Cannabis should be accessible to everyone! I fully believe this and I love it when I find brands who clearly understand this too. Cannabis comes in all forms, and your mode of consumption shouldn’t be dictated by your ability to spend hundreds of dollars on a device or rig.
While those investment pieces have a place, it’s not the norm for the average cannabis consumer. It’s becoming more and more important that companies keep everyone in mind when pricing consumption devices. That’s where Dip Devices comes in!
If you’re looking for the latest and greatest in tech and innovation–you can move on. If you’re looking for a device to widen your options for consumption at a price that doesn’t hurt, then stay with me!
Get Dipped!
By chance, I was lucky enough to be introduced to Mike Bologna the CEO of Dip Devices. He sent me a box loaded with the devices, and let me tell you there is a good range! Most of what you’ll find are portable dab pens and such, with a couple more unique options for us flower lovers.
The biggest focus is making a product that’s good quality, allowing for smooth, uncomplicated delivery of your plant medicine – without any luxury bells and whistles. The best part is: they sell for a reasonable price. The average cost is about $40 with a couple of options in the $60-$80 range. Even with the lower price range, you’re still getting a product that feels sturdy and has some weight to it.
It’s also super important to mention their social impact. They donate a portion of their proceeds to certain causes based on the color of the device they purchase.
Blue – Marine Conservation
Multicolored – LGBTQIA+ Communities
Black – Drug Policy Reform and Racial Justice
Red – Blood Donation
Green – Reforestation and Land Conservation
Yellow – Bees
White – Free Art Therapy
Overall, I love their approach to making cannabis tools more accessible and trying to make the world a better place. Now let’s get into the devices.
Dip Devices: The Devices
They sent me so much that I can’t go in-depth on all of it, but I wanted to make sure each one got a moment. Here’s the full list of devices, parts, and tools.
- Hot Knife Tip x2
- 510 battery – Green x2
- Rover Dab Pen – Ocean Blue
- Replacement Terp Pearls
- Dab Spoon
- Concentrate Container x2
- Aster Flower Vaporizer – Black
- Little Dipper Dab Straw – Black
- Lunar – Purple
- Evri – Red
- Non-slip Mat x2
- Plus the fun goodies stickers, pins etc.
Their main focus is dab tools like the Little Dipper and Lunar. They are meant to be all-in-one portable dab devices. There is one purpose in my life for highly concentrated cannabis, and that’s for period pain relief! This would be ideal to carry with you on the go for those days when you just need more but don’t have to be stuck carrying a dab rig with you.
Every unit I unboxed felt hefty and well-made, unlike some flimsy options I’ve seen before. The products are compact, meaning they’re small enough to fit into a coat pocket or a bag without being outright noticeable. Besides the fun colors, none of the items are flashy and scream ‘look at me’.
Any piece would be perfect for the on-the-go stoner in your life, except for the Rover – it’s a bit of a chunk. It’s still very smooth and simple in design with the added benefit of terp pearls–so you get a better flavor profile from your concentrate of choice. This is perfect for those who prefer dabs to traditional flower or edible consumption. It’s got a large holding tank so it can easily last all day while you go out and adventure.
My Favorite Dip Devices
The Evri
I was super intrigued by the Evri simply because of the size and versatility of the product. It’s a perfectly palm-sized device that can be used as either a vaporizer or with a 520 cart. I won’t lie, packing it is a little on the messy side, but I can’t say it’s any worse than packing a cone.
It hits beautifully once you get it going but initially is a little hard to pull. I’ll give the benefit of the doubt for sure–and assume it’s just me packing it to the max.
Definitely make sure to clear it before putting it back in your cabinet, anything left in the device will get rather compact, especially if it’s sticky to begin with. It would be super ideal for when pain strikes but life doesn’t stop, and you need to bring a puff or two with you–just in case, or if you’re always on the go and looking for a great all-purpose tool for your cannabis consumption.
The Aster
The Aster is in that compact size I love and it’s extremely easy to load. It fits so snugly in my hand I almost forget it’s there. It has a wide opening that flows towards the middle, making it basically mess-free to pack, and I appreciate that so much!
The pull itself is smooth and easy to manage how much you take in. How exactly it works is still a little bewildering to me. 5 clicks of the power button and it’s on and then you set the temperature, but that’s it for buttons. It will vibrate when it’s ready to sesh and has a timer for 3 minutes. When it runs out it automatically shuts off, and I gotta love a good safety feature. For an entry-level consumer, this is a great option if you’re used to a more techy device this might be too simple.
Dip Your Toes In!
Regardless of how far cannabis has come, it’s critical to remember the average consumer. The average consumer isn’t rich, and we’re all just seeking relief at the end of the day. I don’t believe that the type of medicine or treatment you seek should be based on price, and I think the same applies to cannabis. If concentrates are what work for you, then there should be an affordable way for you to consume the medicine in the form that works best.
I’m a fan of Dip Devices whether it’s for the price, the giving back, or just the fact that they make cannabis accessible to everyone. I genuinely appreciate their presence in this space, and they definitely earned a spot in my on-the-go bag.
Stay Happy, Healthy & High!