Photos Courtesy of Author
A few years ago I wouldn’t dare take edibles. My first experience with them was a horrible mistake. I took three over the course of 1.5 hours and they all hit at once. It was the worst experience. Flash forward a couple of years and I take edibles daily. No joke. It’s something I always have in my cabinet and I couldn’t Imagine not having them. I lean towards a heavy body high because I reserved them for sleep and period pain. That is until a surprise showed up at my door.
I found several packs of micro-dosed edibles wrapped up sweetly in a drawstring bag. I’m embarrassed to admit I squealed like a kid in a candy store. I was hoping these would make a great companion to my morning coffee. The low dose really intrigued me. I was approaching these with let’s say hopeful skepticism. That quickly changed a couple of hours later.
Highly Scientific Research
*We are experienced in dosing ourselves with edibles. Just because we dosed this way does not mean you should.
My partner & I took about four over the course of about four hours. The experience was one of the best I’ve had. It was a steady but slow climb to the peak. The fact that the dose is so low makes it what I would call, the perfect “builder”. If you don’t know where your limit is, these can help you find it without accidentally overdoing it.
The first dose (2.5 mg) gave me a slight elevation. I wouldn’t call it high but I would call it clarity. The uplifting effects were the silver bullet for keeping panic attacks at bay and I also managed to fully stop one with just these.
After the second dose (5mg total) I would no longer drive, not out of impairment but out of my own comfort. You could take one and not know it was an edible, after two you know you’ve taken something for sure. I still wouldn’t say I’m stoned to the bone but I’m going to be there. I had the most intense desire to create, It felt something like this.
Welcome To The Flow State
The third dose (7.5mg total ) brought with it that more familiar “high” feeling. This is where the fun zone is. It’s where you’re on the ride and you’re not getting off. I aim to write in this state, everything flows so smoothly. My thoughts elevated out of this dimension and the spirit guides started to chime in. This is the state I aim for most of the time, but 2.5mg me is the one who double-checks my work on the other side.
The fourth and final dose (10mg) is where my soul-searching happens, it’s what I would consider a ritual dose. What I mean by ritual dose is this level of elevation is for connection to source, alignment with purpose, seeking out trauma, tarot readings, and calling upon ancestors for guidance. I don’t often take this dose during the day but I might more often. It felt so free like there were no physical bounds and I could roam the universe indefinitely.
It’s All In The Details
All of the flavors were stellar and these edibles are some of the smoothest I’ve had, with absolutely no issues with consistency either. Each dose performed exactly like I expected, this is a critical point for me. If I’m counting on that edible to kick in and work effectively and it doesn’t, it’s safe to say I’m going to need more than an edible to regain my baseline.
Things like this have to fit into my normal day-to-day life. If they don’t then I don’t want it. Luckily I didn’t have that issue. I started taking them in the morning after a tolerance break recently, so my normal smoke was too much. I strayed away from edibles during the day because there reaches a point with edibles where I’m ready to be done being high but the edible isn’t done with me. I hate that feeling so much so I was nervous about taking that first one and ready to cancel my whole day just in case. Half an hour later I found myself hyper-focused, studying for my Google Certificate.
If I had to wrap this all up pretty with a bow. I love these. They are absolutely perfect for so many people. I don’t feel groggy or hazy after the fact. I tend to have a lot of pent-up anxiety and these release all that tension, kind of like a good orgasm. I love a product that can serve more than one need. I love being able to turn on my focus, and jump-starting the creative flow will always be helpful. These have found a special place in my cabinet and my morning routine.
Stay Happy, Healthy & High!