Photos Courtesy Of Author
My name is David Aaron Head, and this is how I am going to save the world with cannabis, philanthropy, and fish.
When you look at a cannabis plant, what do you see?
Do you see a psychedelic? Do you see a plant for religious rituals? Do you see a medicine? Do you see a job? Do you see an education?
Cannabis is all these things for people all over the world, depending on where they stand.
But when the world looks at cannabis, no one can agree on what it should be treated as.
“It’s a medicine!”
“It’s an alcohol replacement!”
“It’s a food source!”
It is like a philosophical debate that cannot get off the ground, because we are too muddled in the minutia of definitions. It must be accepted as all of these things–and held to each of those standards individually, as they apply. Let cannabis join the world stage as a resource that has an incredible ability to grow, heal, and feed the people of the world.
All philanthropy is borne of empathy and understanding. Empathy often loses out to fear, desperation, hopelessness, and convenience.
No one will pick up a grain of sand if they believe it is hopeless.
Having been so lost myself, I know that everyone needs a northern star, no matter how evil they may seem, as they are lost in fear, with no sense of hope for light.
Be that kindness, be that light, that lets them first believe that it exists, and then that it exists in them.
Incredible wealth has the incredible power to change. It is like a tree that has grown giant upon the nutrients of the land. These trees need not be chopped down or considered evil. They must merely be enticed to bear fruit. Then the small creatures eat, the soil is replenished, and the cycle of balance is restored.
The world’s oceans are the oldest source of life on our planet. They are its largest natural biological filter. The waves are the heartbeat of our planet, the skies our dreams, the trees our breath.
Billions of people worldwide depend on our ocean for fish and other seafood for a stable food source. Countless innovations in engineering, science, and medicine have been inspired or derived from life beneath the waves.
Change is essential but seems too late, insurmountable, hopeless.
Trillions of tons of waste, mass die out of animals and plants worldwide, drastic climate change, and growing human population.
It is not too late.
It is merely out of balance and to restore it to sustain human life, we must understand the relationship between humanity and our planet.
One man who seeks to move a desert will die in that desert. However, 8 billion hands, each holding a grain of sand, can move deserts with a gesture. I believe in the nobler sentiments and the potential of humankind.
Let us all hold each other’s hands and move this world, one gesture at a time.
Fins To Fan Leaves- Science-Based Stewardship
Philanthropy, cannabis, and our oceans all have one thing in common that links them: stewardship.
Humanity, cannabis, and our oceans only thrive when we care for them with understanding.
Science has allowed us to not only engage the world around us with a lens of understanding, but with empathy to the universal needs of life.
Natural science will be our gentle guide to learning about the world around us, and how to make positive change to our worldwide community.
This Entire Movement Was Born of Curiosity
Upon watching Dr. Bruce Bugbee’s online series on cannabis lighting, I purchased a light meter with the intent of being more exact with my light conditions for growing cannabis seedlings under a 100-watt grow light designed for cannabis cultivation with a 2 x 2 coverage.
When I had gotten my light intensity even across my canopy, I became curious.
How bright are the LEDs designed for high light demand coral from the tropics? The answer was that they produced twice the lux at equal distances. The 10-year-old, 55-watt light had a color spectrum that was very close to what I knew cannabis to consider ideal. The ambient temperature was 10 degrees cooler running the marine lighting.
My head swam as I considered the implications and I began to research. Surely this had been done, this connection had been made. It had not.
Some had come to the same question but deemed it not worth straying away from what is tried and true for cannabis and coral. None were willing to attempt the test.
Cannabis lighting and coral lighting have gone down the same path but merely on other sides of the law. Metal halide and high-pressure sodium have long been the light of choice for both before LED’s. There are even stories of police raiding houses expecting a massive grow, to only find a grinning fish dork.
With few resources and no job, I decided this was too important to not try to attempt.
I made one post and the entire world, for one moment, through my eyes, saw the potential of understanding the Connections in Nature.
Fins to Fan Leaves: My Contribution
As an organization, Fins to Fan Leaves is dedicated to bringing awareness, donors, and volunteers to ecological and humanitarian efforts around the planet.
As a channel, it is my personal contribution to the world classroom to make the connection between cultivating cannabis and marine life husbandry so that all of humanity can engage the world with love in their hearts and with fresh eyes.
My name is David Aaron Head and I am going to save the world with cannabis, philanthropy, and fish.
Uplift the People,
Uplift the Plant,
Be a Good Steward.