Genevieve's Journey: Cannabis and Dentistry for the Developmentally Disabled
Written By Mike Robinson
Today, we offer a nuanced perspective into the specific cannabinoids that benefit Genevieve, especially as she faces the challenges of upcoming oral surgery. This type of surgery is not usually easy for people with severe developmental delays.
It takes profound amounts of sedation to get her into that dentist chair, and then she must use the gas. She often will also take a nap while the professionals work. THC and CBD were particularly effective for her, whereas CBD initially did not yield the desired results.
Adopting Love: How Cannabis and Compassion Created My Family
Written By Mike Robinson
Many will say that a person doesn't have to be biological to be a father, which has always seemed like an odd statement until it became one of my own. Back in 2016, on the compassion trail where I traveled giving away Cannabis oils in copious amounts to patients in need, I came across Genevieve after her mom contacted me, and what's known as the Cannabis Love Story by many began.
An Interview and Weeding Announcement with Penny Lane
Written By Mike Robinson
November is Epilepsy Awareness Month, and thus a great time to talk about how our beautiful fat nugs get used by patients and people in the cannabis industry that use the plant to stop seizures. The world went nuts with the Weed Series on CNN that featured kids battling through the grips of this complex neurological issue that's known for taking 50,000 lives a year. Many don't consider the adults in the World of Purple as they paint their faces and hair that color this month to celebrate their continued life, their will, and their ability to overcome.
Penny Lane is one of those adults. Let's talk with Penny Lane about her Mary Jane and how it changed her life.
How My Cannabis Compassion Journey Turned Me Into the Ultimate Researcher
Written By Mike Robinson
"You have cancer." These words dig deep into the core of one's soul and change a person forever. You either learn to be a warrior or prepare for your end times. Determined to beat the disease without resorting to conventional treatments like chemotherapy and radiation, I turned to cannabis oils, as they were the only route I thought I could take against three different cancers running concurrently - and still have a fighting chance of surviving.