JAXON’s Premium Hemp/CBD Flower is an Impressive Addition to My Stash

The first thought that crossed my mind when I opened my box of JAXON Premium Hemp Flower CBD products was, “This is so ‘me’ and my unicorn.”

Unicorn? Yes, unicorn.

My unicorn and I have a vibe that’s luxe meets lax. Our chosen colors are black and gold (the same as JAXON’s packaging), and our inner essence is fresh, natural, healing and powered by the sun (the same as JAXON’s product). The unboxing experience that enabled this elaborate connection session was all so serendipitous, but there’s more to it than first impressions.

You see, a few weeks ago, my daughters asked me what my dream unicorn would look like so they could draw a portrait of us together. I told them it would be all black with streaks of shimmering gold, and it would be legal everywhere while still providing a shit ton of therapeutic benefits to all who cross its path. They mostly understood what I was saying and the portrait was beautiful.

At the time, we had no idea that a unicorn of this sort actually exists – but, much to my girls’ disappointment, it doesn’t resemble a horned horse. Rather, it resembles fat nugs of weed, provides full-body pain relief, cures insomnia and is federally legal. That ‘unicorn’ is JAXON’s Premium Hemp Flower, and it’s every bit as magical as it sounds.

JAXON’s hemp products are made with Southern Oregon’s sun-grown organic hemp flower. Grown organically by law, JAXON commits to sourcing only the purest, cleanest flower available – a task made easier by the fact they have access to hundreds of farms, allowing them to handpick only the best of the best. With products ranging from flower to pre-rolls to gummies to concentrates to tinctures to skincare and more, every type of CBD appreciator will find something to satisfy their urge to simultaneously care for both their mind and their body.

Let’s start this review with an exploration of that gorgeous packaging. As you are all now fully aware, I’m a total sucker for anything black and gold. I have been all my life, and it has made for some killer concert attire. Holding the smooth black bag of CBD hemp nugs in my hand sparked an undeniable curiosity of just how good the product inside could be. I then held the black-and-gold labeled Bubba Kush pre-roll and blunt containers in my hands, fully enjoying the fact that they have corked lids. I’m so tired of childproof squeeze tubes right now, so JAXON’s ease of use was on point for me as a reviewer. Thanks, friends! Also included in my box of goodies was a sticker and individual certificates of analysis for every strain that was sent my way.

The certificates of analysis show that total THC was appropriately negligible, total CBD ranged from 4-17 percent and that the overall total cannabinoids ranged from 13-23 percent. These cannabinoids include CBG, which was measurable in most of the strains (and very appreciated). Unfortunately, it appears there wasn’t any safety testing done in regard to pesticides, metals, mycotoxins, solvents, microbials, etc. If there was, it wasn’t noted on the COAs. As someone who has been exposed to toxic mold and had detrimental levels of mycotoxins in my body for far too long, this matters. I decided to take one for the team and smoke the product anyway, understanding that this brand has a good reputation, but I was definitely hesitant at first and would still really like to know what those levels are.

In addition to smokable goods, JAXON sent along their 1000 mg hemp oil moisturizer, also beautifully labeled and oozing class. Can class ooze? This product says, “Fuck yes!” The all-organic ingredients listed on this moisturizer are many, including evening primrose oil (a skincare staple) – and the plumeria scent is super clean and enticing. Most intriguing of all is the fact that this moisturizer contains bamboo gel as opposed to water, which serves to tighten and protect the skin’s outer epidermis. Unfortunately I have an allergy to one of the ingredients, so I gifted this to a beloved friend who is a talented makeup artist and herbal skincare creatrix.

“I love this cream for skin that’s craving moisture,” she shared. “My elbows soaked this cream up with gratitude, but my face didn’t have the same response because it wasn’t as dry, so it had a dewy feel to it for the rest of the day. It’s a luxurious product for anyone craving an organic, herbal skin remedy. I highly recommend applying it right after a shower. Your skin will soak it all in and feel silky soft.”

For more on the beauty benefits of CBD-infused skincare products, check out this JAXON blog post on the topic here.

Now, on to the smokables. The first product I smoked was a Bubba Kush pre-roll. Upon the initial smooth inhalation and subsequent exhalation, I felt an immediate sense of chill. Bubba Kush is an indica-dominant hybrid, making this a perfect strain to enjoy when you want nothing more than to shut your brain up a bit and relax. The pre-roll tasted divine, and it helped me mellow out in seconds, just like I used to do with my old bad-influence buddies – cigarettes. Ugh, gross. It disappoints me to even type the word for all to see on their screens.

JAXON pre-rolls are way better than cigs, and they’re the good kind of therapeutic. Your cannabinoid receptors will feel fully satisfied after a sesh, and you will very likely desire a place to rest or take a full-on nap if you opt for the Bubba Kush strain like I did. I vote that everyone replaces their terrible cigarettes with JAXON pre-rolls. And for those of you who think cigars smell good, you’re wrong, and you should replace your cigars with JAXON blunts, which look cooler, smell fresher and are so much better for your bod.

Smoking CBD hemp flower is uber relaxing – reminding me of the way one feels when they’ve had a full, satisfying day out in the sun. Each puff provides a soothing down-regulation effect – something we all need after modern days filled with notifications, alerts, reminders, calls and endless Google queries to satisfy our myriad curiosities. The gift of CBD hemp is that it’s accessible, potent and healing. While I will always be a THC girl at heart, CBD is what I turn to when I need total muscle relaxation and a good night’s sleep. JAXON’s products do not disappoint when it comes to meeting these needs.

Pro-Tip: Cut your cannabis flower requirements in half by creating a 50/50 blend of JAXON Hemp CBD and full-spectrum cannabis flower. This combo is perfect for an end of day smoke that’s intended to coax your body into a sleep state. Alternatively, you can choose a sativa-leaning CBD strain, like June’s flower of the month Dude, Where’s My Trike, for a less sedative effect. This tip gets bonus points for allowing folks who typically get way too high from smoking 100% cannabis flower joints to enjoy a less cerebrally potent sesh with their friends.

JAXON’s hemp/CBD flower is a perfect addition to any cannabis lover’s stash. It will allow you to prolong the life of your full-spectrum flower by blending both together, and it will also serve as a gracious and gentle weed substitute on those days you can’t get high but wish you could. I love recommending these products to friends who crave the medicine of cannabis without the psychoactive effects – especially to friends who live in places that continue to keep our beloved cannabis plant under lock and key. Cannabinoids are meant to be a part of the human experience, and I am personally super grateful for brands like JAXON that make these natural gifts available to all. Check them out at buyoregonhemp.com.

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