Industrial Hemp Research Foundation Offers Competition for Students

The Industrial Hemp Research Foundation is offering an exciting new competition for students to innovate with hemp textiles.

The IHRF, a nonprofit, is dedicated to promoting hemp education and research at institutions of higher learning. The Denver-based organization has strategic partnerships with universities all over the country, the newest of which is with LIM College. Based in Manhattan, New York, LIM College is the first university in the country to offer Bachelor’s and master’s degrees in the business of cannabis.

Starting in the fall semester of 2024, students enrolled in a cannabis degree program at LIM College will have the chance to develop their own innovative approaches to the design, production, and marketing of a hemp-based textile. The Foundation is offering a prize for the student who comes forward with the best proposals for innovation in the hemp textile industry. The five categories available to students are Social Justice and Corporate Responsibility, Fashion, Marketing and Merchandising, Supply Chain Management, and Economics and Finance.

“The hemp textile industry in the United States is almost non-existent,” said Bethany Niebauer, president of the Foundation. “We’re offering this competition in the hopes of jump-starting that industry by asking the next generation of leaders for their ideas.”

The competition is only open to students enrolled at LIM College although the Foundation hopes to open it to other schools next year. Entries can be submitted between September 1, and November 15, 2024. The Foundation will anonymize all entries, and then have them judged by independent experts. The winner will be announced at an awards ceremony sometime around the holidays.

When asked about the amount of the prize, Niebauer hesitated, “It depends on how much we can fundraise.” she said, adding “But we’re hoping that it’s substantial; we want the winner to have the option of starting a new business if that’s what they choose to do.”

The domestic hemp industry focuses on cannabinoid extraction and other consumables. Hemp fiber production and manufacturing receive comparatively little attention. Students at LIM College have a unique opportunity to contribute to the development of a vibrant and innovative domestic hemp fiber industry.

“In about a year from now, I hope to be able to say that the partnership between the Industrial Hemp Research Foundation and LIM College has produced a significant contribution to the American hemp textile space.”

The Foundation is always looking for sponsors and donors. To make a donation, please visit For companies interested in sponsorship packages, please reach out to Bethany Niebauer at The Foundation has several sponsorship packages that are ideal for companies looking to promote their brand with some goodwill.

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