It is no secret that Cannabis and Psychedelics have been a part of history for hundreds if not thousands of years. That brings up the question, how are psychoactive substances a spiritual tool? We have all heard of the ’60s-’70s, right? Psychoactive substances have a much deeper past than the days of recreational use. We know these things had a place in most cultures with an intense focus on spiritual connections. Shamanism anyone?
To make it simple Shamanism believes there is a connection between this world and others. Through spiritual connection healing and self-discovery is possible among many other things. To achieve such a state herbs and natural sources were used to unlock and achieve the desired connection to the spirit world. While it can vary from culture to culture and even between tribes of people there are some general hallucinogenic compounds that you come across in history. Mushrooms, Peyote, Cannabis, and even toad secretions just to name a few.
We no longer live in a time where shamanic rituals are common practice. Does this mean we have lost touch with the spiritual benefits of Psychedelics? While the way we use them may not look the same there are still those of us who use certain Psychedelics to enhance spiritual experiences. I believe the most common one in today’s society is Cannabis followed closely by Psilocybin. I’m sure they are very close in the number of consumers however one is more widely accepted publicly than the other. That being said, my go-to spiritual practice is Cannabis.
When asked about my spiritual beliefs I always say my beliefs are my own, but they most closely align with Paganism. If you do not know much about this Paganism does not have one rule book or one set of guidelines of practice. Each person develops their own guide and with it their own use for specific herbs or natural remedies. I have found Cannabis in all its forms allows my brain to open in ways it otherwise will not. In my practice I find it to be most useful in one of two ways.
The first is the most common way which is as a base to enhance meditative practices. I have spent many years of my life practicing this and tuning it in for my needs. One day, however, years ago I decided to light up beforehand to see how it could potentially assist in achieving a deeply meditative state. Needless to say, after that experience, I have not gone back now I prefer this way of meditation. In the same way, cannabis calms my brain of anxiety it allows it to relax and be open to the messages of the spirits that guide me. I can meditate, experience more, and tap into my soul as a way of healing at an energetic level.
The second way I have found is through tarot. Now I know this is one of those things that people get opinionated about I find a connection to the spirit realm clearest through my decks. How does Cannabis assist in this? When I am doing a solo reading, it allows my preconceived ideas to disappear my mind is not the one I want to hear from. I can only describe it as being in the zone, you know like from the movie Soul. When I have had readings done for me in the past by a friend I feel as though it puts both of us in harmony like tuning two radios to the same station, it lends to a full sensory experience.
There is no doubt to me that the use of Psychoactive components will continue to be used to aid in spirit work. Those of us who have discovered this know exactly what I am talking about here. Every person is different, and I can’t say exactly which cannabinoid, compound, or even dose could produce the desired effect. The fact that this has been done for hundreds of years tells me there is in fact a reason. I do not feel that multiple groups covering countless regions, backgrounds, and cultures could use this as a tool if it was not useful.
This is my experience I know some will disagree and that is fine, Blessed Be. Knowing the historic use is it possible that we may see a resurgence as widespread legalization occurs? I would hope one day to see yoga classes enhanced by pre-workout smoke sessions. Could you imagine group meditations where joints and vapes, blunts, and bongs flow through a room? I would sign up for that today! One day we may again live in a world where we recognize the amazing spiritual benefits of Cannabis as well as other Psychoactive substances. When that day comes, you better believe I will hold my blunt to the gods.