Art By Rebekah Jenks
The potential of cannabis for managing ADHD symptoms is certainly a “budding” topic.
We’ve heard and seen cases of people using cannabis to manage conditions such as pain, anxiety, depression, etc. But there are only a few instances of people reporting cannabis use for ADHD management. Maybe because the condition has not gained mainstream attention yet?
ADHD is a neurodivergent condition that affects both adults and children, contrary to what we initially believed. Physiological dysfunctions of the brain, such as decreased blood flow in certain areas, impair the performance of executive processes, such as focus, and reflect as the troublesome symptoms we see with the condition. There are three representations of this disorder:
- Type 1: Impulsive/Hyperactive
- Type 2: Inattentive and Distractible (Poor Focus)
- Type 3: Combined (Type 1 + Type 2
A research survey to examine the effects of cannabis on ADHD was conducted in 2022. Many of the participants with ADHD who noted they had used cannabis reported seeing acute benefits in their symptoms and even improvements with many of their medication side effects, like irritability and anxiety.
*Please note this article is not a diagnosis or treatment recommendation. Qualified medical advice is essential for proper guidance when considering taking cannabis for your ADHD symptoms.
ADHD affects how the brain works. Cannabis offers ADHD-relevant benefits by stimulating cannabinoid receptors on specific brain cells. It is almost easy to see how these two can work together!
Even though there are over 300 phytocannabinoids science can explore with cannabis and ADHD, it is again focusing on just these two: cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) – possibly because they are THE two major cannabinoids.
Nonetheless, from the research into CBD and THC for ADHD symptoms, we’ve noted encouraging outcomes. Initially, researchers strongly considered THC to help manage ADHD-type anxiety. But, due to its very potent effects, the cannabinoid was side-lined, and research shifted to CBD, the already highly-exploited cannabinoid.
Unlike THC, researchers believe CBD works with the brain’s systems to deliver the effects the ADHD brain needs, making it the more suitable cannabinoid for ADHD. Furthermore, pediatric science already supports CBD by approving Epidiolex, the CBD-containing medication.
These favorable results with CBD have us wondering, “What other phytocannabinoids, major or minor, might be suitable for ADHD?”
Cannabis for ADHD is not really about treating the condition, more about managing the symptoms. And as we have seen, these symptoms could be a complex blend of variations. Thus, you should never decide on a suitable cannabis product for your ADHD symptoms without the guidance of a qualified and knowledgeable medical expert. The right guide will help you put all your factors and the available product considerations in proper view for the best selection and experience.
According to user reports, some of the best cannabis strains for ADHD symptoms include:
- Jack Herer
- Green Crack
- Harlequin
- Zkittlez
- Sour Diesel
- True OG
Cannabis for children is… a touchy topic. Not many still agree with the idea, but we have Epidiolex already indicating cannabinoids can be suitable for children.
The concept of cannabis as a treatment option for ADHD in children is, as with its parent topic, very understudied. Due to the limited data, we cannot draw many conclusions in this aspect. However, we’ve heard positive reports and podcasts of pediatricians, like Elizabeth Sparr, considering cannabis and CBD micro-dosing routes for young patients.
These days, parents are getting less comfortable with the side effects and risks of many ADHD medications. So, reports showing cannabis and its cannabinoids can help with ADHD symptoms in all ages offers a new hope. However, it is uncertain what considerations would make for best decisions when recommending cannabis to a child with ADHD.
Many of the common pharmaceutical ADHD prescriptions fall under these two categories: stimulants and non-stimulants. Finding out how cannabis mixes with these ADHD pharmaceuticals has yielded different outcomes. This is possibly due to the unique effects of each pharmaceutical category and the broad profile options we have with the plant (cannabis).
Let’s Talk Research:
According to some research, some of which we’ve mentioned earlier in this article, taking cannabis alongside certain medications can help alleviate the side effects of those medications, as well as the individuals’ ADHD symptoms.
More research indicates that full-spectrum cannabis (containing the stimulating THC) does not work well with stimulant-type ADHD medications. This might be due to an overstimulation of the target cells.
Meanwhile, additional research also investigating the outcomes of mixing cannabis with ADHD medications found neither significant positive nor negative results from the combination.
There are a lieu of factors to look into when considering taking cannabis while on ADHD medications or as a synergistic treatment. You must consider contraindications, your symptoms, the constituent cannabinoids, the product form, and a ton more. Therefore, we advise consulting a doctor before proceeding with cannabis as a single ADHD intervention or as a joint technique.
ADHD for cannabis is an interesting topic with interesting prospects, only a few of which are research-backed. There are no baselines for guidance when it comes to treating or managing ADHD symptoms with cannabis.
We, therefore, suggest consulting with a qualified healthcare expert before trying cannabis for your ADHD symptoms or switching from your ADHD pharmaceuticals to cannabis for any reason. Remember, mindful consumption means a healthy journey, always.