I was asked to speak about cannabis on a discussion panel for live viewers. I opted out of the opportunity because I am not an expert in cannabis. I know how to heal pain and I enjoy doing it, but, I would feel disingenuous speaking as an “expert”.
I was hesitant to turn it down, as I do not have a steady job at the moment. I see that transitioning careers takes patience. Without the stress of driving through a metropolis, working a nursing job or surviving a chaotic relationship, my nerves are more at ease and I use cannabis now as a luxury instead of a necessity. For instance, I water all the plants in the lanai and then take a bong-break as a reward.
Recently, I decided to have a mystical experience with a bong I have not used before. I have kept it on a shelf because it was a gift and I felt it was too beautiful to use. It was discovered in the faraway lands of Oklahoma. This particular psychedelic moment seemed to call to this particular bong. I filled the bowl, and upon lighting it I knew I was going to feel the universe a little louder. Once I lit the bowl and watched all the cannabis fibers rise up in flames, I began speaking to the bong only because I felt that it was speaking to me first.
Bong, you are so pretty, please tell me, what could I possibly say in a cannabis-panel discussion?
If you take a look at me, towards the center, you will see three faces.
Omg! I do! I see three! Left, middle, and to the right. The faces peering to the left and right have their eyes closed as if to symbolize sleep. The main face, looking at me, well that is saying…
Enjoy Right Now! You are worrying about fantastical futures! You have such beauty to behold right now! Look at me! Hold me upright! Light me!
Right now, I enjoy the universe, and I love weed so much. I love that I am smoking with you, and enjoying you for the first time, Bong.
Do you see the dial on me? It’s a knob. Look at it.
Why is there a knob on you?
Because you can always connect to the realm if you have access to the correct knobs. If you notice, a knob can help you transcend to the Universe. For example, breasts are knobs because when any human holds them, they can transcend. There are multiple knobs on this planet for people to connect. Frogs are knobs.
Is that why frogs are so important? I know they are not intelligent creatures, so it always puzzled me how they became so revered.
Frogs are dumb as a doorknob!! Ha ha ha!! Yes, they are knobs and can connect humans to the realm. In a past life you used to love toad venom!
What!? Ew!! Oh my God! Why!? That is so vile! There’s no way!!?
Yes, because in each life cycle you discover the portals to the realm and you like to continue visiting us once you discover it. You surprise us every time!
Are there other knobs that I can connect with?
Mushrooms are buttons, coming out of the ground and other dead organic life. Mushrooms are the ultimate knobs to visit the realm.
Yeah but they’re not dumb!
Mushrooms purge the dumb out of you! Also, cannabis is a channel. Most humans want to access this channel because it is as natural as water.
What do you mean by channel? All around us? In space?
In the universe, there is a small amount of fire to be found. Heat is highly sought after. Not all planetary systems have a central light source like yours. When souls ride the cannabis channel, they are attracted to the light-source, the warmth.
I guess what you’re saying is, people like the warm-glowing light in space?
Souls catch on to the cannabis channel for evolutionary thought.
Is the channel colored green? Because that’s what I keep imagining.
Yes, but it is slow-moving and very spacious. Souls are attracted to this channel and decide to be a part of it for many years in their life-cycle.
Why is it spacious? Why is it slow-moving?
It is wide because it is always accommodating. It is slow because time is a spinner, not linear. Cannabis is to be used as an aid or vehicle, throughout dimensions.
Has cannabis always been a part of my past lives?
What do you think?
As soon as I was asked the question, the connectivity was gone. I smoked out of the bong a few more times but I did not seem to hear any more thoughts as sharply. I want to emotionally and spiritually believe the universe was speaking to me through the bong. It’s absolutely romantic to imagine! I am sure psychiatrists would say I am just responding creatively to a stressor. But, can you imagine a cannabis channel floating around in the universe?
Of course I would be on that channel. Of course it behaves like a residual line of connectivity to the universe. We need it for ailments. We can always remain close to our ancestors if we take a moment and get really quiet with cannabis, the way it may be used in ceremonies. Yes, I believe I have always wanted to be a part of some form of healing tribe. Right now, I have my writing tribe. We are telling the world of our survival and recovery via the medicinal properties of cannabis. I will continue to ride this channel for as many lives as I may live.