Herbie My (New) Love

Herbie My (New) Love

Product Review By Casey Renteria

I like to think I’m an active person, at least four days out of the week. After working out, my back becomes so uncomfortably tight that it causes headaches, neck pain, and cramps. I take my self-care seriously, and one constant ordeal is tight muscles.

I love topicals for muscle recovery post-workout for this reason. I have found that it is a critical key in my recovery. Although I have so many lotions, potions, rubs, and balms I am still kind of picky about my topicals, since I use them multiple times a week.

One day, while doom scrolling on LinkedIn, I came across a post featuring Herbie Pain Balm. I knew right then and there, there wasn't a doubt in my mind, I wanted to get my hands on it. Or more like 'get it on me!

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Written By LaWann Stribling

On September 15, 1995, I arrived at Prince George’s Hospital Center nervous and worried as hell for my 6:30 am scheduled induction.  My last OB/GYN appointment brought on concerns that I was developing pre-eclampsia, a serious condition marked by high blood pressure and other symptoms after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Due to this, my doctor thought it was best to have a scheduled induction on my actual due date. 

I had been living with my sister at her place on Taylor Street because I was still a ward of the state and couldn’t afford a place for me and my soon-to-be child to live. 

I had state insurance and the only two sonograms I had revealed my baby with their ankles crossed, blocking the pelvic area. 

I wasn’t familiar with pain medications or opioids except for what I heard on television. I watched pregnancy shows on Discovery Channel in the hopes that it would prepare me for this day – but I certainly WAS NOT prepared.

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