Profound Naturals Is The Smell of Nostalgia

There is absolutely nothing I love more than smoking a bowl. It’s my favorite pastime. We all know the smell of smoldering bud; it’s oddly comforting to me, very nostalgic. As fate should have it I met Andrew , the Co-Founder of Profound Naturals, and discovered he has bottled up that super nostalgic smell and put it into some of my favorite products.

Who is Profound Naturals?

I got on a call with Andrew to learn firsthand what Profound Naturals was all about.

There is a ton of science that goes into it and I won’t even begin to act like I’m in any way qualified to give an in-depth explanation. The layman’s explanation is, that they smoke the weed, extract what we would be inhaling and that is what they use to infuse their products. When I heard this I’m sure I had a mixed expression of confusion, skepticism, and childlike intrigue.

They focus on how the cannabinoids break down and what that could potentially mean for making more effective medicine. Another thing I found interesting was the synergistic approach they take to the formulations. As I’ve gotten older I’ve learned to appreciate the delicate balance of cannabinoids and how that affects your experience.

The part I love the most is it’s a family-run business! I was surprised and also touched. I have a soft spot for family-run businesses because it makes me think of my legacy with my kids.

I received 5 products in total but I’m going to highlight my Top 3 which were the Hemp Smoke Extract Tincture 2.0, the Extra Strength Roll-On balm, and the ‘Move’ On-the-Go Relief Stick.

The Smell of Profound Naturals Products

Overall the smell of all of these products is EXACTLY like a smoked bowl. It’s in no way offensive or aggressively pungent. It’s not particularly noticeable once the product absorbs either. Maybe if you have your hands in your face but even then it’s nothing more than a slight hint of smoke.

In the case of the topicals, a little goes a long way and these work best for me when they are rubbed in and have some time to “soak”.

The tincture smells almost concerningly smokey but I was surprised by how light and forgettable it tasted. I’ll admit I had some smokey burps for a little bit afterward, but I’ve had some nasty tinctures so it’s worth it.

The Effects of Profound Naturals Products

The topicals have very similar effects with a couple of key differences. The roll-on was more fast-acting and gave more intense relief. I can comfortably say it worked in less than 45 seconds. The ‘Move’ stick didn’t give me as much relief and took a little longer to kick in but it lasted longer than the roll-on. This one took closer to 90 seconds to start working. Ultimately I ended up layering these 2 together and making a power combo. Luckily the smell fades just as quickly when they are layered.

The tincture was a pleasant surprise. I’ve used my fair share of CBD tinctures and full-spectrum products. This wasn’t like either of those; more of a gentle balance between happiness and calm. I’m not going to say it was a traditional “high” but more like CBD with a little pizzazz. It’s just calming enough to keep you from raging on your kids while simultaneously making their shrieks of laughter sound a little bit sweeter.

Final Thoughts on Profound Naturals Products

Not only did I enjoy the products but the people behind it are great too. Andrew was so eager to hear my feedback and ready to make improvements and you have to admire that. Not only are they super transparent but they have QR codes on the product that takes you to the corresponding COA. Can we please start making this the norm?

Overall I think it’s the smaller businesses like this that will be the future of the cannabis industry. They aren’t huge and flashy they simply focus on making good products for good people and that’s something I think we can all get behind.


Stay Happy, Healthy, & High!

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