the zodiac, which makes this new moon as good as it can get. New moons bring beginnings, while full moons typically bring endings or culminations. To add to the joy, the moon is exalted in the sign of Taurus, which means that the moon gets to feel like an honored guest everytime it travels through this sign. When planets are in the sign of their exaltation they express the best versions of themselves. For Luna, that means that it fosters strong emotional connection, abundant sensual pleasures, and happy moods whenever it’s in Taurus.

For you, this is happening in your 7th house of committed partnerships. Traditionally, the 7th house governed over any relationship that required a contract; business partnerships and marriage partnerships were the primary examples. Today, most astrologers lump “committed romantic relationships” into this house as well. It could be that you’ve been dating someone and you’re ready to take the next step, whether that’s committing to dating each other exclusively, moving in together, or even getting engaged. If you’re not in a romantic relationship, you might get an exciting new business opportunity. A client might be ready to ink a new deal, or a company might extend a written offer to you. If none of the above applies to you, then definitely make a point to get out of the house on May 7th. This day could provide a stunning new beginning, but it won’t happen if you’re sitting by yourself in your home. Go outside and talk to people!

On May 20th the sun will move into Gemini, which rules your 8th house of shared resources, inheritances, taxes, shamanism, occult practices, underlying realities, and altered states of consciousness. The sun spends about four weeks in each sign, and while it’s here you should consider studying or working with your tarot cards. If you have a pendulum, dig that out of the closet and work with it again. Gemini is also a social, interactive sign so do these things with friends or a group if at all possible. This can also be a great time to explore the connection between marijuana and meditation, if you haven’t already.

May 23rd has some of the best aspects of the year! Three stunning pieces of astrology are all rolled into a single day. Early in the morning, Venus will conjunct Jupiter, both of which are in your 7th house of Taurus. This is a beautiful day of love and abundance, so treat yourself and a significant other if possible. Lay out delicious snacks and beverages. Get the good pipes or bongs out of the closet, (you know, the ones you hardly ever use because they’re a little impractical). Wear comfortable, but elegant clothes and then spend the day enjoying your own company or the company of a loved one. Taurus is one of the more hedonistic signs of the zodiac, so to the extent possible make this day about sensual pleasures. If you’ve been dating someone new and you’re ready to say the “L” word, this can be a very romantic day to do it. Or you can use this day to propose if taking that step feels appropriate.

After Venus makes the connection to Jupiter, both of them together will sextile Neptune, making it easy to be vulnerable. This aspect adds an element of spirituality, so things could seem fated or part of your destiny. It can also help with inspiration or creativity. If you’re an artist, leave some white space on your calendar this day because it’s very likely that inspiration could strike. You’ll want to jump right into the expression. If you’re not an artist, pack a bowl and zone out to some music. It’ll be time well spent.

But wait, there’s more! That night we have a full moon in Sagittarius. This is a delicious full moon that might pleasantly intensify your emotions. Say the thing that you’ve been keeping to yourself; I think you’ll find that it’s safe to share your fears or desires at this time. If you don’t have anyone you trust with this information then consider journaling. Even expressing these emotions to yourself can be therapeutic. Before you know it, this day will be over. Venus will move into Gemini by the afternoon and some of the magic will be lost when that happens. I hope you’ll put the morning and early afternoon of May 23rd on your calendar. We don’t get days this nice every month.

On May 25th Jupiter will move out of Taurus and into Gemini. Jupiter spends about a year in each sign, (taking 12 years to orbit the sun once), so the planet of luck and abundance will be here until June 9, 2025! Gemini rules that same 8th house of shared resources, inheritances, taxes, shamanism, occult practices, underlying realities, and altered states of consciousness. If you’ve ever wanted to plan a trip to Peru to participate in an ayahuasca retreat, this would be a great year to do so. The 8th house is a many-faceted place, so I’m sure you’ll find something fitting to explore while Jupiter is here. It may also bring abundance through investments, if you have any.

Sagittarius (November 21 – December 20)

Of all the signs in the zodiac, you’re the one who’s most up for an adventure, Sagittarius. But this month, I think you’ll be more inclined to stay close to home. On May 7th there’s a stunning new moon in your 6th house of self-care, chores, service, and obligations. The 6th house isn’t the most fun place in the zodiac, but if anyone can make it fun, it’s you. The sun, moon, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus are all clustered together in Taurus. The sun and the moon are nestled in between Venus on one side and Jupiter on the other. These are the two benefics of the zodiac, which makes this new moon as good as it can get. New moons bring beginnings, while full moons typically bring endings or culminations. To add to the joy, the moon is exalted in the sign of Taurus, which means that the moon gets to feel like an honored guest everytime it travels through this sign. When planets are in the sign of their exaltation they express the best versions of themselves. For Luna, that means that it fosters strong emotional connection, abundant sensual pleasures, and happy moods whenever it’s in Taurus.

The best way for you to use this moment is to revamp your home organizational system so that it meets your self-care needs. Sagittarius is not the most organized sign; most likely you’re very comfortable with the clutter, but I promise you’ll experience more ease and relaxation if you tackle it. Use the time around the new moon to decide on an organizational system. Pick your kitchen, or your bathroom, or your work space and then get to work making it work for you. There are lots of youtube videos that offer guidance on how to create a functional home environment. If you use the new moon on May 7th to go on a decluttering adventure, you’ll reap the benefits for months to come. Using the cosmic weather to make decisions and changes to your lifestyle is one of the best ways to improve your relationship with astrology and bolster its effectiveness.

Jupiter will make its annual meeting with the sun on May 18th, which is usually one of the luckiest days of the year. Jupiter is the greater benefic in astrology, amd the planetary ruler of Sagittarius. Jupiter brings abundance, luck, and expansion to current endeavors, and even gifts. When Jupiter meets with the sun, it gets infused with strength, life, and fortitude. This is a fantastic aspect; and for you it’s happening in Taurus, in the same 6th house of daily chores, obligations, and self-care. If you’ve been struggling with an illness you may get positive news around this time. The 6th house has a lot to do with health and afflictions, so if your doctors have been trying to get to the bottom of a medical mystery, expect some sort of positive development around this time. This could also be a good day to adopt a new pet, as the 6th house rules small animals too.

On May 20th the Sun will move into Gemini and your 7th house of committed partnerships. The 7th house rules over both romantic partnerships, (such as marriage), as well as business partnerships. Any relationship that requires a contract falls into the 7th house. If you have a committed partner in love or in business, celebrate that relationship while the sun is in Gemini. Take your sweetheart out to a surprise lunch. Or send your business partner some of her favorite coffee. Regardless of when your anniversary is, the four weeks that the sun spends in Gemini is the perfect time to make your partner feel special.

May 23rd has some of the best aspects of the year! Three stunning pieces of astrology are all rolled into a single day. Early in the morning, Venus will conjunct Jupiter, both of which are in your 6th house of Taurus. These are the two benefics of the zodiac, which means these planets are the two easiest to work with. This is a beautiful day of love and abundance, so treat yourself and a significant other if possible. Lay out delicious snacks and beverages. Get the good pipes or bongs out of the closet, (you know, the ones you hardly ever use because they’re a little impractical). Wear comfortable, but elegant clothes and then spend the day enjoying your own company or the company of a loved one. Taurus is one of the more hedonistic signs of the zodiac, so to the extent possible make this day about sensual pleasures.

After Venus makes the connection to Jupiter, both of them together will sextile Neptune, making it easy to be vulnerable. This aspect adds an element of spirituality, so things could seem fated or part of your destiny. It can also help with inspiration or creativity. If you’re an artist, leave some white space on your calendar this day because it’s very likely that inspiration could strike. You’ll want to jump right into the expression. If you’re not an artist, pack a bowl and zone out to some music. It’ll be time well spent.

But wait, there’s more! That night we have a full moon in Sagittarius. This is a delicious full moon in your first house that might pleasantly intensify your emotions. Say the thing that you’ve been keeping to yourself; I think you’ll find that it’s safe to share your hope for the future at this time. If you don’t have anyone you trust with this information then consider journaling. Even expressing these emotions to yourself can be therapeutic. Before you know it, this day will be over. Venus will move into Gemini by the afternoon and some of the magic will be lost when that happens. I hope you’ll put the morning and early afternoon of May 23rd on your calendar. We don’t get days this nice every month.

On May 25th Jupiter will move into Gemini. Jupiter takes about 12 years to orbit the sun, meaning that it spends about a year in each sign. Your 7th house of partnership will feel luckier or more expansive. If you’re looking for a new partner in business, this can be the time to find one. If you contract for work, then the 7th house is very active for you, and you should expect lots of business inquiries, which will help you generate more revenue. Jupiter will be in this sign until June 9, 2025! Enjoy this time while you can!

Capricorn (December 21 – January 19)

You’re known for your work ethic, Capricorn. Your friends, family, and neighbors all know how driven and dependable you are. All of that said, you should consider taking some PTO this month, because some of the best days of the year are falling in your 5th house of love, joy, sex, and creativity. On May 7th there’s a glorious new moon in your 5th house, which is one of the most joyous houses in any chart. The sun, moon, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus are all clustered together in Taurus. The sun and the moon are nestled in between Venus on one side and Jupiter on the other. These are the two benefits of the zodiac, which makes this new moon as good as it can get. New moons bring beginnings, while full moons typically bring endings or culminations. To add to the joy, the moon is exalted in the sign of Taurus, which means that the moon gets to feel like an honored guest everytime it travels through this sign. When planets are in the sign of their exaltation they express the best versions of themselves. For Luna, that means that it fosters strong emotional connection, abundant sensual pleasures, and happy moods whenever it’s in Taurus.

This new moon marks a gorgeous new beginning in your 5th house of love, creative projects, and happiness. Have you recently met someone special? If so, go ahead and indulge in spending time with that person. Organize a picnic for the two of you. (You can have it in bed, if the weather is uncooperative.) Or plan a romantic night at an elegant restaurant. Call ahead and request a private booth or a cozy spot on the patio. The best way to take advantage of this new moon is to incorporate sensual pleasures; because Taurus is one of the most sensual signs. This is the time to splurge on really delicious snacks and libations.

If you don’t have someone special in your life, then celebrate sensual pleasures all on your own. Treat yourself to that nice restaurant you’ve been thinking about. Or create a serene evening for yourself with candles and carry out. The fifth house also rules over children. If you have children, they might have you in stitches all day long. May 7th has one of the best new moons of the year. Plan something special for yourself so that you don’t miss out.

On May 13th Venus in Taurus will make a sextile with Saturn, (the planetary ruler of Capricorn) in Pisces. This is a wonderful aspect for making romantic promises, clarifying boundaries, or defining the terms of a relationship. If it’s time to become exclusive with your sweetheart, use this day to exchange those affirmations. Or, if you have housemates you can use this day to ask them to please stop eating all your food, or to stop leaving their wet towels all over the place.

On May 20th the Sun will move into Gemini, which rules your 6th house of service, obligations, self-care, and chores. The 6th house also rules the day-to-day grind at your place of employment, but not your career itself, (that would be in the 10th house). The 6th house is a place of daily tasks. If you’ve been thinking about revamping your self-care habits, or reorganizing your space so that it works for you, not in spite of you, do it while the sun is in Gemini. You could also try a new technique for maintaining focus at work, or rearranging your office. The 6th house also rules pets. Spend some extra time playing with your fur babies, (or adopt one!) while the sun transits through Gemini.

May 23rd has some of the best aspects of the year! Three stunning pieces of astrology are all rolled into a single day. Early in the morning, Venus will conjunct Jupiter, both of which are in your 5th house of Taurus. These are the two benefits of the zodiac, which means these planets are the two easiest to work with. This is a beautiful day of love and abundance, so treat yourself and a significant other if possible. Lay out delicious snacks and beverages. Get the good pipes or bongs out of the closet, (you know, the ones you hardly ever use because they’re a little impractical). Wear comfortable, but elegant clothes and then spend the day enjoying your own company or the company of a loved one. Taurus is one of the more hedonistic signs of the zodiac, so to the extent possible make this day about sensual pleasures. If you’ve been dating someone new and you’re ready to say the “L” word, this can be a very romantic day to do it. Or you can use this day to propose if taking that step feels appropriate.

After Venus makes the connection to Jupiter, both of them together will sextile Neptune, making it easy to be vulnerable. This aspect adds an element of spirituality, so things could seem fated or part of your destiny. It can also help with inspiration or creativity. If you’re an artist, leave some white space on your calendar this day because it’s very likely that inspiration could strike. You’ll want to jump right into the expression. If you’re not an artist, pack a bowl and zone out to some music. It’ll be time well spent.

But wait, there’s more! On the night of May 23rd we have a full moon in Sagittarius. This is a delicious full moon that might pleasantly intensify your emotions. Say the thing that you’ve been keeping to yourself; I think you’ll find that it’s safe to share your fears or desires at this time. If you don’t have anyone you trust with this information then consider journaling. Even expressing these emotions to yourself can be therapeutic. Before you know it, this day will be over. Venus will move into Gemini by the afternoon and some of the magic will be lost when that happens. I hope you’ll put the morning and early afternoon of May 23rd on your calendar. We don’t get days this nice every month.

On May 25th Jupiter, known as the greater benefic, will move into Gemini. Jupiter takes about 12 years to orbit the sun, meaning that it spends about a year in each sign. While Jupiter transits through your 6th house of daily routines, chores, service, and obligations you may experience greater luck and abundance in your daily routines or your self-care habits. Jupiter tends to bring expansion wherever it goes, so if you’ve started a meditation practice in the past, you may find that it becomes especially rewarding during this time. Another possibility is that your hard work becomes indispensable, which will coerce your employer into offering you better benefits or more money. This will only apply if you’ve been putting in lots of hours or creating superior deliverables. Knowing you, Capricorn, that’s almost certainly the case.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 17)

You have a complicated relationship with humanity, Aquarius. You’re known for being the rebel, and the radical. You know where you stand on just about every issue and you’re very socially conscious. You might even consider yourself a humanitarian, but that doesn’t mean you like people. And it definitely doesn’t mean that you like people in your living room. This month will give you a fantastic excuse to turn away from the crowd and cultivate experiences within your home.

The new moon on May 7th will help you celebrate a wonderful new beginning in your 4th house of home, family, ancestry, and origin stories. The sun, moon, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus are all clustered together in Taurus. The sun and the moon are nestled in between Venus on one side and Jupiter on the other. These are the two benefics of the zodiac, which makes this new moon as good as it can get. New moons bring beginnings, while full moons typically bring endings or culminations. To add to the joy, the moon is exalted in the sign of Taurus, which means that the moon gets to feel like an honored guest everytime it travels through this sign. When planets are in the sign of their exaltation they express the best versions of themselves. For Luna, that means that it fosters strong emotional connection, abundant sensual pleasures, and happy moods whenever it’s in Taurus.

This new moon will help you celebrate your home and your family. You might be buying a home or signing a lease around this time, or welcoming a new roommate. If so, those activities are bound to go smoothly and ensure that you love your new home for years to come. If those don’t resonate for you, consider making a nice meal for the people who share your home with you. These sorts of activities go a long way towards making people feel loved and appreciated. Another good idea would be to redecorate your living space. What would the walls look like with a new coat of paint? What if you just rearranged the furniture? Around May 7th, anything you can do to prioritize your living space, or your family members will reap benefits. This is an outstanding new moon and you can use it to set the tone in your home for the rest of the year.

On May 20th the sun will move into Gemini which rules your 5th house of joy, creativity, love, and artistic pursuits. As usual, the sun will be in this sign for about four weeks until it moves into the sign of Cancer on June 20th. During this time, devote extra attention to your artistic or athletic pursuits, because the 5th house rules these endeavors. If you paint, or knit, or throw clay, give that hobby a little extra love. The same thing goes for your workout routine, whether it’s yoga, running on the treadmill, or a team sport like soccer or hockey. Putting a little extra time or intention into these things now can help you get more out of them.

On May 22nd the Sun in Gemini will trine Pluto in your first house of Aquarius. The first house is about your appearance, identity, and vitality. Please make sure to spend a little time in pursuit of pleasure on this day. Other people will notice how happy you seem, and you’ll get into a flow state that will make the rest of your day easier. If you can make a little time for your own happiness on this day, the universe will reward you for it.

May 23rd has some of the best aspects of the year! Three stunning pieces of astrology are all rolled into a single day. Early in the morning, Venus will conjunct Jupiter, both of which are in your 4th house of Taurus. These are the two benefits of the zodiac, which means these planets are the two easiest to work with. This is a beautiful day of love and abundance, so treat yourself and a significant other if possible. Lay out delicious snacks and beverages. Get the good pipes or bongs out of the closet, (you know, the ones you hardly ever use because they’re a little impractical). Wear comfortable, but elegant clothes and then spend the day enjoying your own company or the company of a loved one. Taurus is one of the more hedonistic signs of the zodiac, so to the extent possible make this day about sensual pleasures. If you’ve been dating someone new and you’re ready to say the “L” word, this can be a very romantic day to do it. Or you can use this day to propose if taking that step feels appropriate.

After Venus makes the connection to Jupiter, both of them together will sextile Neptune, making it easy to be vulnerable. This aspect adds an element of spirituality, so things could seem fated or part of your destiny. It can also help with inspiration or creativity. If you’re an artist, leave some white space on your calendar this day because it’s very likely that inspiration could strike. You’ll want to jump right into the expression. If you’re not an artist, pack a bowl and zone out to some music. It’ll be time well spent.

But wait, there’s more! On the night of May 23rd we have a full moon in Sagittarius. This is a delicious full moon that might pleasantly intensify your emotions. Say the thing that you’ve been keeping to yourself; I think you’ll find that it’s safe to share your fears or desires at this time. If you don’t have anyone you trust with this information then consider journaling. Even expressing these emotions to yourself can be therapeutic. Before you know it, this day will be over. Venus will move into Gemini by the afternoon and some of the magic will be lost when that happens. I hope you’ll put the morning and early afternoon of May 23rd on your calendar. We don’t get days this nice every month.

On May 25th Jupiter, known as the greater benefic, will move into Gemini. Jupiter takes about 12 years to orbit the sun, meaning that it spends about a year in each sign. Your 5th house of love, joy, art, entertainment and athletics. If you’re hoping to find a new romantic partner, this can be the time to do it. All new relationships begin in the 5th house because it rules love. If you’re committed to a romantic partner already, then this can help you explore new methods of self-expression. The fifth house also rules children, so if you’re looking to start a family the next year can help you get going with that. Jupiter will be in this sign until June 9, 2025! Enjoy this time while you can!

Pisces (February 18 – March 18)

Back when you were in high school, you learned about the concept of voice and how it applies to different authors and different written mediums. This month you’re going to have a couple of occasions to work on your own voice. This is the time to experiment with how you want to convey yourself to others. On May 6th the sun in Taurus will sextile Neptune in Pisces. On this day you’ll be able to share the experiences that have made you in a way that can be understood by others. This expression can be in any form of communication, but written communication is most common. Think about how your lived experience has affected how you share your stories, and what stories you share with the world.

There’s a dreamy new moon on May 7th that I’ll have you ready to jaunt out the door. The sun, moon, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus are all clustered together in Taurus. The sun and the moon are nestled in between Venus on one side and Jupiter on the other. These are the two benefics of the zodiac, which makes this new moon as good as it can get. New moons bring beginnings, while full moons typically bring endings or culminations. To add to the joy, the moon is exalted in the sign of Taurus, which means that the moon gets to feel like an honored guest everytime it travels through this sign. When planets are in the sign of their exaltation they express the best versions of themselves. For Luna, that means that it fosters strong emotional connection, abundant sensual pleasures, and happy moods whenever it’s in Taurus.

This new moon is happening in your 3rd house of siblings, communication, (especially written communication), daily rituals, and short distance travel. If possible, take a short trip either by yourself or with a few friends. May 7th is on a Tuesday, but if you go the weekend before, you should get most of the benefits of this new moon. If you absolutely can’t travel, that’s okay. Spend some time thinking about your daily rituals. How do your mornings usually go, and how do you want them to go? What about your evenings? Take this new moon to dream about a new set of daily rituals. You could also start a new writing project. If you want to write poetry or short stories, buy a new notebook for yourself and start jotting down your ideas. You’ll get a lot of peace from it if you try.

On May 20th the sun will move in Gemini, which rules your 4th house of home, family, ancestry, and origin stories. If you want to make any changes to your home, this is the time to do it. COnsider repainting the walls, or redecorating. You can also throw out or donate old pieces of furniture that don’t work for you. You might also consider moving at this time, or welcoming a new roommate into the house. Anything that centers your home and how you want to feel inside of it will be rewarded during these four weeks.

May 23rd has some of the best aspects of the year! Three stunning pieces of astrology are all rolled into a single day. Early in the morning, Venus will conjunct Jupiter, both of which are in your 4th house of Taurus. These are the two benefits of the zodiac, which means these planets are the two easiest to work with. This is a beautiful day of love and abundance, so treat yourself and a significant other if possible. Lay out delicious snacks and beverages. Get the good pipes or bongs out of the closet, (you know, the ones you hardly ever use because they’re a little impractical). Wear comfortable, but elegant clothes and then spend the day enjoying your own company or the company of a loved one. Taurus is one of the more hedonistic signs of the zodiac, so to the extent possible make this day about sensual pleasures. If you’ve been dating someone new and you’re ready to say the “L” word, this can be a very romantic day to do it. Or you can use this day to propose if taking that step feels appropriate.

After Venus makes the connection to Jupiter, both of them together will sextile Neptune, making it easy to be vulnerable. This aspect adds an element of spirituality, so things could seem fated or part of your destiny. It can also help with inspiration or creativity. If you’re an artist, leave some white space on your calendar this day because it’s very likely that inspiration could strike. You’ll want to jump right into the expression. If you’re not an artist, pack a bowl and zone out to some music. It’ll be time well spent.

But wait, there’s more! On the night of May 23rd we have a full moon in Sagittarius. This is a delicious full moon that might pleasantly intensify your emotions. Say the thing that you’ve been keeping to yourself; I think you’ll find that it’s safe to share your fears or desires at this time. If you don’t have anyone you trust with this information then consider journaling. Even expressing these emotions to yourself can be therapeutic. Before you know it, this day will be over. Venus will move into Gemini by the afternoon and some of the magic will be lost when that happens. I hope you’ll put the morning and early afternoon of May 23rd on your calendar. We don’t get days this nice every month.

On May 25th Jupiter will move into Gemini, which rules your 4th house of home and family. Jupiter brings abundance and luck to whatever house it transits, and it will spend an entire year in this house; up until June 9, 2025! If you’ve been thinking about moving, or completing redoing your space, Jupiter will help you accomplish those goals. Or, if you’ve been curious about your family’s genealogy, this can be a great time to study that. Some countries will grant citizenship if you can prove you have an ancestor who was born in that country, (Ireland is one such country.) Learning about your family history is a great activity that can get multiple generations excited about spending time together.

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