Photos & Art Courtesy of Author
Plant-powered sex is just better – there, I said it.
Summer of 2023 I became single for the first time in 5 years. One of my objectives in 2024 is to meet myself again both in and out of the bedroom. Long gone are the days of backseat tangos, and sneaking out to find a spot in the woods. That doesn’t jive well with parenthood, especially when you’re a single parent.
Needless to say, my sexplorations look a little different than before and I was beyond ready to take things to the next level. I got both the pre and post-sex gummies, so even though it was a solo venture–I had a whole experience.
Who is Lavina?
In this day and age, it’s becoming more and more important to know who you’re purchasing products from, and this is no different. It baffles me as to why sex is a taboo topic, but Lavina is already 10 steps ahead of me. They cultivate a space to openly discuss pleasure and how we can be an active participant in it. They create products with the goal of opening our minds and bodies to the full potential of what our sexual experience can be.
Lavinia was founded by Katie, a former nun turned cannabis lover. After taking a step back from the world of celibacy she found herself bearing the weight of sexual exploration for the first time in adulthood. In creating a product to overcome the challenges she faced within herself, she also found a huge need for both women and men alike to reconnect and rediscover what pleasure is and how we can unlock a new depth of intimacy.
A Review of Lavinia Sex Gummies
Packaging and Formulation
The gummies come packaged in the standard zipper-top child-resistant packaging. They use the same black and pink on both packages in different ways, so make sure you pay extra attention to which ones you’re taking.
Now on to the formulation! The pre-sex gummy is 10mg of THC with a blend of horny goat weed, longjack, and maca root for extra aphrodisiac spice. The post-sex gummy is a mix of 10mg THC, 20mg CBD, and 5mg CBN to guide that afterglow right into a restful night. The two of these work so well together and complement each other in a way that words can’t do justice.
Taste and Texture of Lavinia Sex Gummies
Flavor-wise these are dangerously good. There is a slight aftertaste, but that fades just as quickly as it hits, and it’s not overpowering in any way.
Texture is a big one for me and this is just perfect. Perfectly soft with a little bit of chew, but ultimately melts in your mouth. It feels fancy and maybe it’s just me, but I think sex should be an experience, not a task and this sets the stage really well for that.
A Night Of Fun with Lavinia
These gummies take a hot minute to reach full onset – we’re talking 2 hours so make sure to plan ahead a little. I took one of the pre-sex gummies right after dinner and continued on with my night doing single-mom shit. The timing seemed to be perfect though, because as I reached peak onset I was off “mom duty” for the night. I could feel something… it’s hard to put my finger on the exact feeling. It was like a gentle relaxation cloaked my body and I could feel a low buzz travel from my head down to my toes.
Once the lights went out and the toys came out, I could tell that something was different. Each touch felt more vibrant and electric than before. It was like I had access to a full range of feeling for the first time. My body melted into the bed, there was no way to hold on to tension anywhere. The buzz of the vibrator filled my entire body in a way that made the day-to-day fade into nothing. My one-dimensional senses had been fully replaced with a 3D full-body experience.
The big O found me a lot faster and easier than I expected and more than once which was a welcome surprise! I was worried that my brain and body wouldn’t be on the same page, but my worries quickly dissipated as the sensations took over any ability to think. I got to reconnect with myself in a much more intimate and vulnerable place than I had before.
The post-sex gummy is a beautiful counter-effect to the intensity that comes with the pre-gummy. The peaceful, happy glow wraps up perfectly with a mix of THC/CBD/CBN to gently lull you into one of the best night’s sleep you’ll ever get. Hands down, one of the best experiences I’ve had when it comes to plant-powered play.
Returning to Myself with Lavinia
I felt it was important to tune back into myself and learn to feel again because I had become so detached from the sensory input from my own body that an orgasm was only the result of force instead of fun. These helped change that narrative and also showed me where I tend to hold myself back, getting in my head. This takes solo play to a new depth of fun, but I can only imagine how amazing these would be with the right partner! I’m sad to see the bottom of the bag, but the last few won’t be going to waste–that’s for sure!
Stay Happy, Healthy & High!