Photos Courtesy of Author
“Those gummies are so fucking good.”
That was the intro I got to Green Elevator. How can I say no to trying them after that?
Not going to lie, while having my own elevator was a childhood dream, I’m pretty sure this wasn’t what I had in mind though. When the box arrived, I opened the door with such enthusiasm I scared the mailman, who was already halfway down the walkway. Retreating into my house with goodies in hand, an hour later I was on my way up!
Who is the Green Elevator?
They are a Minnesota-based company that focuses on educating through the stigma, and making products that aren’t just good, but effective. They know the products they make are outstanding, and strive to expand what people think of the possibilities of gummies.
Unfortunately, there isn’t a whole lot of info on their website about how they came to be. I’d love to hear the origin story of how Green Elevator Cannabis went from concept to company. But, alas my curiosity will go unsatisfied for now.
Green Elevator Small Batch Gummies Review
The Taste
I’m gluten-free and not by choice. One of the things I miss is baked goods. I love lemon cake, lemon icing, lemonade – any dessert made with citrus.
I chuckled at the Lemon Cake flavor and thought, ‘Yeah sure whatever you say.’ But then I tasted one and stopped dead in my tracks. I expected the essence of lemon but got the closest flavor to a cake I’ve had in years. I was surprised by the intensity of the flavor. It is not overpowering, but it’s a thrilling ride for the taste buds. The best part? No aftertaste, none at all.
The Packaging
These came in the standard child-resistant edible bag I will forever have to curse at to get open. Typically you see bright, eye-catching colors and designs. Green Elavator took a simpler approach. The white backgrounds let the colors pop and make them stand out in a way that others don’t. The design is simple, but gives toned-down Great Gatsby vibes. They feel fancy, but the effects were, of course, the best part.
The Experience of Green Elevator Gummies
I tried both half gummies and full gummies to assess the doses. I’m a big fan of “gentle” edibles. What I mean by that is: I don’t love being good one second, and then feeling like I’ve been hit by a truck when the edible kicks in all at once an hour later. I like edibles that let the effects creep in and start working slowly, building and allowing the body to respond and relax.
These did exactly that. I noticed a shift in mood regardless of the dose. I felt light and at ease, all the mental tension faded into what felt like a warm glow of happiness. The biggest difference in taking a half or a whole was the release of physical tension. My shoulders melted down, my neck found extra space, and my back let go of the weight of the day.
The glow faded after a few hours into a low hum of peace. Leaving me feeling mentally better, more positive, more patient, and ready to take on whatever life was ready to shit-whip in my direction. I’m convinced they named themselves Green Elevator because they will elevate your problems right out of your life!
These were not only delicious, but effective at relieving both mental and physical tension. The experience was less about getting “high” and more about creating space in your body for relaxation to come in. These made the days a little brighter and the flowers smell a little sweeter. Even if it’s only for a few hours. If you’d like to have a little boost to get your day started on the right foot here’s your answer.
Stay Happy, Healthy & High!