Namaste at Coral Cove: Cannabis, Yoga, Meditation, and Sound Baths at Jamaica’s Best Wellness Resort  

Written By Shelley Peebles

I had just finished smoking half a joint of some delicious sun-grown Purple Kush, sold to me from the on-site dispensary at the resort. I find myself able to focus on my breath much easier than I have in past yoga classes. Everything she says as I close my eyes and go with the flow resonates with me deeply. Colors come into view. I can picture my root chakra lighting up red in the pelvic area, which represents grounding. Ground into the earth. I hear the words “find your roots…you are exactly what you need”, whispered in my ear, along with a huge wave crashing down, as if the ocean is speaking to me. Then came the tears. Something I have known all along but needed to hear, It’s as though my body and mind are connecting to deliver this powerful message. It is such a beautiful release and so freeing. 

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