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How Cannabis Saved Me: An Interview With Richard Mitchell

Photos Courtesy of Richard Mitchell

I was introduced to Richard Mitchell a couple of months ago. Before that, I affectionately knew him as the guy who got the Fat Nugs tattoo. Dustin made the official introduction and I’ve since gotten to talk with him about his life and what his journey has been like. Going into this interview I wasn’t sure what to expect - let me tell you it's quite the story!

It affected me so deeply to hear him talk about his experiences and it took a day or two of debriefing before I was ready to listen back to the recording. I am so inspired by him and all he’s been through has turned him into a warrior! I’m so proud and thankful to be able to share that with you. Please meet Richard Mitchell.

Richard Mitchell’s Story:  How Cannabis Saved This Disabled Indigenous Father of Five 

The Early Years

Growing up, his dad was the Chief of Police and even his earliest memories of his dad are in uniform. This didn’t lend well to developing a love of cannabis: he didn’t touch it until the end of his 9th-grade year. 

“I'm 41, I grew up in the mid-90s,” Richard said. “We used to have to hide and use eye drops and body spray.” It’s not like it was an option to be out about your cannabis use, so he took a break for several years.

When we talked about his childhood, there was such a heaviness to it you can feel. He opened up about several attempts and experiences with his father to scare both him and his brother straight. He recalled being awoken one night by in essence a staged police raid 

”...my dad found my brother's stash in a vent, since that was his kid he couldn’t do anything…but he called one of his officers and several showed up”. 

My heart broke a little bit hearing that, even after dealing with all the nonsense he still went on to attempt to follow in his father's footsteps. 

Coping With Cannabis

He came back to cannabis his first year in Police Foundations, but only as an occasional user. It wasn’t until 2016 that his relationship with cannabis started to change. After a very painful and heartbreaking split from his ex, cannabis became a tool to deal with the depression and anxiety that came with losing his kids and being painted as a monster for choosing plant medicine over pharmaceuticals.

In his attempt to regain a relationship with his children, he sought out help, and unfortunately, that only made things worse. From 2018 through 2020 it was a game of doctors mixing pharmaceuticals to see if anything would work. 

“I was on disability and taking 18 pills a day…I ended up as a guinea pig.” I hate to admit that I was in a similar position at 18 so I know the exact feeling he describes here and it is soul-crushing and maddening. 

“I was diagnosed with PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, Social anxiety, Suicidal ideology, & Borderline Personality Disorder which led to physical problems IBS, etc.” He told me at one point he had 36 cancer pustules in his intestines, which is unbelievable. His physician said his health struggles would keep him on disability and would ultimately severely limit his ability to lead a happy and functional life. 

Disability in Canada will pay for pharmaceuticals but not cannabis, unfortunately. 

“I went into my appeal with so much documentation…I found a forensic psychologist who worked well with me but they wouldn’t pay for it, eventually, they offered to pay mileage but not his hourly rate.” 

In the midst of his health problems, Family & Children Services would come in and allow him to take all these pills that made him feel like a zombie and drive kids to school but cannabis wasn’t allowed. I can’t even begin to imagine having to choose between my children or my medicine - that's unthinkable to me. 

The Detox

In 2020 he decided to come off of everything. 

“I told my doctors, and everyone was against it except the forensic psychologist he said it would kick my ass but I’d be ok,” Richard told me. “I was ready to do it...I just wanted to get to the other side.” 

It was 18 days of physical and mental hell. His now-fiance, Krista Ruddy, who was a Medical Lab Tech and Phlebotomist at the time was there by his side every day. 

“Without her, I wouldn’t have made it to the other side. I never thought it could get so dark. I wasn't addicted but my body was and It was a hard process, but day 19 came...and I was ok and every day since then I've gotten better” 

I resonate with this: it’s a scary surreal experience to go through a detox, minutes feel like hours, and days feel like weeks. It’s so inspiring to see how he was able to go through all of that and still come out thriving on the other side.

Facing Adversity

After that life went on as normal, healing, and evolving until 2024, when he was abruptly and wrongfully released from his position without any real notice. Why? His cannabis use. Yes, you read that correctly: in 2024 people in Canada are still being wrongfully terminated and discriminated against for choosing cannabis. After what I’m sure felt like ages he finally received the message he had been waiting for. He got a new position! 

“I was Elated. Relieved & overjoyed!” It also brought a dose of reality, because the position still required him to stay quiet about his cannabis use. “I can’t help but wonder, would I still be getting all these opportunities had the boss known I use medical cannabis?” 

The Future Is Plant Powered

Now his focus is on being healthy mentally, physically & spiritually.

FNM: Do you have any certain cannabinoids that you love? 

Richard: “I’m not that deep into it. I like organic and naturally grown. I want a higher THC like vapes and it has to be a more mellow body high” 

FNM: What do you hope people get from your story? 

Richard: “To know that there is hope out there and you CAN do it. One of the books that helped me in that time was David Goggins “Can’t Hurt Me

Richard's story is one a lot of us can resonate with. Every day is a fight against the stigma that you can’t be a good parent and use cannabis. For those of us who are CannaParents it’s about being productive, showing up, and being as present as possible. Some of us just choose cannabis as a tool to break down those walls, 

I think Richard said it best. “How can I function, get to where I need to be, and be as ruthless and effective as possible?.... Cannabis”