Interview with Lonnie Kessler: From Fighting Stigma to Facing Death
Written By Casey Renteria
Through all the ups and downs with his health, cannabis was always there. He told me he was on 13 pills - but with cannabis, he’s down to 3 pills twice a day, and I'd say that's a huge improvement! But he also talked about how hard it was to open up to his family about his choice to use cannabis. “It's finding a balance between family, friends, society, and quality of life you have to choose and I choose the quality of life…Cannabis will be the one thing I use until the very end,” he said.

My Journey Through Life With Cannabis: How Did I Get Here?
Written By Kim Cooper
My kids were on the internet, a relatively new platform that was launched some years prior for college students. Only 2 of my kids were still at home, both were teenagers. They were on a new website called Facebook. I didn’t explore it, not really, it seemed it was just a place for kids to gather and talk. I opened an account, only to keep track of what my kids were doing and who they were talking to. I had no idea how large of an impact this platform would have on me in the future.

A Glimpse into a Blind Man’s Life
Written By Lance Mathena
My career is over. The Department of Defense does not want blind database administrators: my employer was the first to give me the big wet kiss goodbye. I hadn’t been out of intensive care for more than a few days when I got the call telling me to “Heal fast, so you can go to work and clean out your desk.”
My friends are disappearing in droves. I make them uncomfortable. They can’t picture being blind themselves, and so have zero concept of what it might be like for me. I am a constant reminder of mortality, and no one wants to face a reminder of the possibility of catastrophic injury every time they see an old friend.

My Journey Through Life With Cannabis: How Did I Get Here?
Written By Kim Cooper
It was 1990 and I was pregnant with my second child. I always knew I wanted lots of kids. 5 was a good number I thought! But my life was taking another twist, that started at the end of the 80’s: a custody battle was brewing over my daughter. Of course, my cannabis consumption was wielded against me once again. I would spend the next 5 years in court