High at Any Cost: Weed Needs Ethical Laboratories and Official Testing Standards

High at Any Cost: Weed Needs Ethical Laboratories and Official Testing Standards

Written By Daniel Crawford

State laws differ drastically when it comes to the variance of cannabis’ active ingredient, THC, as well as product sampling and testing methods. I know because I have worked in the Quality and Compliance realm for most of my professional career including Nevada, Virginia and Arizona’s Adult Use Cannabis markets. I have been the person responsible for compliance in each of those states. 

Your purchase could be 20 percent higher or lower than the label claim in Arizona, 15 percent in Michigan and 10 percent in California. You don’t need a vivid imagination to be able to draw the line between inaccurate testing claims and the unpredictable-ness when it comes to dosing of patients. This is especially important for infrequent or new cannabis consumers who rely on accurate label claims for a consistent experience with their cannabis. 

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