Bueno Verde is the stoniest little town in all of California. And nobody was stonier, or smarter for that matter, than Raefer Bogart. But nobody ever called him Raefer (except his lady), and you better not call him “Bogart,” because nobody was more generous with his reefer than Raefer.
Everyone in town called him Encyclopedia Brownweed. An encyclopedia is a book or books filled with facts. Nobody in town knew more about weed than Raefer. Encyclopedia was not just a smoker, but a grower and award-winning breeder.
So, why the name “Brownweed”? you may ask. Especially in a town whose name when literally translated means “good green.” Well, Raefer liked to cure his weed in an old Indian fashion that usually left the buds a beautiful brown/gold color. Encyclopedia claimed it gave his product a “longer shelf life.” But no one in town ever found out because weed did not have much of a “shelf life” in Bueno Verde, especially Encyclopedia’s bud.
Late morning one quiet day, Encyclopedia had just twisted one and was about to spark up when Derek “Domino” Axeman came strolling into the yard. Derek was the best guitar player around, especially gifted on the slide guitar. People from all over California would truck to Bueno Verde to check out his deft work. More than being a great musician, Derek was also known as a guy with a great attitude, always up for the next jam…or doobie for that matter.
Derek looked up, eyes amazingly clear: “Dude, I can’t find my stash.”
“What?” exclaimed Encyclopedia. He had been to see Derek’s gig the previous night and even brought Derek a sack of fat nugs.
“Dude, what happened? That was a sweet bag I set you up with.”
“I don’t know. The reefer was great, as usual. In fact, the whole night gets kinda fuzzy after we smoked down in the parking lot.”
“Well, only the best for my friends. C’mon, hit this and let’s see if we can piece together what happened.”
Derek sat down, accepted the joint Encyclopedia offered, and inhaled deeply. He exhaled slowly, until all the smoke was gone. He then took another quick hit and passed the joint back to Encyclopedia. Derek then picked up the guitar Encyclopedia owned. Encyclopedia, for his part, could tell you book and verse about the history of rock and blues guitarists. It was his second great passion in life, after weed. But he could not play a note on the instrument. Still, he kept a guitar around and “in tune” for moments such as this. Moments when he was privileged to a private show.
Encyclopedia hit the joint a couple of times while Derek “fine-tuned” the instrument and began to loosen his fingers with a few runs. Derek took the joint, hitting it about three times before handing it back to Encyclopedia. As that familiar warm tingly feeling crept into his head, settling behind his eyes, Derek began to play. It started with a couple of chords that slowly fell into a gentle melody. He then broke off a short lead before settling into a groove. As the music took form, Encyclopedia began to ask some questions.
“OK, I brought you that bag while you were unloading in the parking lot. We smoked a bowl from my stash. What do you remember after that?”
Derek closed his eyes and unleashed a furious guitar run. It appeared effortless, but Encyclopedia knew better.
“Yeah, so after we smoked down in the parking lot I remember thinking, ‘Man, that is some righteous weed, I can’t wait to share with the band.’”
“Ok, so what did you do then?”
“Well, I remember getting my gear and heading into the club. I went backstage and met up with the other guys in the band. I told them they needed to check out the kind herb I had just procured.”
Encyclopedia hit the joint a few times. His eyes closed as he handed the joint back to Derek, visualizing the story Derek was telling. “OK, then what?”
“Well, we went back outside to take a taste and Phil insisted on rolling.”
“Wait a minute, you let Phil roll? The guy twists logs.”
“Yeah, true. But that was a righteous fat sack, AND I picked the bud he rolled.”