How Cannabis Became My Lifeline: A Personal Journey

How Cannabis Became My Lifeline: A Personal Journey

Written By Tim Collett

Sharing my story is a way to show that cannabis can be a lifeline when life gets brutally tough. It's not a magic wand or a cure-all, but for me, it was a vital lifeline in the most challenging times. In the face of unimaginable loss, it offered a flicker of hope and a reminder that even the tiniest thread is worth holding onto.

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Cancer Again?! A Cannabinoid Researcher Speaks Out: Heartbreak & The Return to Oncology

Cancer Again?! A Cannabinoid Researcher Speaks Out: Heartbreak & The Return to Oncology

Written By Casey Renteria

“I recently had the privilege of sitting down with the Man… Mike Robinson, whose story hits close to home for me. When I was too young to understand, my own grandfather started his battle with cancer. Like many so often do, he chose standard treatments and procedures. I watched, ignorant of what was going on as he became a shell of a human, and I’d be lying to say it didn’t affect me. The changes were permanent and stayed with him until his death.

With the chance to not only talk with Mike about his first-hand experience in an interview, but also to learn how cannabis came along for the ride, I knew it was a chance worth taking.”

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Ethereal Adventures of Dr. Merl The Astonishing Metaphysician: Metascapades - Diving for Quantum Arcadia

Ethereal Adventures of Dr. Merl The Astonishing Metaphysician: Metascapades - Diving for Quantum Arcadia

Written By Grant Mitchell

Hear Ye, Hear Ye! You Are Hereby Cordially Invited to Join Us on Our Metascapades in Ethereal Realms: Diving, Hunting, Searching, and Exploring the Mythical Quantum Arcadia.

As the legend goes, in the year 2070, Professor Saxemillian Merlinius von Vaporblaster: Doctor of Science in Dematerialization, or “Dr. Merl,” for simplicity’s sake… is alleged to have achieved the unimaginable.

At 11:11 AM, in the flash of a moment altering the very fabric of the spacetime continuum itself: Dr. Merl exhaled a spark and was granted temporary powers, although unaware of them at first. Gifts like ultra-intelligence, clairvoyance, telepathy, psychokinesis, supernatural deduction, hyperluminal dematerialization, metaphysical chakra harmonization, lucid dreaming, and transmutation were harnessed through the Fluxflower.

Combined these fantastical concepts are dwarfed in comparison to the underlying mystery: Where is the Protostone Flowerflux phenomena drawing its magical energy from?

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“seasons greenings!” ivan moody announces launch of new cannabis line ’greenings’

“seasons greenings!” ivan moody announces launch of new cannabis line ’greenings’

Press Release for “Greenings” By Moody’s Medicinals

“For years, I've had a very public struggle with alcohol addiction, and being prescribed an excessive amount of medication for my imbalances felt overwhelming and completely non-conducive to recovery," said Moody.

"I wanted something natural that wouldn't leave me poisoned with sluggish side effects that countered my life on the road. Greenings was born as a result of the emotional and physical relief I found through cannabis”

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Schedule 1 Status Hurts Patients Like My Dad

Schedule 1 Status Hurts Patients Like My Dad

Written By Melanie Rizzo

At first, my dad was wholly against trying any cannabis products. However, his pain continued, as did his refusal to take any narcotic pain relievers. He started low and slow and worked his way up to a full 10mg. His mood lifted, and best of all, he was eating and sleeping soundly.

This progress came to a screeching halt when he was hospitalized for the treatment of his leukemia. A broken, overregulated system prevents patients from receiving their medical cannabis as part of their treatment regimen at most hospitals. Doctors can be prosecuted for prescribing cannabis to their patients because of the plant’s Schedule 1 status.

The possibility for cannabis to aid those suffering from a multitude of ills is still not fully understood, but when our loved ones are benefiting from the use of a harmless, natural herb like cannabis, it’s nearly unfathomable to believe that this plant has been cursed by our government for nearly 100 years.

How on earth is it possible that we regularly ingest toxic substances in our food, in our water, and in our pharmaceuticals, but a friendly green plant is vilified? It makes you wonder – how many nefarious things are going on behind the scenes, unbeknownst to the majority of us?

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My Journey Into Cannabis -Part 4: Get Your Grow On

My Journey Into Cannabis -Part 4: Get Your Grow On

Written By Jason Bird

After getting arrested twice in 2 years over my fondness for The Herb, I was forced to take a timeout and regroup. I spent a year and a half on probation and then got permission to move to Oregon, so I packed up and left the East Coast in the summer of 1996 and headed west.

Best road trip ever!

I witnessed some epic music events that summer on my journey. At the tail end of the adventure and concert psychedelia, I picked up 2 friends and moved almost 3,000 miles to Oregon to begin my adventures in cultivation. I enrolled in a 2 year Horticulture Degree program and began taking classes in the campus greenhouse. After transferring my probation, I was released from active supervision after 3 months.

Not long after that I started growing my first cannabis plants indoors. It was a strain called “The Cough.” It was the original Northern Lights #5 x Haze. What. A. Strain.

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An Interview and Weeding Announcement with Penny Lane

An Interview and Weeding Announcement with Penny Lane

Written By Mike Robinson

November is Epilepsy Awareness Month, and thus a great time to talk about how our beautiful fat nugs get used by patients and people in the cannabis industry that use the plant to stop seizures. The world went nuts with the Weed Series on CNN that featured kids battling through the grips of this complex neurological issue that's known for taking 50,000 lives a year. Many don't consider the adults in the World of Purple as they paint their faces and hair that color this month to celebrate their continued life, their will, and their ability to overcome.

Penny Lane is one of those adults. Let's talk with Penny Lane about her Mary Jane and how it changed her life.

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48 Hours in Utah: I Want to Be Sedated Part I - Cannabis at the Crossroads

48 Hours in Utah: I Want to Be Sedated Part I - Cannabis at the Crossroads

Written By Grant Mitchell

‘Twas a solid 12 years since meeting up with my ol’ buddy, M.W. After a few formalities were exchanged on LinkedIn, we decided that a rendezvous in late July around the proverbial “Crossroads of the West'' was long overdue. Whilst getting my regular items in order, you know, I began to ponder over the new Medical Marijuana laws in Utah. On November 6, 2018, Utah legalized medical marijuana and, nowadays, for holders of a license from some states, reciprocity would honor my Nevada card.

Due to the top-secret nature of M.W. 's history, I can’t go into the details too much about how I know this person - even writing what I did might be too much. But let’s just say, they are the agent with all the information. So, M.W. constructed a grand plan to reconnect the day after I landed, which was perfect for an outing to report on the current state of affairs in at least two cities. It seemed I was set to spend about 48 hours in Utah, licensed by the state to get sedated.

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All Cannabis Use is Therapeutic: The Medical vs. Recreational Cannabis Debate

All Cannabis Use is Therapeutic: The Medical vs. Recreational Cannabis Debate

Written by Jason Bird

Cannabis is one of the oldest known and most used plants on the planet, with evidence of this dating back almost 10,000 years according to recent archaeological findings near East Asia. With numerous uses as a source of medicine, food, fuel, and fiber, it’s really not a stretch then to say that all cannabis use and uses have therapeutic value for us in the physical, emotional, and spiritual realms.

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