Growing Up in a Cannabis Household: A Teenager’s Perspective

Photos Courtesy of Author

The Unconventional Childhood Experience

I’m sure everyone thinks their childhood is the most extraordinary, original, and authentic one, so I won’t try to take credit for that. But I will say, growing up with a parent active in the cannabis industry definitely feels like one of the more rare childhoods. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to appreciate the unique aspects of my upbringing compared to my friends.

Juggling Family Business and Cannabis Advocacy: A Glimpse into My Mom’s Diverse Roles

I spent a lot of time hanging around my mom’s office, always eager to help her with whatever I could. Most of my earlier memories are actually filled with modeling designer dresses and hair accessories for my mom’s photo shoots, assisting her in gathering props for her flatlays, and later helping her fold, pack, and ship out orders from our family’s small clothing boutique. This boutique, which we started when I was in third grade, was an addition to the already successful portrait studio my mom had built.

But even before the boutique and the portrait studio, my mom was deeply involved in the cannabis industry. She started her journey as an activist and educator back in 2002 while she was in college. My earliest memory of her involvement in this field, however, was in 2017 when she took on a role as an affiliate with a new company called Hempworx. Thanks to a new law, she was able to share the benefits of the plant with our online audience, building upon the community we had already established through our online store.

A Growing Awareness

I always knew she was involved in hemp. Still, besides seeing my brother get his CBD oil every day and knowing my mom medicated, her role in cannabis wasn’t very apparent to me until I got older—maybe around 13 years old. That’s when I realized my mom’s activities were quite different from what my friends’ moms were doing.

For a while, I’ll admit, I thought it was weird. Sometimes, I wished my mom was more like other moms who enjoy baking cookies and traditionally “mom-ish” activities. But I realized having a mom like that would be so dull compared to the mother I’m blessed to have.

Open Conversations and Life Lessons

As I get older, I’m introduced to crazier things. Kids my age sometimes blow my mind with what they do—especially what they must keep from their parents. It’s great to confide in my mom about the things my friends are too scared to discuss. I can talk to her about tricky topics (like drugs). She always has the patience and knowledge to answer my questions and teach me about things other parents are too ashamed to discuss. I’m not throwing shade at anyone’s mother; still, I think having a mom who is engaged in cannabis culture has really enhanced her ability to handle things I encounter.

Navigating High School Challenges

Now that I’m in high school, I’m often put in situations where I’m unsure how to react. For instance, once, while hanging out with a friend, they offered me a vape.

At that moment, I panicked. I didn’t want to be the weird kid who abstained from what everyone else my age was doing. I also didn’t want to get in trouble, make my friend feel bad, or hit that vape. I quickly concluded that because I didn’t know what kind of vape it was and wasn’t sure if it was good or bad for my body, I told my friend “No thanks.”

It was a little awkward after that, but I decided a few moments later that I made the right choice. I had no idea if it was tobacco, cannabis, or what was in it, and I knew better than to risk it by hitting it.

The Value of a Cannabis-Engaged Parent

Later that night, I opened up and discussed the situation with my mom, sharing my thoughts and feelings about the whole ordeal. We had a conversation about why that was the right choice to make and what to do in situations similar to that one. Afterward, I felt great being able to talk to my mom and get advice from her about the whole thing.

A Deeper Appreciation for a Unique Upbringing

That was just one specific time when I deliberately appreciated my mom’s role in cannabis. Needless to say, the older I get, the more situations I am put in where I know I would benefit from having someone more experienced to talk to.

Beyond that, I am more grateful to have a mom with the skillset mine has. It’s more than just an understanding parent who isn’t going to punish me for knowing kids who do drugs; it’s a parent who is willing to talk to me and explain to me the do’s and don’ts of the things people my age do and, more importantly, why I should and shouldn’t involve myself in those things. She can explain things in a way I understand and even want to listen to, which is something I’m not sure I’d be able to say if I had a different parent.

Come Back Again

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