The Case for Genuine Cannabis Legalization: Confronting History and Embracing Equity
Written By Dustin Hoxworth
At the heart of cannabis prohibition lies a truly disgusting history filled with misinformation, fear, and racism. The illegal status of cannabis was not born out of legitimate concerns for public health or safety, but rather from a calculated campaign to demonize a plant and the people associated with it. The Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 is a prime example, rooted in the racist rhetoric of the time that equated cannabis use with violence and moral decay, particularly within Black and Latino communities.
Cannabis Culture Shock in Germany
Written By Marge Thomas
With legalization having just happened, acquiring cannabis felt much like the days when I had to buy off the street. Not speaking the language fluently and not interested in venturing to a park hoping to find someone loitering, I called up a connection living in Berlin. Fred was a fellow Ganjier and I thought he could help me. I knew it was around, more than once smelling weed wafting in the Berlin air. Plus it’s a city of 3 million, and prohibition doesn’t work.
Opinion: Current-state of The Cannabis Industry
Written by Lance Lambert
Having a ‘community over corporate’ and ‘roots over suits’ mindset will help solidify your opportunity of being successful as a contributor to our industry. Because the Green Rush is still very much alive and strong when looking at the space from a global perspective. This is a movement that is seeing progress and success in every region across the globe.